
Pokemon: The Chosen Ranger

Summer Leaf crossed into the world of Pokémon, inexplicably becoming a forest ranger. Waiting for him is the remote forest known as Sunset Forest. However, with Summer's arrival, the atmosphere of this forest becomes increasingly strange. Rare tree fruits can be seen everywhere, the mythical Celebi shuttle through the woods, occasional time-space distortions, and a training ground dubbed "hell" by trainers... In response, Summer believes the best way to prevent the forest's resources from being destroyed is to make the forest strong enough! --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction.

RockyRoad891 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
136 Chs

Chapter 64: The Spirit World Gatekeeper

It was said that Eternatus, an ancient entity infused with a powerful curse, started acting after absorbing the souls of Yamask. But just how many souls had this gigantic Eternatus consumed to reach this size?


Dusknoir let out a growl, signaling the massive Eternatus not to attack. The three before them were living beings and needed to be returned to their original world.

"I. Don't. Care!" the colossal Eternatus hissed, "Howard. Must. Die!"

The enormous arm of Eternatus, radiating a chilling aura, smashed down towards the ground.

Dusknoir realized why the gatekeeper had gone berserk—it was influenced by memories from its previous life. Among these three people was a descendant of someone it deeply resented.

"I won't let you harm our benefactor! Alcremie, use that move!" Simon shouted, tossing his Poké Ball into the air. Seven Alcremie of different decorations and colors appeared before him.

"I understand, Simon! Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!"

"Alright, everyone, let's go!"

Three Alcremie glowed with the light from their decorations, transforming into identical light spots that enveloped Gardevoir. This was Alcremie's signature move, Decorate, which boosted Gardevoir's Attack and Special Attack.

At the same time, three other Alcremie pretended to cry, a dark aura surrounding the massive Eternatus, lowering its Special Defense.

But that wasn't all. The final Alcremie radiated white light, using Helping Hand! Now, Gardevoir's Special Attack reached a staggering 13,000 points. A colossal Shadow Ball formed in Gardevoir's hands and was hurled at Eternatus.

The collision of Eternatus's arm with the Shadow Ball resulted in a fierce explosion, the chilling aura spreading outwards. Yet, Eternatus's arm only showed a shallow crack.

"I've never seen such a powerful Pokémon!" Simon exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't. Interfere!" Eternatus roared, gathering strength in its arms, preparing to use Earthquake to crush the intruders.

"Thwackey, Leaf Blade! Milotic, Hydro Pump! Attack its eyes together!" Summer decided to intervene, believing Eternatus's eyes to be its weak spot.

"Let me assist as well. Everyone, use Decorate!" Simon commanded his Alcremie to enhance Thwackey and Milotic.

The two Pokémon felt a surge of power. Thwackey hurled sharp leaves, leaving only minor scratches, followed by a powerful stream of water hitting Eternatus's eyes, causing it to howl in pain.

"Incredible! Such devastating power!" Simon marveled. Summer's Milotic's Hydro Pump created cracks all over Eternatus's body. Summer was truly extraordinary!

Even Summer was surprised. He knew Milotic was strong but not to this exaggerated extent, especially since this was the Spirit World, not the Misty Lake where Milotic usually resided.

"Unbelievable!" Eternatus was equally stunned. As the gatekeeper blessed by the Ruined Lord, it couldn't believe it was so severely damaged by ordinary Pokémon. Curse you, Howard!

"Milotic, make sure it can't fight back!" Summer decided not to give it a chance to recover, as this Eternatus was too dangerous.

Another torrent-like Hydro Pump hit Eternatus's eyes, causing it to howl in despair. The stone slabs making up its body shattered, and the shadows connecting them withdrew.

"Summer, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Are you perhaps an Elite Four level Trainer?" Simon's tone was filled with admiration. Even without his Alcremie's help, Summer could have easily taken down this massive Eternatus.

Eleph agreed, understanding why Summer would seek out something as dangerous as the Spirit World Gate. It was because of his formidable strength.

"Well, let's return to the real world. More dangerous entities might appear," Summer suggested.

They nodded, waking the stunned Dusknoir. It looked at the shattered stone pieces with a shiver. This was the gatekeeper, meant to prevent dangerous entities from escaping the Spirit World, now reduced to rubble.

Well, completing the mission was more important now. Dusknoir touched the light spot, which quickly expanded into a pure white door.

Eleph and Simon were about to enter when they noticed Summer wasn't following. Turning around, they saw his and his Pokémon's figures becoming blurry.

"Summer, what is this?" 

"I didn't expect we'd part ways so soon. Remember to say hello to Opal for me," Summer smiled in farewell.

His identity was indeed extraordinary. No, that wasn't important. What mattered was that he was someone Simon would be grateful to for life. With this thought, Simon hurriedly ran to Summer and handed him his backpack.

"Please take this. It's something valuable I found in the Spirit World. Thank you, on behalf of my wife and daughter. May your life be as sweet as Alcremie."

"Also, please accept this." Eleph handed him a shining stone, a Dawn Stone, symbolizing luck in her homeland. Reunited with her husband, she no longer needed this extra luck.

Summer nodded, returning to his original time and space with his Pokémon.

"What an incredible person."

"Indeed, Simon. Let's go home; our daughter is waiting for us."

Hand in hand, they stepped into the door leading back to the real world. Dusknoir sighed, thinking the task would be simple but ending up being greatly shocked. As it was about to enter the door, the shattered stones trembled, emitting countless shadows.

Dusknoir turned sharply. What? Eternatus, a ghost-type Pokémon, was pretending to be dead? That was too despicable!

Then, an even more shocking scene unfolded. The dim sky tore open with a massive crack, and a gray-golden dragon with ghostly black wings appeared above. Its crimson eyes mercilessly looked down at the stone fragments, reducing Eternatus to dust instantly.

Boss! Dusknoir, a ghost-type Pokémon, felt it was almost scared to death.

The ghostly dragon looked at Dusknoir. Suddenly, Dusknoir felt a surge of power. An impatient voice echoed in its mind, "You are the new gatekeeper."

The dragon immediately turned and flew back into the rift, the dim sky returning to tranquility.

Dusknoir, now giant-sized, was stunned. What just happened? A sudden promotion?

Emerging from the door, Simon and Eleph found themselves in a familiar, bustling marketplace.

"Stow-on-Side? The exit was here?" Simon said.

"Isn't Dusknoir coming with us?" Eleph looked back, but the light spot had already disappeared.

"No matter, Eleph. It helped us a lot; let's leave it in the Spirit World."

"Yes, Simon, let's go home."

At the Ballonlea Gym, Gym Leader Opal took the tea from her Alcremie, looking out the window at the warm sunlight.

"Remember your first evolution?"


"Hehe, yes, thanks to you and your cream~"

Her Alcremie added sweet cream to her tea.

"Of course I remember. You evolved that day too." Opal sipped her tea. "Alright, today we must find the 'pink' successor."

"After all, I promised the three of them to continue the legacy of this Gym. Hehe~" Opal smiled. This memory, as sweet as her tea, was worth protecting.

(End of chapter)