
Pokemon: The Pallet Town Researcher

Obviously I don't own the cover art. ------- A recent graduated Pokemon Researcher learns of the death of his mother. With her death he received the inheritance of Pallet town. A place which was once a home for multiple trainers. However as they left onto their adventures the town was left abandoned. So with a missing father a dead mother and two grand kids the pokemon researcher must rebuild the town and pull it from the dead.

ZeOwl · Cómic
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4 Chs

The pokemon in the ball

I finally had some free time to investigate the pokeball and the tube of fluid. The kids were still settling in and now that they were here my hands were slightly more free. Specially since Gary offered to help me. He was a nice kid, Daisy seemed more concerned over what to call me rather then anything else.

I took out the old pokeball, placing it on a pedestal. I took out the tools I might need as well. Thinking about the small things calmed me. Rolling up my sleeves slightly I started looking over the pokeball. The older pokeballs had dials instead of buttons and the dial on this pokeball was rusted and stuck. Checking the light or more specifically the power the pokeball currently had it was definitely dying. The older model pokeballs required to be charged with energy to keep the pokemon inside alive.

Thankfully this one still had power. Looking at the trigger mechanism for the release of pokemon I found a serious problem. The pokeball's release mechanism was completely corroded. Which meant Even if I transferred new power to the pokeball I could release the pokemon inside. I would need to transfer the pokemon to a new pokeball.

Luckily I had a few spares. Taking out the spare i placed it on the table. I would need to create a link between the two pokeballs first. So using a jumper cable I hooked the old pokeball together. With the release mechanism busted i would need to transfer the pokemon to a PC databank first. Setting up the appropriate Pc storage I transferred the pokemon into the PC. Since i was using only a databank storage I didn't have a monitor to actually view the PC contents. So i transferred the pokemon from the PC to the newer pokeball.

I sighed, with that done the old pokeball had now become useless. It would be a good ornament though so perhaps I'll save it for decoration. Now however it was time to see what this pokemon was. Unhooking everything I pressed the small glowing button of the pokemon and released it.

I, Well i was left speechless as a Ditto was released. I had seen Ditto before, I knew how they were created. This one however was far from the natural pink of a normal Ditto. It even lacked the blue hue of a Ditto with the Dis-pigmentation of the Shiny Gene. The Ditto stared at me with its small black eyes and I was, I had to admit I was in awe.

The ditto was a solid clear with some opaqueness, but over all it was colorless. "How interesting."

My eyes widened at its response. "Ditto! How interesting."

Ditto were more complicated then people would expect. Originally Ditto couldn't make any sound at all. Eventually when it was researched in depth and pokemon breeders learned of what Ditto's could do. Ditto's that were created by other Dittos were capable of sound. However for a Ditto to mimic human speech...

"Do you understand me? Just copy the question if you do."

"Ditto! Do you understand me?"

I clapped in excitement. A Ditto that was not only able to mimic speech, but had the ability to understand it. Dittos were intelligent pokemon, although artificial in their original creation. They tend to be underestimated. This specific Ditto may have some interesting secrets.

Thinking about what to do with it though might be a tad difficult. "Are you able to transform?"

The ditto bounced and then suddenly warped and stretched. Within a second I was sitting on the table staring at a blank faced version of myself. "Ditto! Transform!"

Wonderful! It seemed I now knew what to do with it. I was going to have a new assistant. I would still need to study this Ditto's DNA however. Its unique appearance may indicate something more? The Dittos with the Shiny gene could transform and then freely alter the transformation. Could this Ditto be the same?

The Ditto stretched and warped and became a cute little blob once again. "You don't have a name do you?"

The Ditto didn't respond and only blinked slowly. "Would you like a name?"

"DITTO! Name."

Brilliant! It was like i was a kid again with my first pokemon. I frowned slightly not all pokemon live forever though... That's what Lavender town is famous for after all.

I looked at the Ditto, and honestly I didn't really give my pokemon names. I knew some trainers did to make their bond more special. However I never felt the need... I snapped my fingers and smiled.

"You will be named Sir Ditto! I know its not creative, but you do deserve it. Names were never my forte."

"DITTO! Sir Ditto! You my deserve it!"

My eyes widen as it took fragments of my sentence to make its own. This guy really was special! i could almost cry at my new fortune. A perfect assistant he would become! Not needing to be paid, since its a Ditto it can eat literally anything. Finally its intelligence is on par of well a child maybe? THE POINT WAS HE WAS SMART!

I jumped up and down and danced around the table. Sir Ditto coming to join me in my dance. Sir Ditto danced swaying back and forth jiggling with my pace. Things were going to be better here.

"Haha! you are my savior little guy! If I didn't free you from that dying pokeball I think I might've stayed a little too depressed." Sir Ditto curled around my hand as I petted him.

"Ditto! I think you are my savior guy! Stayed pokeball might've dying."

I blinked as Sir Ditto smile beamed up at me. "Yo-You knew you were trapped in that pokeball? I- no problem I guess." I smiled back, and I saw the eyes of Sir Ditto reflect the light like gold. Which was odd, since from what I could tell they were black.

"Let's Dance some more! I'll turn on music!"

"Ditto! Dance on music!"