
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Chapter 25 : The Mighty And The Dead : Pt.2

Skrelp gave a "Skreee!" noise before it was put down. It realized that its situation was dangerous, and its only way to survive was to listen to the pokemon and the stranger.

The strings connected to Skrelp seemed to provide some form of brainwashing capabilities, able to move Pokémon to his will but not to control them.

"Rock Blast." The bored voice of Clark rang out as a small boulder, smaller than the one thrown at Eli before, came out of the direction of Clark, as the small brown bear and Eli ducked towards the next tree to the left, as Clark sneered.


Another boulder came directly at Eli, who put his hands out.

"Cut." Eli looked at Teddiursa, who nodded its head. His claws shone in a grey brilliance before the outline on the feet of Teddiursa became sharper and large, almost like a sword.

The small boulder was cut in half, and Eli instantly sprinted towards Clark, who raised his eyebrow.

"Iron tail."

The large body of Onix moved in a jittering movement as Eli watched its tail shine in dark grey energy as it moved towards him with surprising speed.

"Now!" Eli screamed as a water gun tore through the air.

Clark whistled as the water gun tore the small joint between Onix's tail, a noticeable weak point.

Onix shook in pain as it wriggled its large body, sending Clark off balance. The dark grey energy immediately evaporated around Onix's tail as It fell to the ground sideways.

Feeling Teddiusa's paw in his hand, Eli grabbed its paws before doing an overhand throw, watching as the small brown bear landed on the body of Onix and immediately ran towards Clark.

But something was wrong... he was... smiling?

"Impressive. Are you sure that you don't want to join our group?" He gave a hearty smile, which caused Eli to frown.


"Your loss."

"Cut," Eli instructed Teddiursa as Eli immediately attempted to climb the unconscious Onix. In just a few moments, Eli climbed out to see the fighting between the small brown bear and Clark.

But something was strange.

Was he smiling?

Feeling something rapidly emerge behind him, Eli raised a barrier of normal energy, which was immediately shattered into pieces. The backlash from the wall was the least of concerns, as he summoned the chaos energy strings and immediately fired them at the source of the attack to see a monkey with a large third limb.

"Aipom?" Eli muttered as he looked towards the approaching Brynn and Ava, their faces dark.

"We are sorry, Eli. We did not expect it to go this way." Ava muttered; her sympathetic mood was replaced with the darkness that unsuited the girl Eli knew.

Brynn sighed; his previous comical attitude was also gone like it never existed.

"It seems that you have met my new allies."

Eli only sighed before faint laughing filled the air.

"Teddiursa , Skrelp , come back."

"You want to fight us? And I thought you were smart. Our leader spoke too highly of you, it seems." Clark muttered as Eli looked straight into the eyes of Aipom. Hesitation was present, but it seemed like it had to obey its master's order.

"Why are you doing this?" Eli muttered, his eyes full of hate. "Why? was it the Skrelp?"

"No. Eli, you wouldn't understand."

"All I know was that the people who saved me are nothing more than filthy liars." Eli spat out before he looked towards Skrelp. "Smokescreen. Poisonous."

Smokescreen conjured by poison-type pokemon had the option of changing some of the moves to be poisonous, especially gaseous activities such as smokescreen.

Poison-energy-infused smoke appeared as Clark looked toward Ava.

Nodding, Ava's palm shined in a purple glow as she rapidly twisted the smoke away and lifted it in the air in an attempt to get rid of the thick smokescreen-

A figure rushed out of the side of the smokescreen as Brynn conjured a thick cage of vegetation around it.

"Oh no, you don't!" He growled, only to realize that the large cage only held a small bear pokemon, who immediately used its claws to cut out of the cell and escape.

"P-please.... don't..."


Brynn turned in horror to his sister being held at gunpoint as Eli started to back away, the gun on a vital artery in his neck of Ava.

"Back away."

Brynn immediately backed away, Clark hesitantly following behind Brynn.

"Impressive." Clark whistled before clapping his hands in a morbid show of glee. "Using Teddiursa as a distraction in the smoke, then appearing from the other side to surprise attack the young lady."

"Please....please....please..." Ava softly whispered as Brynn muttered.

"Please don't do this, Eli. You know how much she means to me-"


A bullet flew through the head of Ava, the life leaving her body almost immediately. Blood splattered around the forest floor as Eli threw the body on the floor before looking towards the tiny seahorse. "Smokescreen."

Another cloud of poisonous gas appeared, but Brynn didn't care as he immediately ran into the shadow of poisonous gas, his coughing doing nothing to drown the tears coming out of his face.

He tugged at the dead body of Ava, but to no avail. She did not come back to life; she did not give him the measurement that everything would be okay. Her lifeless body lay on the ground, a pool of blood coming from her ruined face.

"What a shame," Clark muttered before shrugging.

"YOU!YOU!" Brynn jumped onto Clark, only to blink and be put on the ground the next moment. "You were weak, but with us, we can make you stronger and better, we can help you exact your revenge for your sister, and you can be born anew."

Brynn's tears did not stop as he screamed at the sky.

"ELI! I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed out, clawing at his face.