
Pokemon Trainer: Black

The Pokemon world, Many think that the Pokemon world is peaceful and beautiful, but that is far from truth, In the Pokemon world there are black markets, Pokemon hunters and many other hideous things which we don't know of. And more importantly, In the wild, Survival of The Fittest is the universal truth This is the story of Black, Of how he died by getting hit by a train, Getting reincarnated in the Pokémon-No, The REAL Pokémon world and how he became the best Pokémon trainer in the world with his system. Welcome to the story of, Pokémon Trainer: Black

SpritVoidWolf · Cómic
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12 Chs

3: System, Meeting Pokemon and- Mew!!??

Location: Pallet Town, Black' Household

Time: 11:30 A.M, 7/5/1997

[Mother Pov]

Hello, My name is Ruby and i am a 23 Year Old Woman, I have a husband who's name is Jade.

Though he's not here, that's because he is an Elite-Class Trainer. and he has jobs in Mt•Silver, But He is comming home today, It's been 2 days since my Son Noir had been born, At first i was worried of why didn't he wake up for 2 days.c of

But the docter told me that it's uncommon but not impossible, they have seen many baby's sleep like this, and it's actually healthy for them.

Noir look's are a mixture of mine and jade's, He has silver coloured hair and Red eyes, Right now i was entering his room when i heard him cry.


[MC Pov]

*Blink* *Blink*

I woke up with a headache, At the moment i was confused by the unfamiliar room, but than i remembered the events of the last few days.

'Looks like it wasn't really a dream' I thought to myself because for a moment i thought all of these are fake, but than my memories came back to me, And turns out it wasn't a dream! I actually am in the pokémon world.

And i begin wondering about which Pokemon world this is, I mean I wished to be reincarnted in the anime, but surely there have to some things that weren't mentioned in the anime. And what my journey will be like but i quickly shook my head

'Enough of that! I haven't even seen my mother,h hell i haven't even been outside , and i am thinking about my journey' I thought to myself but at the thought of my mother i wondered where she is so i did the only thing i could do to call her.

*Crying*, Yes i cried in my manly voice, not because i like it, but because i can't do anything else, and as i thought i saw a woman with Blue Hair, and Red eyes which i assumed to be my mother, enter the room, and she came near me picked me up from the cradle and affectionately said,

"Aww! Why's my little boy crying, Don't worry your mother is here, Are you hungry?" Said my Mother lovingly as she picked me up from my cradle, and played with me, As she was doing so and as i was enjoyed myself after a while i heard a male voice form afar.

"Honey! I am home" Said the person while i heared loud footsteps, And as i thought the person which i think is my father entered the room

"Look! Your father came home" She said to me lovingly before turning to my father.

"So honey how was your job in Mt•Silver?" She said at which i was shocked, 'My father works at Mt•Silver!?' I wondered because the only people who worked at Mt•Silver were rangers.

So is my father a ranger? I don't know so i did what i could and was the best at. I turned my head to them and tilted my head cutely indicating, 'What job in Mt•Silver', And looks like they got the message. I don't know how guess it's a parent thing.

Because my mother quickly hugged me and said how cute i was and blah blah blah, at which i was embarassed because i didn't experience mother love before as i was an orphan.

And my father laughed, before my mother unhugged me? If that's even a word,, and said.

"By the looks of it your thinking what's Mt•Silver? And what's his job" She asked me at which i nodded my head at well the last part i already know Mt•Silver, But we don't talk about that here-

"Well Kiddo, Mt•Silver is a very dangerous place where only Ace-Champion class trainers can enter, that's because many under-classed trainers get lost there and well your to small for that to know" He said but removing the last part. Mainly becqusr my mother gave the almighty and infamous-

'You dare and you're dead' Look which can even scare god's.

But i understood what he meant, I was 18 ish- years old in my previous life after all.

I nodded my head quickly which they just laughed at. But my father said something i didn't expect well i didn't expect my father to be an Elite-Class Trainer Either.

"Hey honey! What about we let our son see our Pokemon!" My father said to my mother which surprised me and i didn't expect my mother to say yes.

"Sure, I don't see any problem in that!" She said which surprised me because i didn't expect her to agree, i mean what mother puts her son in front of powerful creatures and i thought that their Pokemon must be good if they trust them that much not to hurt me.

"Well! What are you waiting for then let's go out" My mother said to my father at which i nodded happily but they just laughed at it.


Place: Garden


'Woah!' I thought when i saw the Garden- It can't even be called an garden it's like a mini forest there are many species of trees, berry trees, and a huge pond where i saw Pokemon at though i think that they are wild Pokemon by the looks of it.

'How can they afford this' I wondered but then remembered that my father' a Elite-Class Trainer.

But i was quickly pulled out from my thoughts as i heard my father say something.

"Alright guys come out and meet my son" My father said while pulling out 7 pokéball's and my mother also pulled out 4 pokéball's, and suddenly 11 creatures appeared from them.


All the Pokémons roared in which i presumed to be excitement, I was also shocked at the pokémon my parents have.

[Father Pokemons]








[Mother Pokemon]





"Alright fellas! Calm down my son isn't going anywhere" My father and Mother said to their Pokemon and they instantly calmed down

"So do you all want to play with our son?" My mother asked and all the pokémon nodded.

Then my mother put me on the grass and my father's Dragonite came to me and i made a 'Pick Me Up' gesture and he picked me up while i was playing with them i heared a voice in my head, at which i was very excited about!

[System installation successful! Welcome Host]

The voice in my head said and yes! Finally my system came! my golden finger! I thought i wouldn't come.

'So system what features do you have?' I asked the system excitedly and it replied in a monotonous voice.

[Host! I have the following features!, [Scanner] with this feature you can view the stats of an Pokemon and the quality of an item, [Guide] A guide containing everything about Pokemon training like- Best ways to train Pokemon, Best food for Pokemon,

Best ways to care for Pokemon, [Inventory] This feature has an 1Km area in which you can store things and they won't expire or rot, The last feature is a gift from the ROB, [Timeless Space] It's a feature that gives you a seperate dimension.]

'What the fu***** he** is this' This was the only thought i had at this moment i mean its good that i got an extra feature that can help me to become strong, But i seriously didn't expect this.

And now that i notice i am already in my cradle

I must have been thinking for probably 1-2 hours but i probably didn't notice because of my excitement.


Location: Hall Of Origins

Time: Beyond Time

[3rd Pov]

"Do you want to go there?" Arceus asked concerned

"Yes meema i want go and see the second chosen one" Said mew excitedly at the thought of seeing the second chosen one

"But what if the humans see you and try to harm or capture you, then what will you do" said Dialga also concerned about his little sister.

"Don't worry brother, I will transform into a pichu"

Said Mew excitedly to Dialga and Arceus sighed

"Okay mew you can go to meet him but be careful okay?" Arceus asked in a motherly voice and mew nodded quickly at which she just laughed and mew pouted.

"Okay i understand i will be careful while there"

Said Mew while leaving Hall Of Origins

"You really disturbed the future, Noir Black" Said Arceus concerned and slightly scared about the upcoming future.


[Mew Pov]

Currently i am going to meet the second chosen one which meema calls Noir Black, Originally a second chosen one was not even mentioned in the history let alone being born even meema can't explain this weird pheno- yes phenomenon.

And just after 2 minutes of travelling i arrived in front of the house, I could have teleported here but i want to enjoy the view while traveling.

As i arrived the Pokemon that were in the garden- which is too huge to be called a graden were alerted by my presence so i flew to them and talked to them to ask a way in.

'Hello!' I said to the dragonite which looked the wisest in their group and he asked

'Lady Mew? What are you doing here?' The dragonite asked with confusion and i replied

'Well, Something unexpected happened i think you know about the prophecy of the chosen one?

*Nod* Well he is already been born, and he is next door' I replied to the dragonite at which he had wide eyes must be pretty old if he knows about that

'If that's the case than why are you here, You should go next door i mean now i am also excited to meet him, after all i have been waiting for this moment for 3000 years' The dragonite replied at which i was a little shocked, 'Thats 80% more than the other mews expect myself lifespan' I thought

'Well Something very unexpected happened, A second chosen one is born' I said at which the dragonite looked like his eyes would pop out any moment joking aside he asked me very shocked.

'Wh-Ho-, How is it possible!?, Was i a fool that i thought there can only be a single chosen one, No you said unexpectedly which means it wasn't even supposed to happen in the history, Wait does that mean-'

'Yes the second chosen one is now other than your trainers son, That's why i came to talk to you to ask about the entrance of the house' I asked him at which he said, and i made it so that the other Pokemon can't hear about this and will forget about this.

'Just go left, than right, than up and there's a window opened that is directly connected to the room of the 2 chosen one' He said after which i bid him goodbye and left but only after i erased the memories of the other Pokemon.