
15th Birthday.

Three months passed since the C turned B rank mission. Austin was looking back to the time and it's been about 8 months since he became a trainer. He went through many ups and downs to become the trainer he is today.

His workouts finally began to clearly show its results. Especially due to his constant interaction with hidden power. Austin looked much taller than his age even outgrowing Jacob. He was now 5ft 6inches at fourteen years old. Compared to his previous 4ft 9inches, this was a huge growth spurt.

Austin was in the barrack shower admiring his body. Even in his previous life he could only dream to have this. He had full six pack, his chest was also proportioned with his abs muscular but not repulsive. His back muscles were out, he arms were thick not the thin noodles he had before. His overall physique was lean, not that over buffed body that barely had mobility. His black hair also grew longer as he never cut it. He was just missing facial hair and he will look like a man in his twenties.

Austin's change attracted many female trainers. They eventually left sad when Ginnette told them he was just 14. Austin honestly didn't care much about others as he was focused on training his Pokemon. Phillip kept him updated with what been happening.

Nothing interesting happened, except when they went and visited each other's families. Jacob's father has issues with him while the rest of his family accept him. They also liked his friends. Philip still loved his family even though they left him and sent them money. They were happy with his concern and surprisingly apologized for their actions. This made Philip cry that day. Austin know because his shoulder was filled with snot and tears of the 13 year old.

Hugo has been visiting and sending money to his family. They were also happy to know of his girlfriend Ginnette. Anyway enough of this topic that Austin didn't care about. Another fun fact, was that Austin good old pal Tobi came bearing great news that wasted 10 hours of Austin's day. Austin summed up the entire conversation as Tobi became a C-rank trainer. Austin confirmed that talking is definitely tobi's superpower.

Austin's Pokemon were also much stronger, eevee got much stronger and master double edge. She also broke through the hundred stat mark with all her stats making her a high rank Pokemon. Torchic momentum decreased a lot and it's stats were in the 80s with speed nearing a hundred. Austin figured that once it evolves then it's momentum will increase. He also enhanced torchics moveset. It learned flamethrower, mirror move, flame charge. Austin was satisfied that it could use these moves whenever it wanted.

All his Pokemon could use their moves willingly except togepi. Togepi surprised Austin though. It evolved a week ago into a togetic. Austin really felt that the legend of who ever has a togepi to be extremely lucky was true. Once it evolved it surprisingly learned three moves. They were magical leaf, fairy wind, and wish. Austin wanted to teach it ancient power but he wanted it to first master its other moves. Things are looking good for Austin.

Today in the training field Austin looked at the sky. His pokemon weren't training they were just enjoying the day. Austin made a berry cake and put the number 15 on it. Today was his birthday. A day no one in the world knew about except his dead parents. Austin wasn't close with others and didn't feel the need for a party. Maybe being alone changed things or he was too busy. Austin placed a piece of cake in front of each of his Pokemon.

He put one in front of himself and said softly, " happy birthday to me! Honestly I am scared in this world but I do t have the time for those feelings. I don't have the time for any type of feelings. I am happy that I have you three as a family I trust. I honestly don't know if I can survive long but my wish is for you guys to be set free if that happens." He then expressionlessly began to eat his cake with his Pokemon trying to cheer him up. Little did he know that he was being watched.

I managed to get another chapter in. The Mc accepted the Pokemon world but isn’t happy with this type of world. He is scared and is overworking himself. He doesn’t trust others nor is opening up to the rest. His only solids is his Pokemon. I hope this makes the Pokemon world a bit more real.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts