
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Chapter 81 : The Knight Of Justice : Part 2

Eli's eyes opened at the large pokemon entering the field before he looked towards Ursaring.

"Shit. Do not aim for its hair and focus on trying to dodge its charges and try to trip it up, understand?."

It seemed a lot stronger than Ursaring as Eli quickly threw out a Pokeball revealing a small seahorse.

"Provide utility Skrelp. Make sure to hide behind Teddiursa when the beast attacks." Eli looked towards the blade of Honedge before muttering, "Automize, fury cutter."

Eli saw his partner roar in a splendid fury as Eli took a deep breath in. It was one on one, life or death. He wasn't scared of death and knew that killing the large man would be fruitful.

In more than one way.

The blade of Honedge felt lighter as Eli readjusted his sleek black gloves before charging to the man.

"COME!" Theseus screamed, directly charging towards Eli as the latter readied his blade before his left hand suddenly condensed a bullet of chaos energy as Eli raised his finger and pointed towards the knight.

The bullet flew out as Theseus raised his great sword to block it. But the moment he raised his blade Eli eagerly took the chance to slash horizontally at the man, but the blade was stopped in contact with the man as Eli jumped backwards.

Justice aura? on his skin? but why did the blade of Honedge not absorb it?

the laughter of Theseus returned as Eli's eyes dilated.

A strong sound of clashing came in the distance as Eli looked briefly to the right, where Buffolant and Ursaring clashed. The large bear was slowly beginning to get pushed back as the two grappled eachover-


Eli groaned before raising his blade, the sharp eyes engraving the moves of Theseus into his head as the great sword of Theseus clashed with Honedge causing Eli to groan.

The earth under him began to crack as Eli gritted his teeth. Without the steroids, he would probably be incapacitated right now. But he was stronger than before... and so was Theseus.

"FOR PANDORA!" Theseus's sword grew in length, as Eli ducked his head to avoid the growing tip of justice aura that was attempting to kill him on the spot.

But Eli could not restrain himself as a smile grew up on his face, as chaos energy began to grow on his arm, causing Theseus to squint.

Eli shakily changed his stance from two-armed to one-armed, barely managing to hold onto the monstrous strength of the man before him.

A spear was conjured, its tip shimming with intensive chaos energy that caused Theseus to rapidly back away.

But it was too late, as Eli plunged the spear into the armour of Theseus. Glee enveloped their face of Eli before it quickly turned into horror before the hole that the spear caused in the armour revealed untouched flesh.

Eli rapidly attempted to back off, but Theseus abandoned his sword as his knight gauntlet shined in an impeccable white light Eli felt time slow around him, as he looked at the incredibly fast fist approaching his chest.

Created a barrier of aura, Eli felt time return back to usual as the barrier was broken immediately and Eli was thrown backwards into several trees, before Eli twisted in the air and stabbing the blade into the dirt to stop inches from a tree.

"Is this all you got? I am not even at full power right now."


"Heh." Eli looked towards the man, as he felt his mark burning almost like it was urging him to use it. But Eli raised his Honedge before Eli remarked.

"Pandora was. She lost her eye. Has she gone insane yet?" Eli mocked Theseus and looked at his bent metal gauntlets that came from the barrier that Eli conjured almost immediately.

Honedge had started to chip, but Eli only smirked at the blade as he provided no effort to make the blade sharpen.

"What are you plotting? I feel your sinister energy rumble."

"Why wouldn't you like to know?" Eli tilted his head, his smirk itching itself into Theseus's mind.

"YOUR BLASPHEMOUS SCHEMES WILL FALL UNDER MY BLADE OF JUSTICE!" Theseus jumped towards Eli with a burst of great speed as Eli stumbled upwards.

Breathing out, Eli readied his sword as he went into a defensive stance-


The blade of Theseus once more grew in size and power due to a justice aura as Eli saw the blade approaching him and did not move in the slightest.




The blade rapidly approached their face of Eli, as he raised his blade to clash with the sword. This time, however, Eli did not use any strength in defending with the chipped blade as Eli smirked.


"Destiny bond,"

The face of Theseus changed instantly, but he had put his weight on the great sword as the blade of Honedge was cleaved in half Eli smirked.

Powerful ghost energy swarmed out of the cut blade as the eyes on the blade's hilt faded. The ghost energy bypassed all forms of justice aura on the skin of Theseus as the thick and potent ghost-type energy enveloped the man and caused his body to drop.

He had won.

Eli waited for a second... 10 seconds.. 30 seconds... a minute.

"Let's finish this," Eli muttered as he conjured a great sword that was identical towards Theseus's and swung down on the man's neck.

The warm embrace of his mother came on his shoulders as a crisp voice rapidly screamed.


Eli felt time slow down once more as a pillar of white light shot up in the sky, the body of Theseus ascending as Eli's whole entire body shivered.

Oh no.