
Poor guy become Immortal God

**Synopsis: "The Path to Divinity"** In "The Path to Divinity," we follow the journey of Theron, a humble farmer who embarks on an extraordinary quest to become a god. Guided by the enigmatic mentor Alaric, Theron faces a series of trials that test his courage, wisdom, compassion, and resilience. Chapter by chapter, Theron navigates through the mystical forest of Eldoria, encountering challenges that force him to confront his deepest fears and reconcile with his past. From facing mythical creatures to deciphering ancient texts, Theron's journey is fraught with danger and self-discovery. As Theron progresses, he grapples with doubts and uncertainties, questioning his own worthiness and fearing failure. Yet, with the guidance of Alaric and the lessons of the forest, he learns that true strength comes from within and that the path to divinity is not about perfection but about growth and self-awareness. Through facing his fears, embracing his past, and finding solace in the wisdom of the natural world, Theron grows into a formidable force, ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. Along the way, he learns that becoming a god is not just about acquiring power but about embodying compassion, wisdom, and harmony. "The Path to Divinity" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the transformative power of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a richly imagined world, this novel invites readers on an epic journey of adventure, enlightenment, and ultimately, the realization of one's true destiny.

DaoistatW0mU · Ciencia y ficción
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101 Chs

Chapter 16

**Chapter 16: The Veil of Illusion**

As Theron and Alaric ventured further into the heart of the Whispering Grove, they encountered a dense thicket of trees, their branches intertwined like a labyrinth of secrets. The air shimmered with a faint, otherworldly glow, hinting at the presence of powerful magic.

"Be cautious, Theron," Alaric warned, his voice low with concern. "This part of the grove is known as the Veil of Illusion. It is said to be guarded by ancient spirits who test the resolve of those who seek to pass through."

Theron nodded, his senses on high alert as they navigated through the twisting maze of trees. With each step, the air grew thicker, and the whispers of the forest grew more insistent, urging them to turn back.

But Theron refused to be deterred. He knew that the path to divinity was fraught with challenges, and he was determined to face them head-on.

As they pressed forward, the forest seemed to come alive around them, shifting and changing like a living, breathing entity. Shadows danced in the corners of Theron's vision, and strange whispers filled his ears, taunting him with half-truths and illusions.

"Stay focused, Theron," Alaric cautioned, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of sounds. "The Veil of Illusion preys upon the weaknesses of the mind. Trust in your instincts, and do not let the illusions deceive you."

Theron nodded, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he fought to maintain his grasp on reality. With each passing moment, the Veil of Illusion seemed to grow stronger, its magic testing the limits of his resolve.

Suddenly, a figure materialized before them—a spectral apparition with eyes that glowed with an eerie light. It spoke in a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of the forest itself, its words filled with cryptic meaning.

"You seek passage through the Veil of Illusion," the apparition intoned, its voice reverberating through the clearing. "But first, you must prove yourselves worthy."

Theron squared his shoulders, meeting the gaze of the apparition with steely determination. "We are ready to face whatever trials you set before us."

The apparition nodded, a faint smile playing across its lips. "Very well. Prepare yourselves, for the true test is about to begin."

With a wave of its hand, the apparition vanished, leaving Theron and Alaric alone in the heart of the Veil of Illusion. As they braced themselves for whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that their journey was far from over. The path to divinity was fraught with peril, but with courage, determination, and the guidance of the forest, they would overcome whatever obstacles stood in their way.