
Pokemon World: Yes I Am Carried by Legendaries

MC gets transmigrated into Pokemon World, a crazy alternate universe of Pokemon where Mega Evolution, Terra, Super Moves (Z-Moves), Fusion (Pokemon + Pokemon) and Synchronization (Pokemon + Trainer) exist. All the major characters from the anime and games also appear. "The strategy for this game is too hard, I just want to be carried by Legendaries and Unbalanced Variant Pokemon" "Uwah! Your Pokemon are so strong! You must be an incredible catcher!" "No, I just know where to find Master Balls" "All of your Pokemon have incredible moves! You must spend an incredible amount of time training them!" "No, I just know where the Hyperbolic Training Chamber is" "AHH! All of your Pokemon are Mega-Evolved!? You must be a science genius!" "No, I just remember the lore from the game, it's actually very simple" Overpowered MC, NO HAREM, Romance Option Vote, Drop you Power Stones in the Bag! :)

OneShotMonk · Cómic
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15 Chs


'This may have been a bad idea.'

I decided to break out into a soft jog as I passed through the early chambers of Cerulean Cave.

Light bounced off the gem-like rocks, casting shimmering reflections that danced across the cave's uneven floor and jagged walls. The air felt cool and damp against my skin, the distant sound of dripping water echoing like a ghostly melody.

My speed and focus prevented the Zubats and Golbats that loitered around in the air from concentrating on me, only following me for a second before leaving me alone.

'What's that sound?'

A quiet banging noise quickly got louder and louder as I progressed through the cave. I squeezed through an alarmingly small gap to spot a small number of Machops and a Machoke repeatedly slamming their fists into the cave walls, cracks and dents lining the surface.

'Don't overthink it.'

I broke out into a sprint, flying past them as they continued to train, the group only noticing me once I had left, swiftly resuming their training.

I let out a slight sigh of relief as I descended deeper into the cave, knowing that there was little ground left to cover.

I came to a halt as I approached a rocky wall with several large holes dug into it, knowing from experience that the large left hole led to the Legendary.


My heart dropped as a massive rocky snake emerged from one of the holes, seemingly awoken by the sound of my arrival. The Onix stared at me for a second, analyzing my alarmed expression before it lunged at me.

Adrenaline alone carried me through the hole, allowing me to slide through a tunnel while Onix cracked the ground where I previously stood, no doubt trying to guess which tunnel I had passed through.

'This is it.'

My heart pounded far louder than was dignified in the situation, my knees shaking slightly as I arose to my feet, taking in the deepest portion of the cave around me, finally laying my eyes on the Legendary awaiting me.

Resting on a smooth rocky platform, discernibly asleep, was a sleek metallic dragon, the surface of its body shimmering due to the bioluminescent rocks of the cave. Soft mechanical hums accompanied its rhythmic breathing as it slept.


A soft squeal escaped me as I registered that it was Miraidon that was asleep, causing it to awaken.

A pair of layered blue and yellow eyes locked onto me instantly, twin streaks of electricity shooting from its head as it registered my presence.

If Lapras was intelligent, then Miraidon was sentient, the eyes that stared back at me full of understanding and comprehension, prompting a feeling as though it gauged me in a second.

A small smile stretched on its reptilian face while a thick electric tail flickered to life, a small puff of air escaping its mouth.

It continued to stare at me, moderately amused as I continued to edge closer.

My mind honestly went blank, my subconscious grasping how incredible it would be to actually catch it, my body desperately afraid of triggering a negative response.

'It would be an insult to even bring out Raticate.'

Miraidon seemed to understand my desperation, all the more amused as I eventually reached spitting distance.

With trembling hands, I bravely reached out, gently stroking its head. My heart pounded like a drum, each beat echoing in the cavern's silence.

Doubts and hopes clashed in my mind, the weight of this encounter not lost on me as I felt the smooth, cool surface of Miraidon's scales

'I need to be smart about this, I can't fumble this opportunity.'

This wasn't a game where I had a guaranteed chance to catch Miraidon. Although I was this close and had access to a Master Ball, Miraidon wasn't a standard Legendary.

Realistically speaking, in the time it would take me to hastily reach into my backpack, it would jet off, potentially disappearing forever.

I eventually knelt down in front of it, Miraidon staring at me with curiosity, as though it was intrigued by what I would do next.

"I-I want to make you my friend," I said aloud, my voice far more shaky than I wanted it to be.

Its expression softened, my word choice clearly right as it tilted its head.

I placed my backpack between us, slowly bringing out a Master Ball and a PokéBall.

"In my right hand is a Master Ball. It uses advanced technology to capture any Pokémon it touches, regardless of how they feel."

Its expression immediately sharpened, visible disdain and disgust in its eyes.

'I knew that wasn't the right call.'

"In my left hand is a PokéBall. It's much more standard and doesn't have a high capture rate. If you see something in me you dislike or you change your mind, you can leave me at any time."

This was a feature that was unique to Pokémon World and it was one of the core reasons why Team Rocket was driven to develop the Master Ball. More realistically, PokéBalls wore out over time, becoming less and less able to contain Pokémon, the standard lifespan roughly two or three years.

Moreover, when the desire for a Pokémon to leave its trainer was strong enough, a Pokémon could break out prematurely, needing to be captured again.

I inhaled softly, the silence in the cave deafening.

"A-Alternatively, if you don't want to be friends with me, I can leave you in peace."

Forcibly capturing Miraidon with a Master Ball wasn't off the table completely, but I would certainly pay for it in the future if I wanted to bond with it and borrow its powers.

On a more day-to-day level as well, I didn't want it to resent me or be angry at me if that wasn't absolutely necessary, so as foolish as it seemed, I put the ball in its court.

It looked at me with sharp, calculating eyes, its pupils sparkling as it stared into my soul, weighing its options.


My heart fell as it waved its robotic arm, dashing both my PokéBall and Master Ball onto the floor.

In that moment it was like the weight of the world had fallen on my shoulders, all the hype and shock I had felt immediately wearing off.

'I guess it was a little too good to be true.'

I weakly managed my emotions, picking up both balls and placing them in my bag.

'It makes sense in a way.'

Despite my sincerity, I hadn't really proved myself as a capable master in any way, making serving me illogical from its perspective.

'I want it badly but it's still not worth it.'

Miraidon was more than fast enough to jet out of the way in the time it would take me to throw my Master Ball. At least if I left it alone, there was the chance that it would remain here if I came back.

I exhaled softly, remaining respectful.

"I respect your wishes. If you don't want to be friends with me, I won't force you."

Miraidon didn't respond, its eyes lingering on me for a second before it eventually closed them, going back to the resting position I had found it in.

'What a bummer.'

I kept my composure, motioning towards the exit of the room before a loud mechanical whirring echoed through the atmosphere.

A bright blue flash radiated out in front of me, Miraidon swiftly blocking my exit and staring at me with a playful expression.