

7th May 2099

"you think you can beat me?" I said as I put the controller down after beating her for the fourth time in a row in four different pokemon games.

"Trust me, if pokemon were real I would have. You lack the delicate touch required to deal with animals." Mia replied scathingly.

"please, they are not some cute do that you can just pet. I mean look at this mon, gyarados is amazing but you wouldn't want to pet a 21 foot snake with anger issues."

Mia replied, "I would have just befriended it when it was still a magikarp. What are you going to do? Wrestle it into submission?"

"Don't be stupid. Submission is not that good against flying types." I said.

"That's not what I meant."

I don't really understand why we don't get along. Our interests are mostly similar and yet for some reason everything is just a competition between us.

Our biggest competition is arriving tomorrow. A full dive compatible game followed by a pokemon battle in two months where the loser has to listen to the owner for two weeks.

Usually this much time was not required to build a team. You can complete an entire series in a week if you wanted to but this time it was a full dive game. Pokemon being a beloved franchise created the first full dive game. It was not 100% sandbox yet with only the Kanto region open and a few restrictions with certain actions (so no r18 action for the degenerates of this site.) but there will be a lot more freedom compared to those movies.

This will cause some problems as there are only 151 pokemon which meant very little options. No dark types to balance the psychic types, only a single ghost evolution line (though gengar is awesome), and an overpowered mewtwo.

I still have a day before the game arrives so I have plenty of time to plan my team. Plenty of time to make a perfect team composition without too many obvious mons right?

1 hour later

I hate this very very much. Every single one of these teams have atleast a jolteon, gengar or alakazam. I really like dark types and a good one will easily go through alakazam and gengar.

1 more hour later

I've decided to do what I do best, go with the flow and make any decision i want at that time.

8th May 2099


"open game unit Pokemon: revamped"





The surrounding lit up for a second then changed to a beautiful grassland with a mountain behind me. I could see pidgey flying above me and growlithe rolling on top of each other. A sandshrew popped right beside me and waved its cute hands. I went out to reach its head when the entire world zoomed forward and I reached a cave. Zubats flew right beside me which made me jump back. Just then the ground or should I say the rock shifted into a giant Onix. I was pulled forward again just as it roared at me. I reappeared in the middle of the stadium with thousands of people cheering.


Everything gradually faded and I appeared in front of Oak. He immediately started speaking, "Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. First, what is your name?"


"Right! So your name is Shay! This is my grandson and his friend. They have been your rival since you were a baby. …Erm, what is their name again? That's right! I remember now! They are Gary Oak and Ash Ketchum! Shay! Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!"

He turns to Gary Oak and starts, ""Hello there! Welcome to the wor-"

"I know all of that already can we choose our starter now?"

Professor Oak replies, "Its tradition Gary now let me finish."

"I don't wanna listen to you old man."



As amusing as this was I had to go prepare to completely and utterly annihilate my sister so I asked, " Can I go choose my starter?"

He smiles at me, "You can, and make sure to take the bag on the counter. but you young man cannot leave until you listen to me finish my introduction."

Gary simply huffs, "fine, but Shay wait for me outside to kick your ass in a battle. If wait for some more time you can see me beat Ash as well."

I simply nod and leave towards the starters.

1. Flying and fire breathing pokemon with amazing firepower

2.A literal tank with canons that can blast you. Balanced defense and offense

3.An overgrown plant with strong cc abilities and early game advantage

(Hint: look at the cover page.)

Choosing squirtle I release it and behold a squirtle comes out.

Its cute and actually responds to me and shows reactions like when I pet his head. I pickup the bag and go through the contents- a few pokeball, potions, a tent, pokedollars, a pokedex, sleeping bag... how the heck do all these... never mind, its the space bag thingy.

I return squirtle and run out of the laboratory. I have zero intention to waste my time fighting Gary and Ash. Wait, I never met ash. Ah who cares, he's one of the rivals and you can never escape rivals for long.

Entering route 1 I find a... rattata!


Time for a battle. I send out squirtle and order him to tackle. He runs with his tiny legs and jumps head first onto rattata with suprising power. The rattata hits squirtle with his tail and I see squirtle flash red for a second. Huh, that's how you see the status change.

"Squirtle tackle again." and with that rattata faints. I continue down the path while battling a few rattata and pidgey and finally reach viridian city.

Making a quick stop at Viridian pokemon centre, I decide to go to route 2. I could go catch a mankey in route 22 but I don't really need it. I stop in front of the Viridian forest and place the bag down. I opened the tent and placed the sleeping bag inside. This gives me the safe log out option. I press it and return back to reality.

Time to sleep.

9th may 2099

I really want a bike now. Walking through the forest while being constantly interrupted by bugs and trainers is really irritating. The only good thing is that I caught a caterpie and my squirtle is lvl 10 and learnt withdraw and rapid spin. Luckily pokemon get to keep all their moves but during battle you can use no more than four moves.

I will leave this dark forest as soon as I find my pikachu. My only other option is jolteon but eevee is really rare so for the second gym pikachu is my best bet.

As I was walking I notice a yellow furball. I immediately sent out squirtle and made him tackle it. Pikachu seeing the attack tried to use some electric attack but failed when squirtle hit it.

Wait, tackle has no flinch chance.... they must have spent a lot to make battles so realistic. The attack knocked the wind out of pikachu. I throw the ball and capture the Pikachu.

I head out of the forest after collecting few random berries from bushes and escaping the bug catchers.



Calm nature

Ability: Torrent

Moves: Tackle, Tail whip(x), Water gun(x), Rapid spin(x), withdraw(x)



Gentle nature

Ability: Shield dust

Moves: String shot(x), Tackle(x)



Rash nature

Ability: Static

Moves: Growl(x), Thunder shock(x), Tail whip(x)

[ The dark and fairy pokemon and their moves are obviously not here but all the remaining moves are fair game. The move list of the early games are very small compared to the current one and I sadly never played the earlier versions. I started at Black and White so I'm not that knowledgeable about gen 1.

Apart from that just wanted to say that this is a test chapter to see the response. I might continue it now or after a june 7th as I currently have exams.]