
Digging a Hole

Elodie was shown to where she would be staying for at least a couple of months. Hakoda's tent was a bit bigger than the other crew members' tents. There were some bedding and furs that needed to be fixed, a desk and chair, and a chest. She joked, "The interior design is amazing." Hakoda chuckled as he walked in behind her and closed the tent's flap behind him. He asked, "Do you need help setting up the dividers?" Elodie shook her head, "I got it."

Elodie grabbed the chair that was in the tent and the supplies to hang up the privacy curtains. Hakoda quickly fixed where he would be sleeping, which was basically just a pile of furs and blankets, before watch Elodie struggle. He leaned against his desk, "I can do that easily, you know." Elodie glanced at him, "Congrats, but not everyone is a giant." He shook his head at her softly, "I meant that I could do that for you." She replied, "It's ok. I got it."

Hakoda pushed off the desk and walked over to Elodie. He placed his tan hands on her waist and looked up at her, "Why won't you let me help you?" She paused her fidgeting with the curtains and shrugged, "I don't know." She went back to messing with it and Hakoda gently grabbed her hands, "Tell me." Elodie sighed and faced him, "It's just that I feel so useless all the time because I'm still not allowed to do anything. And, it makes me feel guilty because everyone works so hard, and I don't. I just don't want to be a burden." Hakoda gently pulled her down to give her a soft peck, "I promise you're not a burden. No one thinks that you are." She wrapped her arms around Hakoda's neck, "I still feel bad about it though." Hakoda rubbed small circles on her hips with his thumbs, "Don't."

Elodie smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him. Hakoda happily returned the kiss and his arms circled Elodie's waist. He picked her up from the chair, which made her wrap her legs around him, and her hands found their way into Hakoda's hair. Hakoda slowly made his way over to his bed and laid both of them on it. For a second, Elodie felt like she was on air and her worries and stress left her.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. It seemed like someone was going to enter the tent, so Hakoda pushed himself off of Elodie and was waiting to bolt if the tent's flap moved one millimeter. Once the coast was clear, Hakoda went to resume what they were doing, but the look on Elodie's face stopped him. She was obviously not happy. He asked with his head slightly tilted, "What?" Elodie rolled her eyes and tried to wiggle out from underneath him, "I'm tired of sneaking around, Hakoda. Like what just happened ruined, no, killed the mood."

Hakoda sighed and sat back so Elodie could sit up, "I know it's annoying, but it's for the best." Elodie pulled her knees up to her chest, "You always say that, but you never give me reasons why. Tell me why our relationship has to be a secret." Hakoda thought for a second before answering, "Some of the people here still don't trust you because you showed up in the middle of an ocean," he gave a couple more reasons that Elodie thought were reasonable and acceptable answers, "And, you're pretty close in age to my children, so-" Elodie stood up quickly and scoffed, "You really know how to kill the mood, don't you."

Hakoda just realized what he said and blurted out, "I didn't mean it like that. I just mean maybe my kids will feel weird if their stepmother is closer to their age than mine." Elodie pursed her lips before saying sarcastically, "You should definitely keep talking. It's getting you places." Hakoda wanted to jump into a hole right about now. He tried to say something in his favor, "What I meant to say was-" Elodie looked at him and said, "Hakoda. You meant what you said, and it's a valid point. Don't worry about it, ok. I'm going to get some fresh air."Elodie left the tent and Hakoda plopped into the chair in the room. He groaned and placed his head in his hands, "I am an idiot."


Elodie had hung around Zokkik and the other crew's healer for the rest of the day since Petak and Konoye had gone to a nearby village to get some supplies. She was not in the happiest of moods, which made Zokkik question her, "Is everything ok, Elodie? You've been 'untangling' that bandage for half an hour." She looked up at him and smiled sheepishly, "Oh... sorry. I've just been stuck in my thoughts, I guess." Zokkik sat beside her, "You want to talk about it?" She wanted to blurt out, "Hell no," but she didn't. She just shook her head no, "No thanks. It's nothing really." He nodded and said, "Dinner's ready, so you can go get some." Elodie nodded and set the bandages down before walking out of the tent.

Everyone else was already getting food and sitting in a circle like they normally did. She went to go stand in line for food when there was a sudden force on her shoulders. She shrieked as her knees buckled and she stumbled. She already knew who it was, "Freaking heck Konoye! Your fat butt almost broke my legs!" Konoye was almost doubled with laughter, "That scream was cute, Elodie." She went to go pounce on him, but Zokkik's voice called out, "No roughhousing by the food." Konoye gave Elodie a smug look and she glared at him.

Konoye wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she was tempted to bite it. The only thing that stopped her was Konoye saying, "There's no need for you to eat here tonight." Elodie tilted her head, "Huh? Why?" He smiled widely, "The village near here is having a festival, and me, you, and Petak are going!" Before she could even start cheering, three voices called out at the same time, "No."

Elodie whipped around to see Zokkik, Bato, and Hakoda and she whined, "Why not?" Zokkik placed a hand on her shoulder, "Elodie, it's obvious that you're not from here. It's too dangerous for you to go out into public." She retorted, "It'll be fine. Konoye and Petak will be with me!" The three men's minds didn't seem to change, so she tried playing the sad card. She said with a cute pout on her lips, "Come on guys. I haven't been able to do anything fun in like forever and I'll be super-duper careful." Hakoda crossed his arms, "We said no." She gritted her teeth and said pettily while staring at Hakoda, "Fine, dads." Was it a low-blow? Yes. Did she regret it? Not at this moment.

Elodie grabbed Konoye and Petak's arms and dragged them off to their tents. It was a funny sight, a tiny girl pulling two giant men behind her. She wasn't about to let them ruin her fun.


I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Oh and I know their relationship seems a bit toxic, but I promise it's not. They have lots of fluffy and happy moments behind the scenes, I'm just speeding through it to get to the drama XD

Sunny_SideDowncreators' thoughts