
Life as a Trainer 2

The day after helping Philip catch the seedot, Austin returned back into his routine. He would wake up early get eevee and Torchic's pokeballs from the healing computer. Then he would head towards the farthest training ground (his usual training spot.). He would call out his Pokemon feed them. Then he would put on their weights. Today eevee started to train iron tail. Austin bought a bunch of potion since this process was painful.

Torchic finally was able to move properly with the weights and master the use of tackle and peck. Especially peck Austin Had it use the skill from different angles. What surprised Austin was that not only was torchic a fast learner. It was also a fast runner. Austin pulled out his Pokédex scanned Torchic again.

Name: Torchic, Chick species (mutated) (rookie)

Height: 0.9 (twice the size of normal)

Weight: 5kg ( twice the weight as normal)

Abilities: Blaze (locked)

Speed boost (unlocked): Gradual boost in speed stat.

Sex: Male (Fast growth rate)

Age: 4 days

Nature: Rash

Description: A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F.

Austin now understood why it's speed was fast. He also needed to teach this little guy not to succumb to its nature. He knew if he left Torchic to its own devices it might cause a blunder.

Austin's biggest happiness was togepi. He was training it to master charm. Eevee who was far away mastered this skill. When he went to scan Torchic. Togepi surprisingly mastered it and it was super effective on Austin. Austin remembered he never checked togepi stats. This is what really made him happy.

Name: Togepi, spike ball Pokemon (mid-tier)

Height: 0.2m (smaller than normal)

Weight: 2 (a bit heavier than normal)

Color: Shiny (Gold)

Sex: Female (Mid-fast growth rate)

Abilities: hustle(unlocked): increases the ability-bearer's Attack by 50%, however, it also reduces the Accuracy of all Physical moves by 20%.

Serene grace(unlock): doubles the chance of moves' secondary effects occurring - specifically stat changes, status ailments, or flinching. Ex. Shadow Ball normally has a 20% chance of lowering Special Defense; with Serene Grace it is boosted to a 40% chance.

Super Luck (Hidden)(unlocked): raises the ability-bearer's critical-hit ratio by one stage (for most moves this increases from a 1⁄16 chance to 1⁄8).

Age: 2 months.

Nature: Bashful

Description: As its energy, TOGEPI uses the positive emotions of compassion and pleasure exuded by people and POKéMON. This POKéMON stores up feelings of happiness inside its shell, then shares them with others.

Austin asked togepi what it knew. It did metronome which became bounce and this scared the hell out of Austin who went to catch it. The second move was charm it learned earlier. The third move was sweet kiss . Austin then decided to teach all his Pokemon hidden power including onix. Austin now knew that the reason togepi was able to get this strong was due to absorbing positive energy radiated from people and Pokemon. Also due to him taking good care of her making togepi happy.

As long as he continues like this with togepi it will definitely evolve sooner or later. Austin saw Torchic suddenly increase in speed he called it over and asked it to do that again. It turns out it also knew agility by birth as well. So he asked eevee to show Torchic hidden power and quick attack. After showing it the moves eevee went back to train iron tail. Austin already use 3 potions. The progress was worth it though as it almost managed to coat its tail.

Just like that the training ended with the mission time drawing near. Austin feed and healed his Pokemon in the healing machine. Then went to the mission. Nothing interesting happened in the mission. Austin went to the mission office got his pay and went to eat with Philip and the guys.

Philip talks a lot like usual and apparently his seedot was a female. According to Philip since he saved it, seedot became attached to him. It gave him no problem what so ever. This also gave ideas to the rest of this years rookies.

Austin then went to bed knowing that for the next couple of days maybe even weeks. Everything was going to go in the same routine.

Enjoy my friends.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts