
Pokemon: Unlimited Growth

Our protagonist mike died and meet GOD and get some wishes and got sent to reincarnation. he wants living like a random npc but problems always come in front of him. He is not like a hero but will always help out when there is a need for. He is almost invincible but don't want to make moves unless necessary. Disclaimer : I don't own pokemon or any original characters only my own character . Also you can support me in Patreon at patreon.com/DangerZone69

Danger_Zone_69 · Cómic
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28 Chs

Ch 03: New Beginnings (2)

When I first open my eyes and learn about the world I see many other new addition that I don't know in the anime.

I reborn 12 year early then anime protagonist Ash Ketchum.

In this world every kids go to there adventure at 12 year old. When they finish there study at any trainer oriented school.

'So when ash born I will already be ready for competing in the indigo league ', Mike though.

Ok let me see what kind of traing I did in those 5 years.

First I check how to unlock special type of power in Pokemon world. When I learned that it is going to be impossible without a Pokemon of my own then I give up.

I start to learn relatively simple and practically usefull topics.

When I am 1 year old I learned breading knowledge which is very complex and I can't learn quickly so I got a genius ideas.

' what would happen if I use my talent limiter to unlock more limit of my brain and raise the upper limit,'I though this and try and get a very surprising results from it .

Human have many limit in them when you break through them you get unlimited growth so when I up my brain power limit I unlock psychic powers.

Psychic type is very different from other type which people can unlock more than other type.

Psychic type of Pokemon basically have powerful mind power so when I upgrade my upper limit I got more mund power so I unlock my psychic powers.

When I unlock it I don't tell anyone so as not to have burden on them and got unwanted attention.

In this life I want to live a salted fish life. Doing what I really want and live a peaceful life only show up when there is a problem with my family or when the problems happened in front of me.

So I want be like someone in some manga that wants be not known.

So I don't want my family to think I am a genius and have some ideas about sending me to some of the psychic school to attend school which I don't want in this life.

Even if I don't have memories of the previous life I still feel tired when heard about about it .

So I decided that if I have to go I will go to normal school than take special school filled out with "genius" so as not to mingling with them.

Even if I don't tell anyone about it I still need to practice so as not to give anyone any knowledge about my power.

When I read about how to do practice In the psychic and start doing it in my free time when no one noticed myself.

I mostly do it in night 1 hours of levitating training for better control and 1 hour of meditating for replenishing psychic energy I do this everyday and because of other talent The result is very not so surprising.

In a month or two I can fully control my psychic and don't lick any so as not to get recognize but that's won't do because there are many powerful psychic type Pokemon who have better control of this.

But for the time being I can hide form below king rank pokemon and that's would do because king and other powerful trainer is hard to find in the open .

In our town there is only 2 people who are at this level my grandpa and the mayor who is a ground type specialist.

So even if it was hard I practice my psychic powers daily so as not to get recognize and can myself properly.

In about 2 years I upgrade my power to the master level control and I fell very good and don't try very hard after that level because legendary Pokemon Is very rare and I don't need to hide from Pokemon as they are not greedy and selfish like human.

And I love pokemon over people to know about my power as they are loyal than humans.

But in this 5 years time besides mastering my psychic and upgrade to this level I also regularly read In my library for more knowledge.

You know knowledge is power so I read many things like breeding, poke block making, ball crafts, Pokemon move set etc.

With time I have very deep knowledge about all the subject but I can't do practically any of the work.

But when I have chance I will go to the family farm to observe and sometims do some research from my breeding knowledge to help the pokemon in there.

But when I do all that I come to a realization that my talent is even more powerful than advance or master breeder combined so I don't want to do that very much.

If I want I some time allows some Pokemon of the farm to get lower level of my unlimited growth ability to increase there level or move mastery so as to help me with my power research.

I only do minimum of everything so as no to appear suspicious.

When I have time I mostly play with my family pokemon and help increase their limit and also give them some growth power when needed.

I place limiter in them and those limiter will save all the experience they got from my talent unlimited growth to better increase there power.

I made as to let them have power slowly so it seems natural and don't appear suspicious.

My family pokemon ares my grandpa was an grass type trainer so he have his ace Venusaur and have other all Pokemon of grass type like shiftry, Breloom, ludicolo, victreebel and vileplume.

My grandma have her Venusaur, leavanny, pidgeot, leafeon , abomasnow and buttefree.

My mother have golem, Nidoqueen, crobat, roserade, heracross and Ninetales.

My father has Venusaur, Arcanine, Nidoking, pidgeot, leafeon and Gyarados.

My fathers Venusaur was the child of my grandma and grandpas Venusaur and it with my grandma taking care of the 2 elderly Venusaur it became our family starting pokemon.

When I will be 6 in 3 week when my when my birthdays will be in 2 week and I will also get my first pokemon from my grandpa and the Venusaur family become our family starters. My dad get on and I well get one also and when my sister of age she will also get one.

This is to make ourselves early ready for the compilation so as to get us ahead of others and many influential family also give pokemon to there kids who are able also get them early to get ahead of other.

I am very excited for that and looking forward to it. The pokemon I will get the GOD said abut will have to wait because I can't go to the wilderness to search for it.

When I will be 6 grandpa said he will take me to the forest outside to play and get a fill of the wild Pokemon out there.

I am anticipating that my potential pokemon will be there so as I can find it.

God Did say I can fill it when it is near me and I can instantly recognize it .

With the same training I did for my family pokemon there are some who become more powerful like my grandmas Venusaur who with my help also ascended to the king rank and became my grandma's fast king rank pokémon and also make my grandma also a senior rank trainer.

Because of this grandma got a full team of 5 epic rank and one king rank pokemon and that's out of normal.

Grandpas Venusaur also get some upgrades and hes other pokemon also get more powerful but only ludicolo rank up to king rank and make grandpa also an gym leader level trainer but he and grandma doesn't go to get there new trainer rank as they all retired and don't want to leave and do extra work in the wild.

There will be more if I don't control there rank up progress so as not to attract attention they only thought is this is because of there many years of accumulation so they rank up randomly.

This is also the case because they accumulate many years so when I fast up there will limits to hire rank and place limiter and also bless them with unlimited growth their power shot through the roof if not for me blessing the limiters they will all breakthrough to the next rank so I let them accumulate more when I remove the limit and let them rank up so not as seen suspicious.

I can tell that all my grandpa's pokémon will go to King rank if I remove the limit I will remove it slowly once every year so it seems natural and my grandma's pokémon not as far from but all of their remaining five epic can also go to Duke rank.

My parents pokémon are not have that longer time to accumulate so they don't receive that many objects but because I want to give equal balance so I let one of each other pokémon to break through to next rank and they each got one extra duke rank pokemon each.

Because I like the Arcanine and Ninetales the most I let them rank up and let them my parents ace pokémon.

I play with Arcanine and Ninetales the most and help the with there training when they are practice so as to get there move mastery up.

I see that my mothers 3 pokemon is in low rank compared to my fathers Pokemon I let the others 3 also go to epic as to make my mom also an peck rank of advance rank.

Before that upgrade my mom only ace was her Nidoqueen who was also peck of epic and can upgrade to that within a year so when he get my blessing he is also ready to rank up but I prevent it from happing so as to not attached attention as to get 2 of the pokemon upgrade at the same time seems suspicious.

I plan to let all of their pokémon upgrade slowly by the time I went out there will be no problem in town or in the family who will have at least one emperor rank pokemon and I can see that my grandpa's Venusaur will surely get a chance to rank up .

When I first get them the blessing some old pokemon seems they realize that they fell light and don't fill burden from their limit when they reach a certain rank and going up become difficult so when they fill that they can go higher rank they start to train again regularly to become stronger as that is the drive that every pokemon have regardless of the type.

So when they see that they progress high with there moves and have felt there limit upgrade more they also became enthusiastic about training.

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