
Meeting the Fairy Princess

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 4

Sorry about the late update…

I have 3 late works that I passed, I was lucky that my teacher was on the nice side but hey, why would you care about my life?

Anyway, let us start!

Pokemon Showcase Hall, Lavere City

"…I am lucky that I was allowed to use my casual clothing, right Mimik and Cynder?" Soul said as he blankly stares at the flashy costumes the 5 staff members (idiots) recommended to him. The Chandelure laughs at the reaction of his trainer while the Mimikyu just screeches in amusement. Then, he heard knocks at the door to which he told the person behind the door to come in.

"Are you ready, sir?" A woman says as she has her headphones ready with a clipboard in hand. Soul answers with a yes while Mimik screeches in excitement with Cynder patting Mimik on the back. Soul looks at the two with a smile then feels the Ultra Ball shake to which he just patted it.

"Hello! I am Monsieur Pierre, and welcome to the Pokemon Showcase!" He announces as the crowd yells in excitement. His Klefki behind him jingling his keys as a light surrounded the stage as a pink key appears on his trainer's hand.

"Today, the performer who will win today's contest will receive the Lavere Princess Key! With 5 Princess Keys, participants can in Master Class!" Pierre said as the key floated in the air as it was covered in pink light.

(A/N: I know that there isn't a Princess Key or even a Showcase Hall in Lavere but, it is a fanfic lol.)

The crowd cheers as Monsieur Pierre smiles and clears his throat and announces the judges.

(A/N: Just to be clear, I don't know who judges the Pokemon Showcases so I will just use some random people or something.)

"Tonight, we would do something similar to a Pokemon Contest, we have our special guests here that came from Hoenn just to judge here! I would like to welcome you, Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo!" Pierre said as the lights closed and a spotlight was directed to 2 figures.

"Kalos is simply 'Remarkable!'" Mr. Sukizo said as he says his signature line to which the crowd cheered while Mr. Contesta smiled and shook his head. The crowd cheered again.

"And, we have our very own Gym Leader joining us today! Valerie of Lavere City!" As soon as he said her name whistle and cheers came out from the crowd as the spotlight was directed at the Fairy-type Gym Leader herself. Valerie smiled and waved at the camera and the crowd cheered even louder.

(She is still wearing the kimono but the 'wings' that she has are a LOT short so it shows her hands at least.)

"We have a special guest arriving later but she has her duties to uphold somewhere." He said in a respectful tone to which made the crowd think who was the special guest.

"Anyway, before I announce who is our special guest. We will have a short demonstration of how things would go." He said to which made the crowd grow serious.

"…and for the first time, we decided to make it a bit more interesting because our 'performer' for today will be male." Pierre waited for a negative reaction but he saw the crowd grow MORE curious than before.

"Well, enough stalling, let me introduce to you our performer, Soul Ecto!" Then, a mist covered the stage as Monsieur Pierre dissipated into said mist, vanishing.

'Soul Ecto?' Valerie widened her eyes, why did that name sound so familiar…

'Didn't Clemont warn us about a person like that…?' Valerie thought. Suddenly, the contest hall was dark and silent. Nobody could utter a word because they tensed up. Then, a purple wisp appeared in the middle of the stage…

The wisp did circular motions and slowly more appeared. It formed a circle and the crowd heard footsteps from the stage. It slowly showed a human-figure and a weird-looking Pikachu appeared in front of them as the spotlight was directed at it.

Then, the wisps started to move again as a shadow tendril appeared from the weird Pikachu as the crowd and judges still kept silent. Slowly, more shadow tendrils appeared and showed a pink light. It slowly gathered into one place as a small purple flower started to bloom to which surprised the crowd and judges.

The flower was suddenly covered in the shadow tendrils as the wisps kept circling it. The shadow tendrils then brought the flower to the weird Pikachu as it placed it near it. The wisps suddenly stop and dive directly at the flower to which the crowd gasp but made the Fairy-type Gym Leader narrow her eyes at it.

Then, the wisps covered the flower, and once again, shadow tendrils appeared from the weird Pikachu as it slowly brings the flower, still in its standing position and covered with the wisps, up for the crowd to see clearly. The cameraman decided to focus the camera on the flower that was still covered in purple fire.

The flames then start to form something, it went ablaze as it started to become bigger and bigger until it was as big as the human-figure beside the weird Pikachu.

The fire dissipated and there stood a flaming-purple lotus flower being carried in what it looks like a shadow-like stalk to which made the crowd and judges especially Valerie widen their eyes in awe both looking at the weird Pikachu and fire-lotus.

The lights turn on a bit as it fully showed Soul smiling at his Pokemon along with a floating chandelier beside him. Soul then told the weird Pikachu to stop to which it did and slowly the lotus turns back into the purple-fire covered flower. The weird Pikachu then gave the still burning flower to its trainer as Soul smiled and held it in his own hands making the crowd worry, but it seemed like his hand wasn't burning.

Soul blew the fire from the flower, extinguishing the fire that covered it, and there stood, the purple flower from before. The weird Pikachu then took the flower and walked to where the judges were making the crowd intrigued. The weird Pikachu then looked at the Fairy-type Gym Leader as it held a shadow hand to her that held the purple flower.

This made the crowd say "aww" as Valerie smiled at the Pokemon and accepted the flower to which it let out a happy screech and went back to his trainer. Valerie also looked at Soul and found herself blushing to which she shook her head in embarrassment making Mr. Contesta chuckle.

Then, Soul and his 2 Pokemon regrouped and stood in the middle and did a bow. Then said trainer looked at the crowd waiting for their response.


It was complete and utter sile-

The crowd yelled in awe at what they just witnessed, they felt nervous because of the tense atmosphere but it somehow made the performance better.

"That was the most REMARKABLE use of Ghost-types I have ever seen!" Mr. Sukizo said in the most "amazed" voice he could use. He was amazed that Ghost-types, those that are usually hard to train because of their mischievous and "creepy" ways can make a performance like THAT!

"I agree with Mr. Sukizo, you Soul Ecto, have trained your Pokemon well. This Performance was the most intense one yet! It is much better than most Top Coordinator's performances I have seen!" Mr. Contesta said as he was impressed with what he has seen. Then, he looked at Valerie who was staring at Soul with a blush to which he smirked and cleared his throat startling Valerie in the process.

"U-Uhm, yes! I have never seen anything like this before, I am very glad to have been a judge in this year's Pokemon Showcase." Valerie said with a stutter. She glared at Mr. Contesta as she sighed and stared at Soul again who was clueless about what was happening.

"Well, there you have it, folks! A round of applause for Soul Ecto!" Suddenly, Pierre appeared on the stage with his Klefki which surprised the crowd but Soul just stood there not surprised.

"Thanks." Monsieur Pierre said to Soul to which he replied with a nod. Soul just made Mimik make a Phantom Force portal, it wasn't noticed since the camera wasn't focused on them and it was just a small Phantom Force.

The crowd cheered again and suddenly, the lights cut off and a pink-haired girl appeared in front of the stage. Soul and Pierre looked at each other and Soul nodded and quickly told Mimik to use a Phantom Force while he returned Cynder to his Poke Ball.

The spotlight shone on Pierre, making the crowd gasp again as Soul suddenly disappeared. What Soul didn't know was that he left a flabbergasted Valerie as she saw him seemingly sink into the ground along with Mr. Contesta who wasn't as surprised.

"Isn't he the one who fought the Galar Champion, Leon?" Mr. Contesta said to which made Valerie remember something.

'He was the one who Clemont warned us about?' Valerie thought as an image of Soul went through her head as she found herself blushing, again!

Valerie looked up at the huge ceiling still with a blush on her cheeks. She then noted to prepare her strongest Pokemon if he were to challenge the Gym after this.

"Skrii!" Mimik shrieked happily as Soul just chuckled at his Pokemon's joy. He decided to change attire and wore his Banette hoodie he got from Hau and Elios so that he won't easily get noticed. He decided to go back to the Showcase Hall to watch the contestants perform. Soul then motioned Mimik to fuse with his shadow to which the latter happily accepted as it disappeared.

Suddenly, an image of Valerie smiling pops into his head to which he widened his eyes in surprise and shook his head focused on his thoughts. He felt his face become hotter. Soul sighed as he felt the Ultra Ball in his pocket shake. Soul felt like Giratina was laughing at him. Actually, why is Giratina laughing?

Soul sighed again as he looked at the clear blue sky that made him think.

"I wonder how Hunter and Snow are doing…" Soul said as he made his way into the hall again as a spectator.

Hunter's POV

I watched as Snow gracefully 'danced' in front of one of the special cherry blossom trees that never wilt. She looked so beautiful as her 'kimono' fluttered in the wind. She noticed my stare as she blushed and giggled. She floated over to me as she winked which also made me blush.

"Did you like the view?" Snow said in a teasing voice as I answered with an 'owlish' smile.

"I loved it," I replied as she looked as flustered as ever. I always asked myself how I got myself an awesome ghost girlfriend. I suddenly hug her as she let out a surprised yelp but hugged me back. I let go and look into her eyes as I lightly 'peck' her on the forehead to which she smiled.

"Should we go back?" Snow said. We were both really satisfied by today since it was peaceful here and there are not many wild pokemon here. We only saw a couple of Spritzees flying around.

"Yeah, we should." She smiled at my answer and gave me a little kiss on the cheek to which I also smiled back.

I suddenly felt my heart flutter…

Wait, that isn't mine…

It was Soul's heart!

We have an unbreakable connection that I ended up sometimes feeling what Soul feels. Luckily, it doesn't apply to him and just sends a mental signal when I am in danger. It would be really hard to fight if I got hit and he also receives the damage.

"I think Soul just found his 'soulmate'." Oh, how I like my cheesy puns.

Snow's eyes widened and she giggled.

"You can finally tease him back." She simply said to which I already have a devious plan. You get ready, Soul Ecto.

I let out a hoot and collected my Ghost-type energy while Snow floated beside me. I closed my eyes and opened them as both my eyes seeming glowed purple as we dissipated into the ground.

We appeared in a small alleyway and saw Soul in his Banette hoodie. We observed him as he continued to walk over to the Showcase Hall.

"I wonder how Hunter and Snow are doing…" He said to which I let out a smile that caused Snow to smile too.

"What did we deserve to be under a trainer like him…" I heard Snow say. I looked at Soul with a smirk. He always put us before him.

"What did I deserve to have a 'soulmate' like you," I said back to which made Snow blush profusely as I laugh. She hit me with a small Shadow Ball on the head as I held it in pain. She crossed her arms and did her version of a pout.

I chuckled at her reaction and hugged her again. I felt arms around me again as Snow sighed and positioned her head on my shoulder.

Ah, you are so easy to tease…

Oh, you are now a target too, Soul.

3rd Peron POV

As the Pokemon Showcase ended. Soul went to the place where he was messaged by Pierre to meet up. He was then again led to the backstage of the Showcase Hall. He was noticed by the woman who called him last time.

"Soul Ecto? Monsieur Pierre would like to see you…" She said as she motioned me to follow her to which he did.

They walked until they were met by a fantasy-like door to which made Soul raise his eyebrows in amusement. He then knocked on the door as he heard a faint 'Come in.' from the inside. He slowly opened the door and saw Monsieur Pierre smiling at him.

"Why, glad to see you here, Sir Ecto." Monsieur Pierre said in a happy tone as he stroked his mustache a bit.

(I just noticed that he sometimes speaks French/Kalosian in anime but hey, I don't care rn.)

Just as Soul was about to take a seat, Monsieur Pierre and his Klefki who just appeared bowed in front of Soul, startling him.

"Thank you, thank you…" He said repeatedly as he rapidly bowed and bowed again along with his Klefki doing the same. Soul had a bead of sweat on his forehead as he quickly calms down the Monsieur saying it is fine.

After a few minutes, he calmed down and conversed with Soul. They sat there talking about what they did and Pierre commented about his use of Phantom Force to which Soul replied as a secret. Pierre laughed at his answer. They talked about more stuff and eventually stopped.

"Valerie would be delightful to meet you, she is at her Gym right now, do you plan to challenge it?" Pierre said to which Soul responded with a nod.

"Well, off you go, I wouldn't want to hinder your progress in your Gym Challenges," Pierre said as Soul waved it off and said goodbye.

"He is an interesting guy, don't you think Klefki?" Pierre said to his Pokemon who jingled his keys in agreement.

Soul then walked and was met by 2 ghosts. It was Hunter and Snow.

"Back from your date?" Soul said in a teasing tone. Hunter smiled and lightly 'pecked' Snow on the forehead which causes her to giggle and kiss the owl's cheek, much to his happiness. Soul smiled at the scene and waited for them to stop. Eventually, Soul returned both Mimik and Snow into their Poke Balls. Before Mimik was returned, he saluted to Hunter causing him to do a salute back.

They approached a huge shrine with cherry blossom trees blooming around and inside it.

"This is the Fairy-type gym, huh?" Soul said to no-one in particular. He continued inside and was met by 2 girls in kimonos.

"We were expecting you, Mr. Soul Ecto." They said at the same time as they guided Soul deeper into the majestic shrine. Eventually, they stopped and the girls told for Soul to wait and so he did.

He waited anxiously and saw a girl in a much more 'larger' kimono, his eyes then slowly observed her heels then next to her legs then slowly went into her face…

Oh, how weird it was that he focused on her legs more…

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds until Hunter tugs Soul's shadow as Soul's eyes widened in surprise as he cleared his throat and quickly shook his head and offered a smile. Valerie then felt heat rushing to her face that both Soul and Hunter noticed with the former not believing his eyes. What was more surprising was the fact the purple flower that 'he' gave to Valerie was in her hair.

"Hello, I am Valerie, the Lavere City Gym Leader." She said as she did a bow. She looked into his eyes again with seriousness this time.

"I would like to battle you, Soul Ecto…" She said staring into his eyes. His smile widens a bit as he replied.

"I accept," Soul said as he stared back at Valerie.


(Author's Note:

Sorry about this "cringe" chapter, if you like to put it that way.

As I said, sorry about the late upload. I will upload again in 3 days or so, to the people who read my fanfic.

Sorry if I use the wrong words or misspell words along the way because yeah. I am too lazy to reread it myself.

Is my "romance" part good or not, because if it is, I plan to do it again. I will gladly take any criticism in my writing on romance since this is my first time writing one, lol.

Anyways, you have seen that I decided to reroute the story and make the love interest Valerie.

Don't judge me, I just liked one of the fanfics based on her.

I plan to do a long chapter in the next one, hopefully adding a serious event. I wanted to make this longer but I need to finish my school work first.

By the way, I read almost every Pokemon Fanfic TrueRising has made and most of them are harems that included Valerie. I also can't find any decent fanfics about her so I decided to make mine one.

As I said, don't judge me.

I would change the summary eventually and I thank those who have read this far and decided to stay.

I have 220+ views on this fanfic to which has blown my mind, when I reach 300, I plan to post 2 chapters that have 3000 words.

I plan to end this fanfic if it doesn't have any more plot, UNLESS, you guys want me to continue.

I have another Pokemon fanfic just in case it happens.

Anyways, thank you, and please follow Flyg0n for he is my inspiration to continue this, lol.)

DarkTSMcreators' thoughts