
Pokemon: The Parallel World

A teenager on the verge of suicide transmigrates into a younger version of himself in a parallel world where Pokemon exist. Follow his journey! The story starts off slow so please give it time to develop DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

TwistedUExile · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 - Decision Day

I looked at the time it was 5:30 AM,I started to get ready for the last day of normal school for me it was decisions day. Decision day is something the North America Union(NAU) came up with 40 years ago when it was first created.

The union made teenagers on their last day of 8th grade choose what they want to be a trainer or a civilian. The reason for this is that NAU believed they still need doctors and other jobs that required a large amount of knowledge to keep the economy going in a positive direction.

This caused two different paths for young teenagers civilian school or trainer school. Trainer school only taught you as a student for your freshman year after that you only have three years to raise your trainer rank as high as possible, so organizations can recruit you. The civilian school is just as competitive only 10% percent of NAU civilian students even get into college.

"It's still dark out let me leave a note on the fridge saying I'm going early," I mumbled before going outside.

A few minutes later.

As I opens the door I could see the dark sky with a hint of light coming from the sun thats rising. " This first time I've been outside since my transmigration," I said.

As I walks the streets I notice all the houses were the same 1 story as his with metal roofs. He turned and looked south where he could see a huge wall with a gate and guards " That must be the entrance to Pear Forest " I said with a grin,

Because me and my family were poor we live on the outskirts of the Fort Bend District closer to Pear Forest. I started walking north toward the middle-class area and where my middle school was. I could instantly see the difference as I cross the gate to the middle district; a variety of different houses with multiple stores on each side of the street. A little up ahead I saw a gated plaza with a middle and elementary school and started making my way there.

As I got to the plaza gate I saw a guard in a uniform the most eye-catching thing was the bracelet with three golden stars embedded in it. The guard was surprised " Xavier why the hell are you here so the early school doesn't for another hour" ??? said as he buzzed me in.

" I could say the same thing to you, Mr. Karter" Xavier replied sarcastically while walking in the plaza.

Mr.Karter is a 3-star trainer, but during the last Pokemon outbreak 14 years ago his wife and his unborn kid died in a fire at a school while he was out exploring a secret realm, so he decided to retire and become a school guard.

" Kid really know how jokes these days right Golbat," Mr.Karter said looking at the sky.

Xavier looked up at the sky he could a bat-like animal with its mouth open wide ' Wow the first real Pokemon that I have actually seen since I transmigrated, but what are those letters and why is it glowing yellow' Xavier thought

Pokemon: Golbat

Rank: Advanced

Potential: Advanced

Type: Poison / Flying

Abilities: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

"This can't be true" I yelled.

"Lil man what's wrong with you today what can be true," Mr.Karter said.

"Nothing," I said

" You must be excited for decision day, so what are you going to be," Mr.Karter said with a depressing tone.

" A trainer " Xavier replied

" I tell you the same thing I told your brother you should think about it more and you're not the first one here your friend Blake also came he is already in school," Mr. Karter said as he open a book he had on his desk.

Xavier wasn't surprised by Mr. Karter's reaction he is a 3-star trainer and look what happen to him.

Xavier walked into the school all the way to class 8-A as he open the sliding door he saw his only friend in this life sitting in the back of the classroom. He was white with strawberry blond hair, and blue eye like the ocean. Blake Taylor, also known as the black sheep of the Taylor family.

"I didn't expect you to be here so early Blake," I said sitting down right next to him in the back.

" Xavier I'm always here early it's just your first time here early," Blake said emotionless.

Blake's father Benard Taylor is a top trainer of the Taylor family who hates Blake with a vengeance. Because Blake's mother his lover drugged him one night to get him to sleep with her without protection making him have a baby that he never wanted. Blake's Father is a 4-star Trainer and known to be quite ruthless. He had a son already with his wife 2 yrs older than Blake named Trent who was a genius. At the age of 16, he became a 2-star trainer on the rank list, because of this the Taylors decide to exclude Blake and his mother from the family and bought them a house in the middle district. Blake who grew up in an environment in which everybody hates him grew to be cold.

"Yeah you're right this is the first time I'm here so early," I noticed.

" Your brother Noah did well during the freshman finals if it wasn't for Taylor's family pride they might've gone to state," Blake said with a grin on his face.

'You're always emotionless when it comes to everything else but you put on a grin when something bad happens to the Taylor family,' I thought.

" Hm, so Xavier have you decided what are you going to be?" Blake asked.

" I decide to become a trainer" I replied.

Blake looked at this friend of his who did nothing but sleeps in class all day. Even though he slept in class he has never failed tests in these three years of middle school. The only reason why he doesn't have any friends is because of his lack of social queues and he was overshadowed by his older brother. Plus that big scar across his face made him look scary to everyone else.

'I thought you wanted to be a programmer?' Blake asked.

" I was but I learned that even if develop something outstanding if I don't have the strength to keep it what's the point," I said seriously.

"Hahaha, you just learned this!" Blake said while laughing.

"What so funny," i said.

"Nothing I guess we will be friends for another four years," Blake said returning to his normal emotionless self.

" So I guess your starter is going be Litleo?" Xavier asked.

" No, the family head said I can't receive Litleo because they all been reserved this year, so I can only choose between Eevee or 4000 PT," Blake said.

" What are they going that far to suppress you" I shouted.

" What can I expect the fact that Trent is a genius and if he is able to become a 3-star trainer and get on the rank list before he turns 18 he might be able to attract many alliances which can increase the family power," Blake said emotionless.

I looked down recalling my past life where I had no choice but to commit suicide because of what they did to me.

'Is he sad for me?' Blake thought as he looked at Xavier. "Bro that's the bad news the good news is that my grandmother will be giving me the baby egg of her Magmar so I will get Magby". Blake said.

" Haha, I guess your father doesn't know about this right he will probably be pissed when he finds out". Xavier said as he looked up with a smile on his face.

" Yeah especially since it was supposed to go to the NAU, so I will go pick it up tomorrow," Blake said with a grin.

"How about you do you think you can produce a miracle like your brother and get a good egg at the breed house for cheap?"Blake asked.

" IDK bro just wake me up when class is about to start, " I said putting my head down on the desk.
