

Chapter 26. Azazel's gets punished!.

After I went back inside the shop I found the girls already waiting for me just as I opened the door, I quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind me but stopped myself from walking forward, I then looked down and frowned *tch! I should know Azazel of all people would eventually show up here, he did the same thing with Issei in the anime so of course he was going to do that same with me but to think he was bold enough to actually show up like this...*.

I could feel the girls watching me with worried expressions on the faces as I keel looking down lost in thought *the Grigori are one of the most disorganized factions in the DxD world and Azazel is like the worst leader ever but they do have a good information network...*.

[Rean? is everything okay? why did that fallen's presence disturbed you so much?.]

*Its not his presence per say Astraea, is the fact that he had the balls to show up in this town regardless of the fact that Serafall lives here, if someone like Azazel did that then I might as well expect anyone to suddenly show up on my doorstep*.

[I see, but your strong enough to fight anyone off in this world, your Pokemon as well, some of them are already way beyond anything in this world too, so why get worried?.]

I looked up and sighed *because it means that our peaceful life here is over and a part of me would have wished it lasted longer... I know the girls are strong enough to face anything in this world too but I would have liked to at least let them have more peaceful days...*.

[... Rean it's going to be alright, the girls are strong and they know what living in the supernatural world means, just do as you always done train, grind and live! show the beings of this world you power and will!.]

*I'm also here to help and support you master, I'll always be by your side and together we will cut down anyone who dares threatened our family! no one will ever hurt our treasures!*.

The girls were about to approach Rean and ask if he was okay but then Rean suddenly grinned, it was a grin that they have never seen on him before, a grin that said 'I'll take on any challenger' and the girls couldn't help but to think that it was a very cool and handsome grin.

*Thank you Astraea, Excalibur... you both are right, lets all of us get ready and get stronger together as always, we'll protect the home and family we have built in this world together!*.

With new resolve in my heart and a new promise to myself my Stardust energy flared to life and began to dance around me in response to my desire, the energy coalesced above me and created a dragon's head that roared in defiance to the world itself.

The girls watched in awe as the manifestation of my dragonic ancestry showed itself as I just continued to grin excited for a good fight.

That day the world shook in response to a roar of rebellion, the world itself answered the call of a dragon calling out to all challengers, the world itself roared in anticipation and glee to see this new Dragon rebelled against the supernatural.

Throughout the world, all the Leylines shook and vibrated, they flared and dance, the Leylines also known as the Dragon veins responded to a roar of rebellion and many noticed..

However it was a nine tailed fox who felt the Leylines act up but unlike the rest of the Supernatural world she knew who it's was that the Leylines were reacting too.

So Yasaka smiled and let out a small giggle, she then stood up and soon left her office to go to her room where she was planning on using the portal there to go see her boyfriend and her new family "fufufu, just who did upset my dragon? whoever it is, I hope he's ready... you just awoke the flames of rebellion in his heart and the whole world isn't ready for it".

Yasaka smiled and then as soon as she arrived to her room she immediately walked through the portal which close immediately as soon as she stepped through it.

That night everyone gathered at the dinning table and ate dinner together as a family, the Pokemon were already fed and most of them were sleeping already, of course some of them we're walking around the house since they're nocturnal in nature.

As we ate I began to explain everything I found out today thanks to Azazel's sudden visit and needless to say that both Serafall and Yasaka weren't amused by the news, the girls listen intently as I talk while Kunou was cheerfully eating her dinner.

Yasaka stopped eating and then leaned back on her chair "sigh... spies huh? I'm so sorry Rean, I didn't think information about Kyoto's attack would get out like that, especially information pertaining you... I know you don't want anything to do with the factions but it seems my negligence put you on the spotlight".

I shook my head in response to Yasaka's words "no, don't apologize Yasaka, it isn't your fault, it the fault of whatever spies Kyoto has and besides I knew this day would eventually come, I just wished our peaceful days would have lasted longer".

Yasaka frowned and looked down "I'll make sure to find those spies and send their charred corpses to Azazel! how dare he do this to you! in my city no less!".

I smiled at Yasaka, it seems like she taking this very personal for my sake, Serafall however was a different story, she was quiet and quite frankly that was scary, I know her very well by know so I know that she's planning to do something rather harsh "Serafall?".

Serafall looked up from her food and stared into my eyes *ah~ she's definitely pissed right now, my guess is that she didn't think Azazel was this stupid and now she feel rather insulted that he dared to this in the town she lives in*.

Serafall is very protective of those she loves and cares of, some may even think she's down right obsessed when it comes to those she loves most but I know the truth.

Serafall despite being a maou and being one of the most powerful devils in the devil faction 'until my the skills, perks and techniques I gave her made her the most powerful devil that is' is absolutely terrified of losing anyone.

She's been in a war before after all, she had lost friends and family during that Devil Civil War and she had seen too much death as well, that left a mark on both her mind and heart.

To her, her loved ones are the place where she belongs, her home so to hear that another faction leader not only approached me but our shop and the girls as well must have disturbed her quite a bit.

All this was made worse because Azazel tried to poach me for the Grigori, in Serafall's mind that was like Azazel trying to steal me from her, to take me away from her and that's something that she could never forgive.

So as I stared into Serafall's eyes I gave her a smile and then said " make sure you make it hurt but don't kill him, that would cause the Fallen to declare war on the devils and I know that's something you don't want".

Serafall stared back into my eyes for a good long second until she then gave me a nod and a soft smile, she then stood up and silently left the dining room and then the house, once outside I felt her teleport away.

I know where she was going, we had already known that Azazel had bought a house in Kuoh a while ago, we just ignored since he didn't seem to live in it so we thought it was a sort of safe house or something like that and even though I knew he would eventually show up to check on Issei I didn't think I would be on his radar, too bad that my involvement during the battle of Kyoto pretty much revealed me to supernatural world to some extent.

But we both know that Azazel is there right now, more than likely licking his wounds after I hurt him, the girls stared in worriy as Serafall left but I just smiled at them to let them know that everything is fine, Yasaka however still looked worried and she let it known "are you sure that this is a wise decision Rean? this could lead to a conflict...".

I took a sip of my drink and nodded "its fine Yasaka, I doubt Azazel will do anything in retaliation, he doesn't want war either, no, he's going to have to take his beating like a man and besides, you know how Serafall is when she get that mad, nothing I say will stop her but the least I can do is to remind her that she doesn't want war to fall on her shoulders".

Yasaka nodded and then continued to eat while Kunou finished her dinner and then sat on my lap as she began to tell me about her day and about the games she played with Serafall which made me chuckle because Serafall was supposed to be working and not playing all day.

Yasaka of course smiled and giggled, happy to see Kunou so cheerful while spending time with her new Papa, it was an adorable sight to see and it warmed her heart to see her daughter so happy, especially when she sees a small and kind smile on Rean's face every time he spends time with Kunou, it seems like her daughter already has him wrapped around her little finger.

Azazel was sitting on a couch and resting in the condo he had bought in Kuoh, he was still hurting from the shoulder throw that Rean had given him and he was confused as to why it hurt so much "it's almost as if his attack somehow broke through all my defenses and resistances...".

Azazel sighed and was seriously reconsidering his actions, he should have known better than to approach an unknown like that but he was just to curious about him and about what had happened in Kyoto plus he was pretty sure that Rean also had a Sacred Gear of at least Longinus rank, how else was he able to hurt him so much "hehe, looks like it was the right choice to buy this condo, this way I can keep an eye on Rean and the new Red Dragon Emper-".

But he was cut off by a very cold and soft voice "is that so?... so you still plan to do whatever you want in the town where I and my sister live and mess around with my boyfriend, Azazel..".

Azazel froze in both fear and shock upon hearing that voice, he recognized it right away of course but the tone in which Serafall spoke those words told him that she was not happy but something caught his interest in what she just said and so he slowly turned his head to the side and caught sight of Serafall standing behind him.

The glare and her glowing pink purple eyes caused him to gulped, he has never seen the small maou looked so angry before and if he was honest he was utterly terrified right now, for some reason even though Serafall wasn't flaring her power or anything like that, Azazel's instincts were telling him that he was in danger "b-boyfriend?".

At this moment Azazel was praying to every God he know that she didn't mean Rean when she said boyfriend however it seems like his prayers went unanswered when Serafall frowned and then said "Rean Hayashi is my boyfriend... and he just told me what you dared to do today, I know that your are aware that the store where you found him is under my territory, that I bought it not long ago and you still went and tried to walk in... are you stupid? or do you have a death wish?... or is it that you don't take me seriously enough like the rest of the world?..".

It was here, at this very moment that Azazel knew that he messed up and big time because Serafall's energy suddenly flared to life and his condo began to flash freeze but that wasn't the worst thing either, no it was the fact that Serafall was transforming, taking on a form he has never seen before.

Her hair turned soft lavender and ice began to wrap around her like an armor along two horns of ice that grew upwards from her forehead, it at this moment that Azazel finally recognized this, he knew that what he was witnessing is a True Demonlord Form and that meant that Serafall Leviathan has reach the level of Super Devil, perhaps even higher from what he was sensing from her energy and in response he only had two things to say "oh... shit".

Serafall didn't say anything she just disappeared in a flash of ice and appeared right in front of Azazel and grabbed him by the face, she then threw him through a wall of his condo to the outside.

Azazel flew through the air unable to stop himself from the force in which Serafall threw him but it didn't matter since Serafall appeared above him and kicked him down sending his body spiraling down at high speed where he crashed against the corner of a rooftop and bounced off of it he then fell to the street where he landed back first on the ground cracking it.

Azazel gasped and then coughed in pain, he then rolled on to his knees and hands and immediately jumped away to dodge Serafall who had landed a second later where he had crashed fist first, he stared in disbelieve as the pavement cracked from her strength in a panic he called out her name in hopes of calming her down "Serafall! wait a second! I didn't know Rean is your boyfriend!".

Serafall stood up and turned her head to glare at him "it doesn't matter... you still came into the town I live and still planned to keep an eye on him... you obviously don't care about the fact that this is devil territory, my territory so why should I?".

Serafall then swung her arm and shot forward a small number of ice spikes that flew at high-speed towards Azazel who tried to protect himself with his wings but the ice spikes easyily went through his wings and pierce his body as well, causing Azazel to scream is pain as the sub-zero ice began to actually burn his body from the inside, he then fell to his knees in from the pain.

But Serafall suddenly snapped her fingers and the ice spikes explode causing Azazel to once more scream even louder and his blood to splash all over the floor.

Serafall then slowly walked up to Azazel and once she was in front of his kneeling body she spoke up "I don't want to see you here in Kuoh again Azazel, next time I catch sight of you or even hear of someone catching sight of your stupid face around here I'll find you and kill you!".

Serafall then grabbed one of Azazel's wrists and held up "and just in case you don't think I will, let me show you how serious I am!".

Azazel began to scream as Serafall began to slowly freeze Azazel's wrist, the sub-zero frost quickly spread to his hand and then his arm stopping right below his elbow.

Once it was frozen solid Serafall began to squeeze the wrist and twist it making the frozen limb to begin to crack causing Azazel to grunt and flail around in pain until the frozen limb could no longer take the abuse and shattered, pieces of it landed loudly on the ground.

Azazel fell to ground holding his froze stump while shaking in pain, that ice not only hurt him physically but it had somehow damaged him spiritually as well, the pain he was feeling right now was like nothing he had ever felt before.

Serafall however just stood there while glaring down at Azazel as he grunted and squirmed on the ground in pain "I want you gone by the morning and I don't want to ever see you anywhere close to Kuoh again, trust me I'll know if you dare to show yourself here again Azazel and the same goes to your minions, I'll kill any fallen that dares come into my town!".

With that said Serafall turned around and then teleported away from the area, Azazel unable to even speak or do anything from the pain he was feeling could only regret choosing to provoke someone who obviously had connections to a maou, it just never crossed his mind that Rean Hayashi was someone that important to Serafall Leviathan.

A few moments later, after the pain somewhat subsided enough for him to be able to move, he immediately teleported away to Grigori headquarters where he could get heal but inwardly he was already planning to never ever show himself in Kuoh again if he can help it.

After Serafall came back I snuggled with her for the rest of the evening, she seemed stressed and still very mad at what Azazel had done and I get it.

When Azazel was introduced in the anime he sort seemed to be very aloof and non serious character, the kind of guy who would do whatever he wanted and then just apologized if he gets caught, though that apology would be very insincere at most.

That's why no one trusted him in the anime and for a good reason plus like any other fallen angel he has a habit of thinking he can handle anything which in hindsight is true since he's powerful, he has twelve wings after all.

But either way, he choose the wrong person to provoke, I didn't care enough about him to worry about it, it was that he was able to find me and talk to me that upset me because that would mean others can do so as well.

But personally I didn't care enough about him and his faction full of idiots to actually do anything to them.

But Serafall is a completely different story and today Azazel found out that she's not playing around but this whole ordeal left her in a bad mood so that's why I'm currently cuddling her while watching TV.

The rest of the girls were doing other things right now, Asia, Yasaka and Kunou were playing with the nocturnal Pokemon, Sakuya and Wiz were preparing the dough to be used for tomorrow's pastries and YunYun was doing her homework.

It was another quite evening for everyone but that was just how they like it, meanwhile as I snuggled with Serafall I began to think that I needed to continue grinding or perhaps go to another world to finally reach level 100 and become a Dragon God.

Right now I'm a level 64 Heavenly Dragon but the exp needed to level up has once again increased a ridiculously amount, so instead I have been focusing on leveling up my new skills, spells and techniques.

Thankfully Protagonist's Growth has made this way easier so I'm well on my way to having all of these new abilities i have recently obtained reach master rank but that just leaves exp and leveling up.

So more than likely I'll have to world jump soon if I want to become a Dragon God, the problem is that it will be a random world and who knows where I'll land, I am very powerful but there's some worlds out there that I might not be ready for yet.

I think that when I do world jump I'll go by myself first and then once I know where I am and have a place to stay and what not I can summon the girls so they can be with me.

But for now I'll leave that for later, right now I just wanted to relax with Serafall and the girls, I'll think about world jumping once things calmed down a bit.

The next day, after both work and school we all got together and watched Rias's and Riser's rating game with Serafall since she was curious about what the Gremory heir had done in terms of training.

They lost of course though they did put up a better fight than in the anime, Koneko had become marginally faster and was able to use magic to be able to punch energy punches for long distance attacks, she had gotten rid of her of a few of her weaknesses, so good for her.

Kiba combined magic and his swords to be able to use some kind of sword energy wave which would change properties depending on what type of sword he was using, plus he was also using some sort of magical leather armor which was a good thing.

Both Akeno and Rias seem to have learned more elemental spells and some hand to hand combat as well, nothing to impressive but it was enough to catch their enemies off guard.

Issei was the one who improved the most, he was not only faster and stronger but tougher as well and had better control over he's small mana reserves too, though he still developed that stupid Dress Break spell as well something that brought a frown on the girl's faces, looks like I'm going to have to enchant all of our clothes with an indestructible enchantment.

However all of that improvement was only good enough to beat Riser's peerage who were taken down fast and hard to the point that all of Rias's peerage was able to face off against Riser together.

But it was there were they started to have difficulties, no matter what they did Riser kept coming back for more and eventually one by one Rias's peerage began to be take down.

Not even Issei unlocking Gift helped them beat down Riser whose Regeneration was strong enough to outpace the amount of damage he was receiving, the match completely took a turn when Issei said something and that must have pissed Riser because he then started to beat the living shit out of Issei.

That kid really needs to learn to keep his mouth shut otherwise he's going to get killed one day, either way like in the anime after beating Issei into a pulp Riser then threatened Rias with Issei's life and so she forfeited so the Red Dragon Emperor didn't get killed.

I wasn't surprised though, it was too late to start training and Rias and her peerage just didn't have enough time to really get stronger, I was still surprised they were able to improve that much though and even if Issei hadn't opened his mouth they still would have lost.

That still left one question in the air, what is Sirzechs Lucifer going to do now? in the anime he sent a letter to Issei so he could go and save Rias but that was only possible because Asia was there to heal him fast, so a soon as he woke up he was well enough to immediately go challenge Riser.

But this time that is just impossible, Asia is living with us and even though she saw Issei's beatdown she didn't seem to want to go heal him or anything like that otherwise she would have asked me already to let her help.

I guess this shows how much my presence had changed this world, do I feel bad about it? no, not really, in this world Rias and her peerage are strangers to me and even though I know them from the anime I don't personally know them so there's no reason for me or the girls to even care enough.

Serafall watched the match because she was curious as to what Rias would do with what I had shown her during our match, that's really the only reason why we watched the rating game in the first place and soon as it ended we went about our days, we are busy people after all.

In the city of Lucifaad in the Sitri hospital layed Issei Hyodou, his injuries are being treated but they were so severe that not even a Phenex Tear was enough to heal them quickly enough.

This left Sirzechs Lucifer in a conundrum since he was sort of relying on the Red Dragon Emperor to wake up soon and go save his beloved sister for her unwanted marriage.

But it seems like Issei was going to be unconscious for a long while and by the time he woke up it would be to late to save Rias and so Sirzechs was thinking on what to do while he watch over her sister Pawn.

Along with him was Sona who was also worried about Rias's peerage but out all of them, the most injured was Issei and even though she didn't like the boy as much, she can at least respect the passion and loyalty he had shown in facing Riser to save Rias.

However it was Sona's presence which reminded Sirzechs of something he had heard from Akeno and this prompted him to ask Sona some questions "Sona, Akeno told there was a boy who Rias challenged in order to get his help, she lost of course but it seems like Rias and her peerage have him in high regard, do you know anything about that?".

Sona frowned since speaking about Rean was her least favorite thing to do but this was lord Lucifer asking her about it and she couldn't just refuse respond "yes Rean Hayashi, he showed Rias what her and her peerage were lacking in battle during their match, that's what help them improve a lot these past two weeks of training, we don't know much about him and his source of power is unknown but we are aware that he's extremely powerful However we can't really approach him much since my sister is dating him and protecting him...".

Now that surprised Sirzechs, Serafall has a boyfriend and never mentioned to him or the other maous, it did make him wonder why but that isn't important right now "do you think he would be willing to help Rias? do you know where I can find him?".

Sona shook her head "no, I don't think he will help, he has often said that he wants nothing to do with devils as a whole and my sister supports this whole heartily, I don't know where he lives since my sister has his information in lock down but I do know he has a sweet shop somewhere in Kuoh, your more than likely to find him there".

Sirzechs frowned and looked down *not a fan of devils huh? Serafall must have told him about our society so I can't really blame him for not wanting to be involved with our race, but what to do?... it seems like I have no other choice though*.

Sirzechs looked up to Sona and nodded at her "thank you Sona, I have to go since I still have work to do, do keep an eye on Issei, at least until tomorrow when you have to go to Rias engagement party".

Sona nodded and watched as the leader of her faction left using a teleportation circle, she then looked down towards where Issei was sleeping "I'm sorry big sister but I don't think anyone else would help Rias now...".

Sona had an idea as to what Sirzechs might be planning and even though she had some reservations about it, she did still want do anything she could to help her best friend but there was a part of her that was telling her that this might not go as planned.

Now she can only hope that Sirzechs doesn't do anything stupid to earn himself Rean's or Serafall's ire, she whole heartily believes that no one would come out unscathed from the repercussions.

That evening in the home of the Lucifers, Sirzechs was speaking with his wife Grayfia Lucifuge about what he has planned to help his sister.

Grayfia listened intently to what her husband was asking of her and once he was done explaining she couldn't help to question him on his decision "Sirzechs are you sure this is a good idea? your technically asking me to kidnap this boy, do you really think he would help us after all of that?".

Sirzechs however just smiled "it's going to be fine Grayfia! we'll make sure recompense him, we'll give him anything he wants and I'm sure he'll forget all about it after".

Grayfia frowned because that was a way to optimistic way of thinking "what about Serafall? I don't think she's going to be too happy with us using her boyfriend like this, you do know how she is when it comes down to those she cares about".

Sirzechs frown a bit and nodded "I'll make sure to apologize to her and explain things, I'm sure she will understand that I really didn't have any other choice, I can't openly oppose the marriage after all".

Grayfia sighed but nodded "I hope you know what your doing... I still remember the devastation Serafall caused the Old Satan Faction back in the civil war, you might be safe from her but I don't think I can handle a pissed of Serafall".

Sirzechs nodded in agreement, the other three maou and Grayfia know full well just how terrifying Serafall can be when angry.

Soon after Grayfia bowed and then left to go prepare for her husband request, she too wanted to help Rias and if doing this would do so then she was more than willing to do it.

The next morning since it was Sunday I decided to stay at home with Kunou and play with all the Pokemon while all the girls went to the shop to open it and tend it, last night I spent some hours in the Instant Dungeons leveling up some of my low level Pokemon since Kunou wanted to see how they evolve and so I had them reach level 100 so Kunou could see them evolve.

So first I evolved my Eevees into Jolteo, Flareon and Leafeon and Kunou was immediately enamored with them and the Eeveelutions to her as well, she even transformed into her fox form and played with them for a while.

Then I evolved both Tyrunt and Cutiefly into Tyrantrum and Ribombee, Kunou loved them both as well and rode on top of Tyrantrum's head for a while and hugged the tiny Ribombee who started to sit on Kunou's head wll the time now, she sort looked like a hair accessory sitting on her head like that.

Last but not least it was Ghastly's turn and he soon evolve into Hunter and then proceeded to make faces with Kunou to see who would laugh first causing me to laugh for a bit, over all it was a good and fun morning and day spent with my daughter and my Pokemon.

However that change later in the day when Sakuya suddenly appeared where me and Kunou where playing hide and seek with the Pokemon, the shocking part of her sudden appearance was the fact that she was dragging someone unconscious and bleeding all over the place.

*I don't know who that is but for Sakuya to stab them that many times makes we wonder what they did to earn that*.

It was only after Sakuya got close to me and Kunou' that I was finally able to recognize who exactly she dragging to me *... that's fucking Grayfia Lucifuge! what on earth is going and what is she doing here in Kuoh!?*.

The face I was making must have been funny because Sakuya literally giggled and then spoke "I take it you know who this is right?".

I nodded and raised an eyebrow "well yes, that Grayfia Lucifuge and she's the wife of Sirzechs Lucifer and as you see, she is his head maid as well but what I would like to know is why your dragging her unconscious body all over the place?".

Sakuya smirked and then let go of Grayfia causing the devil maid to slam her head on the ground and make a small groan of pain escape her, Sakuya then fixed her maid uniform and patted it to get rid of some dust and dirt that got on it and the began to tell me what happened "well around 3 in the afternoon we ran out of some ingredients so I decided to go out and buy them when I saw this so called maid standing just outside the shop and looking for something or someone, as soon as I decided to go out and but the ingredients she approached me and ask me if I was a Lucifuge or something like that after that...".