
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Chapter 5 : A Strange Emotion Called Respect

Eli was around 2 meters away from the Zubat, who still keenly swooped down and attacked the corpse of the Teddiursa to rip the chunks of the flesh off.

Eli's eyes were fixated on the living Teddiursa, flashing from an emotion he had barely even shown.


Even for something like a corpse and against a stronger opponent, the Teddiursa still fought with the dream to protect its kin's body from being defiled by Zubat.

Sneaking behind Zubat, Eli saw that the Zubat finally had started to hear him before turning around with sudden agility.

Eli's eyes sharpened as a red string shot out of his fingers, approaching the Zubat.

"SCR!" The Zubat dodged the string before pressing its head down on its neck and then springing its head out.

Eli dodged to the side as a supersonic came towards him; the sound waves were visible and condensed to a specific location.

If that hit his body, his eardrums would probably burst from the pure sound.

Even though he wasn't hit, the high sound disrupted his sense of balance, causing his equilibrium to get disrupted.

Regaining his balance, Eli watched as Teddiursa jumped behind Zubat, its claws shining in a dull grey, as it stretched the back of Zubat.

"EWK!" The Zubat screamed out in pain as purple blood fell from its body, as it fell to the floor.

Eli knew the blood was poisonous and slightly acidic, but the Teddiursa knew that from the brother's wounds.

The Zubat turned its back and swooped down to Teddiursa, who stretched its claws out once more to block the Zubat's bite.

"Target the wings; it's a Zubat's weak spot." Eli softly said to Teddiursa, who gritted its teeth in defiance of the human order.

However, contrary to its expectations, Eli stopped fighting and stepped back into a passive state.

"If you want to survive, listen to my instructions, and I will help. Otherwise, your kin's body can be ravished while I watch. What would it be?"

The Teddiursa screamed again, but deep down, it knew that the human was right. In its current condition, it couldn't fight the Zubat, and an ambush had killed its more muscular brother, the Zubat.

Teddiursa's claw shined in a dark brilliance as Eli watched with interest.

Night Slash? This pokemon's talent is truly unique.

Eli's eyes sharpened as a red string appeared in front of his finger, which was shot forward like a bullet.

Zubat desperately tried to back forwards, but the dark slash of the Teddiursa was ready as it slashed down on its left wing.

The Zubat almost immediately fell to the ground as its back slammed down onto a rock.

It was on its last breath as Eli looked towards the Teddiursa before pointing at its dead kin.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Avenge your Kin, and then you will have the face to meet him once you die."

Teddiursa gritted its teeth at the weak Zubat, the soft squeals echoing through the cave, appealing for its life to be spared.

Eli watched with intrigue as the grey energy condensed around Teddiursa's claws and brought it down on the Zubat.

The soft squeals stopped as Eli looked down at the small Teddiursa with intrigue.

Eli put his hands behind his back, but his strands were ready to fight back if the Teddiursa attempted to kill him.

The Night slash took a lot out of the pokemon as it lay on the ground. The illumination of the cave pool crashing against the wall was reflected on the ceiling as the Teddiursa sighed.

Eli watched with interest as he started to walk over to the food before picking several honey-slathered berries and passing them over to Teddiursa, who was picking a few edible Oran berries for himself to eat.

"The smell of the blood of your kin has attracted a dozen Spinarak outside." Eli's curious eyes shifted towards the Teddiursa, who shivered in response to the serpent-like stare.

"What will you do? Die here with your brother? or come with me, or fight back?" Eli's deep voice struck some fear in Teddiursa, who imagined several pokemon like Zubat fighting at once.

"Eat the fruit if you agree with my proposal. Otherwise, your death is out of my hands."

Teddiursa was prideful pokemon, but humans and pokemon have something more potent than loyalty, honor, pride, and anger.


Eli's expression was still stone cold when he saw the Teddiursa bite the fruit before looking down and biting down on the honey-slathered Oran berry.

He hadn't eaten for a couple of days, and the freshness and sweetness of the honey counter-acted the bitter taste pushed by the Oran-berry. It was simply delightful by the standards of Eli.

Teddiursa seemed offended by Eli eating its hibernation stash. Still, seeing the corpse of its kin, it was reminded that it didn't have anyone to share, and it wanted others to enjoy the wonders of honey.

Eli watched in intrigue as the Teddiursa stood up before it grabbed its kin's body and slowly dragged it to the pool in the middle of the cave in a peaceful manner, albeit the bloodstains left by the kin's body carrying on the rock indeed weren't serene.

Eli watched as Teddiursa gave its own "Burial" as tears flooded its face after its kin's body floated to the bottom of the pool.

Eli, in the meantime, packed up all the fruit he could get.

Eli's cynical and cold eyes found amusement in the scene before he stood up.

"Let us go.

Teddiursa nodded as Eli watched it waddle from behind him, as Eli secretly observed it.

It was of average height, coming around 2 "1. Its weight was more on the skinnier side, but it had been stockpiling food, so that was to be expected.

Eli looked to the cave's entrance, which had been webbed up by the Spinaraks in the act of alarm, as the moment the string vibrated, they would feel it and respond quickly.

Eli saw that the Teddiursa was preparing a Night slash, as Eli hissed.

"Are you a fool?" The Teddiursa looked confused at the questioning as Eli hissed even louder.

"You could barely stand up after using night slash. Are you wasting your energy outside of the fight? use scratch, which takes far less energy than night slash." Teddiursa seemed angry at the questioning as it quickly dispersed the night slash and replaced it with average energy, with which Teddiursa had the most natural proficiency.

Eli watched as the web that covered the cave entrance fell. His expression darkened. average