
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Cómic
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76 Chs

Immortal Pinsir

The arena was clear, devoid of trainers who had crowded themselves to the side. The small event beginning shortly attracting trainers from nearby stalls and even the Nurses of the Pokemon Center who anticipated a high end battle had prepared... making Nurse Joy perplexed.

"Fuck 2 vs 2, I want a 6 vs 6," Red said, aiming for a drawn out battle.

"Suit yourself," Richard said, confident in his own power.

Both trainers raised their Pokeballs up as another trainer volunteered to be a referee.

"Begin!" The trainer called out and both trainers threw their Pokeballs in the air, letting them spin.

A pin-drop silence befell the area as the Pokeballs clicked and opened up, bright blue lights shooting out of them to the ground and revealing the Pokemon that lay within...

A Pichu and Pinsir appeared on the arena, both Pokemon eager to fight.

"Start with Thundershock!" Red ordered, he had browsed through Pichu's move list earlier and was surprised that it had been training over at the ranch too... honing it's skills and developing two new moves on it's own.

A weak golden bolt of lightning was let loose from Pichu, heading to Pinsir but Richard's expression didn't falter.

"Dodge!" Richard ordered.

Pinsir moved to the right, at a higher speed than Red anticipated and dodged the attack, letting it collide with the dusty ground of the Arena and kick up a light dust storm.

Red raised his Pokedex and scanned Pinsir.

'LV. 17... That's two levels higher than Pichu!' Red thought as he threw his mind into the battle once again, determined to brave the storm ahead of him.

Pinsir faltered in the dust, it's vision obscured by the brown air and Red sought to took advantage of that.

"Fire more Thundershocks and aim around Pinsir!" Red ordered.

Pichu nodded and his entire figure released a bright golden aura as he let loose bunches of weak thunderbolts at the ground around Pinsir kicking up a dust storm of a higher intensity.

Red smirked... It was a gamble though and Pichu wasn't able to see in the dust but that didn't mean that the Pokemon didn't remember where Pinsir last stood.

Richard coughed, his eyes straining and his mind thinking of a strategy... He was trying to think of why Red would cover the arena in dust.

"Now Let Loose a Massive Thunderbolt, Full Power!" Red ordered.

Pichu leapt into the air and it's entire figure glowed in an ethereal golden aura, serving as a beacon amongst the thick dust. A powerful bolt of golden lightning shot straight at the motionless Pinsir, enveloping the Pokemon in bright billowing sparks of lightning. The force of the attack pushed Pinsir back and created a shockwave, clearing the dust that had been in the arena mere moments ago.

As the dust rolled out, Pinsir was revealed to have burn marks on it's body... a testament to the intensity of the lightning that it had been struck with but what was surprising that it was still standing, It's will shining brighter than any other thing in the field... even the lightning that it had been struck with.

Waves of aura were instantly let loose from Pinsir's body, shrouding the Bug Pokemon in a mysterious crimson aura.

"Oh so you're aiming for that move, huh? Revenge now!" Richard ordered.

Red widened his eyes at the move, Revenge. It would deal x2 the damage that Thunderbolt had given it...

Pinsir shot forward and it's resolve was shining brightly. But Red was not going to let such an attack hit.

"Pichu, Double Team and Escape!" Red ordered.

Pichu nodded and as Pinsir's arm descended, laced in terrifying aura. Pichu split into multiple illusionary copies of itself, Pinsir's arm descended and touched... nothing?

The copies vanished and Pichu was revealed to be further away from Pinsir, clearly Pinsir was a close ranged combatant and Pichu could be a close ranged combatant as well as a long ranged combatant as well.

"Alright, Let's end this! Quick Attack!" Red ordered.

"Take the hit and then counter with Revenge!" Richard called out.

Pichu was instantly engulfed in a bright white aura, and then he shot forward, colliding with Pinsir mere moments later, yet Pinsir stood strong taking the hit with it's will guiding it and blood trailing down the sides of it's mouth.

Terrifying crimson aura engulfed it's right arm and as Pichu withdrew, Pinsir struck with Revenge and sent Pichu flying... blood shot out of the mouth of the tiny mouse Pokemon.

"Pichu!" Red shouted in horror but then his eyes stiffened, letting out an intense glow as he cracked his knuckles together, "Stand right back and go for another Quick Attack!"

Pichu responded to Red's command, steadying himself and letting out a bright glow shooting forward again and heading for Pinsir.

"Pinsir, Once it attacks... Strike with Revenge!" Richard ordered.

"Jump over Pinsir and use Thunderbolt!" Red ordered.

Richard's eyes widened as Pichu jumped over Pinsir who had been gathering energy for it's attack and then a thick golden aura erupted from the body of Pichu as another powerful Thunderbolt descended upon Pinsir... although less powerful than before.

Pichu landed and gave his opponent a gaze, smoky fumes and crispy flames shrouding Pinsir yet... The Pokemon stood resolute and it's arm was covered in the crimson aura, Powerful and menancing.

Richard smiled.


Pinsir struck Pichu with another punch which sent a little shockwave through the arena and Pichu... had fainted.

"Richard and Pinsir win the first round!" The trainer announced, casting the truth upon the crowd.


Author's Note:

Immortal Pinsir, bruh!

Anyway, Hand out Power stones guys for more chapters. Also increased the battle from Two versus Two to Six versus Six to lengthen it a bit and show some interesting battle scenes too!

Don't forget Power stones, I need them as the cure for my current emotional state after Rejection by my crush... Didn't I tell you guys?