
Chapter 7

Shadow jerked his head up in his surprise as he stared at the Garchomp roaring at the heavens, her blonde trainer standing elegantly beside her.

Saturn cursed, "Toxicroak, poison sting!" Toxicroak released a barrage of needles at the stationary dragon who stared, unperturbed, at the needles of death flying at her. Garchomp only raised a wing to protect her face, shaking off the attack with ease.

"Garchomp, dragon rush," the dragon launched towards Toxicroak, an etheral blue glow cloaking her as she slammed into the stunned pokemon. She leaped back, surveying the damage she'd done to the fainted frog.

"Next time, champion," Saturn growled, returning Toxicroak, before he backed up to his fellow galactic commander, grasping a pokeball, "Kadabra, teleport." In a flash of light, both the galactic members, and their pokemon, were gone.

Cynthia frowned, "They got away..." she murmured under her breath before turning to Shadow. "What're you doing so far from the station?"

Shadow scowled, examining the damage the pokemon had done to him. He had multiple scuff marks and a deep gash on his arm where he had shielded his face from a falling tree. "It's not my fault the officers are incompetent," he muttered, glaring at the champion.

She walked briskly to him and firmly gripped his arm, concern leaking into her eyes, "we should get this checked out, wouldn't want it to get infected."

Shadow narrowed his eyes and jerked his arm roughly out of her hold, "I can take care of myself!" he snarled, "And besides, if you really cared, give back my pokemon so I won't be so defenseless next time!"

Cynthia gazed at him, her steel-gray eyes boring into him, and he resisted the urge to flinch. She closed her eyes and reached into her coat pocket. She brought out a pokeball, examining it before turning her gaze at him. The champion's eyes were stern and unyielding as she handed the capsule to Shadow, "I'm only doing this because I believe you care for your pokemon and you won't try to escape, at least, not without all of your pokemon."

Shadow watched her warily as she extended her hand holding the pokeball. As it got closer, his eyes were inevitably drawn towards the ball. Almost shaking with excitement, he lunged forward and grasped the ball, cradling Houndoom's pokeball in his hands. Joy danced in his eyes and he willingly followed the champion back to the station, orange eyes fixed on the precious sphere wrapped in his hands.


"I can't believe you imbeciles let a child escape!" the annoyed voice came from a purple haired woman and was directed to the two holograms in front of her, the two galactic commanders.

"Shut up Jupiter!" the redhead snarled, "you wouldn't be able to catch him either, not with the champion there."

"Agreed," the calm voice of Saturn filled the tense atmosphere, "though, wasn't it your job to preoccupy the champion and the officers?"

Jupiter frowned, adjusting the police uniform she wore, "the champion was gone when I infiltrated the station. Luckily, the Officer Jenny I knocked out was a high ranking one, so not many questioned my order to let the kid go on his own. I even got most of them to take a lunch break and skip the work day."

Saturn lifted his eyebrows in surprise, "That's why there weren't any officers on the scene," he realized.

The team galactic commander smirked smugly before picking up a blue police hat and checking herself over once, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to make sure Officer Jenny doesn't wake up and ruin everything." She reached over and pushed a button, causing the holograms to flicker and die out a moment later.

Saturn stared at the empty screen before pushing a few buttons and turning to watch the screen blaze to life once more, "Cyrus sir," he said, dipping his head slightly in respect, "Unfortunately, we weren't able to get rid of the kid, but we won't stop until we do."

The room was dark, the only thing visible was the figure's piercing blue eyes and striking blue hair. When he spoke, it was in a deep monotone that still, to this day, made the galactic commander shiver slightly in fear.

"Good, make sure you deal with that Rocket pest. Sinnoh belongs to Team Galactic. He won't ruin our plans, not again."

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. I'm gonna start slowing the chapter release now. School's starting in less than a month and I have summer work that I completely procrastinated on. Thanks for sticking with this and reading! See ya next time. :)

drakncreators' thoughts