
Movie Theater Fun

Austin gazed innocently at the sweating Muliere.

"Hey kid how do you know about this. All that information is classified for B-ranks only. Even the government office doesn't know of them." Muliere asked.

"Well for starters I was almost killed by the so called Corrupted Pokemon. The big bad boss was even a freaking legendary. My 15 year old heart couldn't almost handle it." Austin said. He then reported the entire events of the adventure in the ruins to Muliere.

Muliere was shocked that such a thing happened. Where the hell was Austin's protector Cyrus.

"Listen kid I really can't tell you as it is part of the rules instituted by the league. If you want to become a B-tank then let me know. A privilege of S-rank talent is that they are allowed to test early. I offered you the position before but you rejected." Muliere said with a serious expression.

"Fine forget it. How are the projects around the city state going?" Austin asked.

"Well for starters every business idea you had from the entertainment to research brought a huge deal of money. We even have constant orders of the standard Trainers glasses. Many nobles from every City-State and town strongholds also placed orders.

The only issue is sending the the glasses to different city-states. As you know we only have one airship and unlike the transfer machine for Pokemon, the transfer machine for items can only sent them 1 by 1. For bulk orders the airship is our only option." Muliere explained patiently.

"Ya sorry can't help you there, maybe you can bye more airships if it doesn't strain the city budget. ... Anyway, I heard you managed to Renovate all the park tree and also planted more fruit trees around the entire city state. How did you manage to pull that off." Austin said.

Muliere was busy thinking about having the others pick it up themselves. He then saw Austin waiting for a reply, he smiled and said," That is thanks to you, we were able to provide more jobs. This encouraged more people to work and a new enthusiasm spread through out Asiadia.

We also managed to improve the farms and made a specific place to raise gentle-natured miltanks. Thank to this idea we were able to advertise non drugged miltanks meat and moomoo milk, which cost a much higher price. This became another source of income from inside the city to outside.

The farfe'ched we bought were authentic but a bit aggressive. They were not from Kanto region nor jhoto. These were from galar region and even have a strange evolution.

The researcher on the other hand managed to breed a few calm nature ones. We are expecting in a years time to have a farm filled with them." Muliere was excited about the future of Asadia.

"Sounds awesome. By the way I was thinking and decided to limit the sale of upgraded glasses. The new trainers don't need it but those b-rank and above will. So that is my focus. Also all recorded corrupted, mutated, Pokémon must be added to the Pokédex data base. I also plan to release this glasses as a set with other products. I plan to call the line Pokegear. Any it was nice talking to you I plan to go and train with my Pokémon. " Austin's announcement made Muliere excited.

"Austin.." Muliere called out. Austin who was walking home turned around. "Don't forget in three weeks is Ginnette's birthday. although you skipped Phillip and Hugo's birthday, Ginnette might really kill you if you miss hers.

The entertainment industry invites you to watch the second official move script you designed. You missed the first one, why don't you take the rest and enjoy the movies." Muliere adviced.

Austin didn't reply just nodded and waved his hands. Then he left to go back home.


Three weeks later....

Austin was dressed in a new suit he bought the day before. He told Ginnette three weeks ago for her birthday he booked an entire VIP room at the premieres. He was actually given that for free by the owner.

Austin was getting ready to leave and meet the rest at the theaters in the market district. He was sort of unwilling. As he wanted to finish training his Pokemon. He bought some high grade fire attributed supplements for Combusken and it showed signs of evolving.

The greatest accomplishment in his Pokemon was that togetic finally managed to control her fairy power. Austin was going to evolve it today but remembered Ginnettes birthday.

Sylveon showed a surprising increase in strength after absorbing the normalize Z. The move Austin wanted to strengthen was hyper beam. The move was strengthened by fifty percent but then Sylveon learned its upgraded form. Austin called it Breakneck beam.

As in the game this move usually changed to breakneck blitz a charge based attack. Yet since it was upgraded from hyper beam it evolved into a stronger beam. The beam was more condensed and Spiraled causing more destructive damage.

Austin stopped thinking about everything he wanted done and went to meet the rest of his friends.

He made it a couple minutes before the premiere. Ginnette was glaring at him for being late.

"Hey guys, hahaha sorry for being late. A black meowth was blocking the normal path so I had to take the long way since I don't want bad luck. Anyway let's go in." Austin said seriously and then quickly led them in without waiting for anyone to speak.

Ginnette and the rest laughed at his bad excuse and followed behind him. They sat in the private booth and a waiter brought them popcorn and other movie goods.

The movie officially started it was called Legend. It was a Pokemon version of 'I am legend' starred by the only female S-rank. The first movie was called 'How to train a Pokemon.'

This movie was better than the previous. The main heroine was a teacher whose entire city was killed by the cataclysm. She wondered around looking for food while hiding at night. She use her knowledge in chemistry and biology to devise ways to hide her scent.

One day she meets a Pokemon who was not effected by the dark aura. The Pokemon(kirlia) and the female hero depended on each other throughout the journey. Kirlia evolved into a gallade. Finally the girl as she was driving a car was hit by a corrupt looking Pokemon. More Pokemon gathered to eat the teacher. Gallade blocked her way and fought off all the Pokemon till morning.

That is when the girl the girl came to and saw a bloodied gallade. Seeing her wake up and no Pokemon around gallade finally fell. The girl didn't have a pokeball or potion at had. She held gallade as she watched him die. As she was crying a hand was placed at her shoulders. She looked up and saw a group of surviving humans with their Pokemon. She wiped her tears and swore to become strong for gallade.

The movie ended after they buried gallade. Written at its tomb was legend.

Austin was astonished by how real the movie was. That gallade was better than a lot of actor from earth. He looked at the crowd below and saw many were crying for the gallade. After the critics everyone stood up even his friends and began to clap.

After that the waiter came in with a big cake for the birthday girl. She gave Austin a very strong hug. Austin felt that he couldn't breath. They enjoyed each other's company then separated to go home. Austin invited everyone the next day to lunch in an expensive restaurant.

Here guys by the way the rights for this 5min made up movie is reserved to the author of this book. I’m down to work with any movie company. Anyways jokes aside please review this novel if you can. Thanks

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