
The End!

Today is like every day, or so I thought...

it's started when I woke up, I kept on procrastinating on trying to find a job in my last year after I graduate from college, even though I needed the money to repay my student loan.

I majored in computer science, so I know some programming , but I still don't think that I know enough, so it's scares me to find a job in this area.

in that regard, today is DIFFERENT.

Today I am going to ace that job interview ;-).

I prepared all the metirials for the job interview so I will just stop for a quick

Hot Chocolate, yaa you got me right, no one can interfere between me and some hot chocolate, Untill They Did... (:-0).


There is so much pain, I didn't think my hot chocolate would be really hot , and it's all because the large Bang I have heard that scared me to death and caused me to speel all my hot chocolate on me, now I am really angry.




what is this, I am loosing blood , I feel I am going to faint.

I fall down from the chair I sited on while drinking the hot chocolate, that spilled on me.

there is a man wearing black, with a gun and a bag with a lot of many in it screaming get down or I will shoot again.

couldn't you said that before you shot me, so I thought to myself before I fall asleep...

toot, ....toot, .....toooooot.

strange the pain is goon, where am I?

[A question has been recognised that the system can answer, would you like an answer?]

Ohh strange, haamm, yes please, thank you :)

[answer - you are currently being uploaded to your new vessel]

new vessel? fun, what happened to my old one?

[answer - your current vessel has been demaged beyond the vessel capabilities to sestain your soul]

ohh bummer...

can I please get a hot chocolate then?

[attention convincted souls are not allowed to be uploaded to a new vessel once the vessel cannot sastain the soul anymore ,unless the approval from the supreme judge ...]

wait what?!?!?!?

convicted soul, what have I done?

[answear - the soul don't have enough deeds point to acquire the information, current deeds point needed are 99 deeds point]

[would you like to calculate how many deeds point you have?]

yes please .?.?

[attention calculation process has began, This procedure is not recommended while the soul has not completed the trial process]

[calculating past deeds point currently reviewing your soul , soul may faint and even decompose in the process]

wait why didn't you warned me before?!?!?

I feel weak...

[attantion - soul has lost consciousness]


[attantion - deeds point evaluation procedure completed soul has regained consciousness]

[attantion - the current deeds point have exceeded the countable limit]

[attantion - the supreme judge have seen how you progressed planet earth anonymously by creating machines that automatically harvested and planted food to feed the hungry people in the world and decided to prolong your punishment and send you to a world on the varge of callapse in order to save the world]

[attention -the supreme judge granted you the ability to endlessly reincarnated]


am I a slave to progress planets now?

( yaa right , I forgot to tell you that I am the leader of an anonymous group of people that build those robots that the ai spoke of, bummer but now I do have the ability to endlessly reincarnated so cool)

[answer - Dou to your past deeds point and the signed contract , if your deeds point are found to be below 1000000 your soul will be disabled, if your deeds are between 1000000 and 9999999999999999999999999^99 you will be realesed , but if your deeds point are above that, by the contract you singed you become a property of the great Kingdom of heaven and will be in charged of uplifting worlds]

great, great, at least can I buy something with those deeds points?

[answer - afermative you can buy potential point that will increase your soul ability to train certain skill]

cool what abilities can I buy?

[ answer - you can buy intelligent which will increase your mana pool, strength which will increase your strength, agility which will increase your speed, stamina which will increase your stamina regeneration and wisdom which will increase your mana regeneration]

Cool can I like for example put all the deeds point like in wisdom for example?

[order executed putting all point into wisdom]

[attention your deeds point are currently 0 you do not have enough deeds point to choose to who you get reincarnated as such the system will choose a lowered deeds scored parents]


ohhh God I made the most stupid choice in the world, does that means I am going to be as week as hell, I bet I won't be able to lift a stone :-0 ?!?!?!?!

[attantion - reincarnation will commence in 3.....2....1]