
Pokemon: Unlimited Growth

Our protagonist mike died and meet GOD and get some wishes and got sent to reincarnation. he wants living like a random npc but problems always come in front of him. He is not like a hero but will always help out when there is a need for. He is almost invincible but don't want to make moves unless necessary. Disclaimer : I don't own pokemon or any original characters only my own character . Also you can support me in Patreon at patreon.com/DangerZone69

Danger_Zone_69 · Cómic
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28 Chs

Ch 02: New Beginning (1)

It is already about 5 years when my consciousness came back and I was born as the first child oh an adventurous family of trainer.

My name is now Mike wood. I would be 6 in a month time. Wood is our family name my grandpa found our family.

He's name is olive wood born as an orphan he came this far with his hard work and determination.

He and my grandma go on many adventure before settling down in this town some distance away from celadon city.

He was an peak senior rank grass type trainer and my grandma was an peak advance trainer.

When I heard about the ranks and such that are not in the game or anime I look up to my universal library and find many things are similar and different at the same time.

Ranks for example goes from rookie, junior, intermediate, advance, senior, gym, Elite, champion and master there are also some sub stage in some of the rank.

Pokemon are also divide into stages like common, uncommon, rare, epic, Duke,king, emperor, champion, master, legend, god.

Every grade of trainer depends on the rank of there pokemon.


New trainer that just got there trainer id or just graduates from a trainer school and got there starters. They'll have At least one common rank pokemon to even qualify for this rank id.


When trainer get there first 2 gym badge. If you want to even get the chance to win the first 2 gym you need at least three of there pokemon in uncommon rank or at least one of the pokemon in rare rank to get this Id.

If have one uncommon rank pokemon then the sub stage will be low rank.

All three will be mid rank and if you have at least one rare rank than you become peak of this rank and are close to get your next rank this is call the peak.


When a trainer get 5 gym badge and have three rare or one epic rank pokemon to qualify for this rank.

This is also the same of the other rank before.

You get 2 rare rank and get low of this Ranks sub stage like you just advance recently.

Mid rank will be to have all 3 rare rank and peak is to have at least one epic rank pokemon.

The progress will continue to be use in the following ranks as well.


Where trainer need all 8 gym badge and have a full team of epic rank pokemon or 1 Duke rank pokemon.


Where you need a team of 3 pokemon of Duke rank and at least one king rank pokemon needed and go to the league headquarter. Then they have to do mission for the assignments to go to the pokemon tide and leading a side to defend against the tide or already have experience before to qualify for this rank.

This is the official rank of league person and get very good treatment and can get high level positions in towns or citys. In town get the position of mayor or the local gerrasion commander.

Every senior is a veteran leaders and everyone has respect for them.

Another way to get this rank was to become a champion of the league cup to get this rank.

Gym leader:

Can be called protector of the main cltys . This rank can obtain by having at least 3 King rank pokemon .

They are the city protect and also the commander of the city defense against pokemon riot. This position can called the core of the alliance.

They are also give badges to new trainer and guide new trainer. This position can also be a hurdle for many trainer.


This is the rank of elite of the world only need 1 emperor rank pokemon to get the chance to qualify.

This is also can be accive by defeating the regional elite 4 members but typically elite 4 members are all have full team of emperor pokemon so getting this rank was easy with one pokemon to do alliance mission then challenging the elite 4.

There can be many elite trainer but there is only four member of the elite four in every region because they are the elite of the elites.


There is only one champion in each region only by defeating all members of the elite 4

And then challenging the previous champion on can achieve this rank.

This can be called the pinnacle of a region and also the strongest in the region.

To get champion rank you need at least one champion pokémon.


This is like a mythical rank that is currently only known about 7 people who are at this level.

You have to have at least one master rank pokemon to achieve this rank .

Many new or weaker legendary are in this rank and it can also be called the pinnacle of the rank a Pokemon can achieve normally.

If you want to break through you need high talent of like one in a lifetime talent or blessing of god rank legendary Pokemon.

Samuel oak, blue oak and red Ketchum etc are some known name who achieve this rank.

You are right in this world there is some mix between game and anime you can get.

Red and blue are the fathers of the protagonists of Ash and Gary.

It is know that pokemon alliance is now control by the famous professor oak. Before that alliance has become more and more corrupt so when oak become champion and realized that he with his trusted pokemon partners destroy most of the corrupt family and clean the alliance of any of their influence.

Because of this he establish new rules and regulation to control any influence of families politics.

Only the strong can really comment or give their opinion in balance unlike other time before the Cleansing of the where the corrupt family do their politics and they are greedy for power and also wants to use there technology to control some legendary to do there work and there for angering some god level legendary Pokemon to took actions and was going to destroy most of the people in the world so to re stats the era of man.

Oak with his pokemon came and quilling there angar and killing all the people and family that was involved in it.

There after now 1000 year later many family only get there Money and don't have real power in there hands and they dare not do anything funny in the alliance.

In the world the year has 24 months and everyone has a longer life span.

The more powerful person become the more year they can live.

Master rank can live like 2000+ years and because of this they are hard to come in tv and news .

Masters leave in solitude and don't interfere with there family matters most of the time and some time teach some really exceptional trainer in there family.

After that incident there is like only 2 family really in power in the alliance the joy and Jenny family.

Those family got there blessing from the god level legendary Pokemon this is also why they are respected in the alliance and even oak hardly take action against them .

Also in this world those two family members look alike because of this blessing. That's why there family female members are all look alike. There family also have male members but they don't look alike.

Because of this blessing the joy have special healing power and can make healing pokemons heal ability more powerful. This is why all the pokemon center and almost all the healing pokemons are there exclusive Pokemon. Even the wild Pokemon don't attack them most of the time.

The males of the joy family didn't get those exclusive blessing but they have some little talent because of this blessing. That's why they become the bodyguard and main fighting figure but some joy don't always go to healing academy but are powerful trainer themselves.

On the other hand jenny family has a strong sence of justice and they can't be currept by any other Force. Thats why they are all high level police department officers and they all are in major position in the league for the police department.

It can also be called jenny familys exclusive department and because they are in all the city, town and village all around the league.

They exclusively use Growlithe, Arcanine, herdiera and any other dogs type Pokemon most of the time but Arcanines are there main signature pokemon just like joys Chancy line pokemon.

They have the breeding rights to those pokemon and other can find them in the wild but that's very rare.

This two family are friends for most of the time they remember. They will help each others when needed.

Besides master rank there are two other rank pokemon the legend and god rank.

Legend rank pokemon are mostly adult legendary Pokemon who roaming the world like the three sacred birds and beasts and many other.

Other pokémon can grow up to this rank with the blessing of the legendary Pokemon or many powerful talent.

Master Rank pokemon can also have chance to not die in front of this level of Pokemon and can even escape from them.

God level pokémon can be the real pinnacle of the pokemon would where the most ancient legendary Pokemon are like mew, Ho oh, Lugia etc are all in this category.

There are many tier's in this rank of Pokemon based on the power they control.

This is the now available record I can get in my universal library talent.

Then there are affinity in this world and everyone can awake them based on the pokemon they have.

The same type of you have you can awake your affinity.

There are some genius who can awake there affinity before they start there journey or get there first pokémon.

This type of genius is very rare so most of the people would awake one or two type of affinity and use those type of Pokemon and became a specialist in the category .

Gym leaders or elite Four members are like this. They specialize in One type of Pokemon and have there own affinity.

Affinity have a great influence in the way you train your pokemon. The more powerful your pokemon become the more powerful your affinity become and the the more you feedback to your lower rank pokemon to help them progress further.

Your affinity can also help you to boost your powerful pokémon to break through the ranks.

So thats why many trainer will specialize in one type or two type of pokémon in there journey.

There some who can specializing all type but progression become much harder than more you progress the harder it became.

But some are talented enough to train more than one type of Pokemon and get to high enough level such as Prof. Oak , Blue and Red.

This type of trainer are most people call monster rather than simple genius.

Now back to my family we live in the town call Light town. My grandpa is the honorary commander of the town defence army and my father work at the police station.

My fathers name is Robert wood and he is also an peak advance trainer. He stop his journey with my mother when she got pregnant and settled down with my grandparents.

My mother name is Mia wood she was an low advance trainer.

She with my grandma took care of our small breeding house where we sell common grass type of Pokemon that is common in the kanto .

Our breeding house is the only one in the town. We sell those pokemon to the town children and farmers who use grass type pokémon for their farm.

My Grandma was in intermediate breeder who take care of the pokemon in our family and also help our breeding house pokemon.

My grandpa tell me and my 1 years old sister name lily about his passion for the grass type is when he was young in his adventure he once saw the forest spirit celabi and becomes grass type Pokemon trainer.

His goal was to see or find celebi one more time but with time he can't find it so he retired with my grandma when she have my father.

Even if he can't find celebi he still has a love for grass type Pokemon since his early days.

This is also why he name our family this name.