Anabelle Ketchum could feel her eyelids droop a bit, the heaviness in them making her constantly exert herself to keep them open. She was currently sitting on the couch in the living room of her home, her twin brother, Ash Ketchum, dosing off to the side of her. The T.V. in front of her showing the recent winner of the Indigo League facing off against the Elite Four in a bid to try and challenge the reigning champion, Lance the Dragon Master.
Lance had reigned as champion for over ten years, something practically unheard of previously. Although many people were skeptical at first, as he was an elite four member who was directly promoted when the previous trainer who had become champion, for merely one day, had resigned. In the years passing, Lance quickly became a favorite, and people no longer doubted the legitimacy of his leadership.
Anabelle watched as the current Elite Four Member, Agatha, was battling with the Indigo League winners team. Agatha's Gengar was seen expertly dodging the attacks of the opposing trainer while simultaneously launching many counter-attacks on the opponent Nidorino. Anabelle grimaced as she saw a shadow ball explode directly into Nidorino's stomach, instantly knocking it out. 'And so Lance's time as champion reigns on.' Anabelle mused to herself, as she watched the challenger drop in defeat as his last pokemon, an Espeon, was wiped off the field by Agatha's Gengar.
'Though, according to Ash's wild daydreams that won't last long.' Anabelle laughed to herself as she looks at her twin brother who was mumbling to himself about his dreams of becoming a Pokemon master and becoming champion. She smiled to herself again as she remembered not even half an hour ago he was raring with energy, and their mother had to come in and tell them to go to bed, where he merely responded he was too excited, before completely blacking out a few moments later.
Both Anabelle and Ash were ten years old, just old enough to begin their Pokemon journey, which is why they were so excited for tomorrow. Though they both looked quite similar, they were fraternal twins instead of identical twins so they had their differences. Ash had short and shaggy black hair, he had warm, round amber eyes that spoke of friendliness and a love for adventure, something his personality mirrored in full. He also had a lightning bolt birthmark located on both of his cheeks, something that he was often teased about, though he took in stride, saying they make him unique. While Annabelle also had dark hair, hers was styled in a bob cut with bangs. She had upturned greyish-brown eyes, something that her mother had often said she inherited from her father. Though her cold eyes also made her seem unapproachable, sometimes making her neutral face look like she was judging someone, meaning she grew up being just friends with her brother, something she didn't mind as he was enough trouble by himself.
Anabelle looked at the clock and seeing how late it had gotten she decided to try and go to bed once again. She was truly tired, but the excitement that raced through her veins just wouldn't let her close her eyes. Lifelessly dragging herself to her bed in the room she shared with Ash, Anabelle's mind wandered to what Pokemon she would get tomorrow. She had worked with Professor Oak often in the past, helping around his often and helping him with different kinds of tasks like Geology and data, something that she felt blessed to have happened. As the long hours, she had spent working in the lab with him had helped her vastly expand her knowledge, even if she barely even knew anything about the world yet. But even now she wonders why a famous researcher like Professor Oak would settle down in a humble place like Pallet Town. Though, Anabelle figured she would never understand the eccentric mind of a person as smart as the Professor.
But Anabelle had worked often enough with Professor Oak to know that she would most likely not have one of the three Kanto starters, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Though they were called that, they truly weren't. The Pokemon were actually ridiculously rare had to be bred and given to trainers that the Pokemon League had connections to. Like Gary Oak, grandson of Professor Oak would be receiving one due to his connections, while Ash and Anabelle had no hope because they didn't have any connections and would be beginning trainers just like every other kid. But most professors and Gym leaders still handed out different Pokemon to beginning trainers, ranging from Pidgeys to Rhyhorns and any other Pokemon that are located near them. And Professor Oak had said that these Trainers were already chosen.
Anabelle laid down in her soft bed, wrapping a Pokeball-themed blanket around her cold body from the freezing air that came through the window of her bedroom. She closed her eyes and imagined a bunch of Mareeps leaping continuously over a fence, and a couple of minutes later she dozed off into a peaceful slumber.
Anabelle awoke to the blaring sound of an alarm, that had been going on for a while now. And since she usually put her alarm clock further away from her bed, she couldn't just slap the snooze button and go back to sleep. Getting up, she put her arms over her eyes as bright sunshine came in through the curtains, blinding her momentarily. She finally reached the alarm clock, where she almost jumped in surprise at seeing the time.
'It's 8:00! I'm supposed to be at the lab by 9:00!' Annabelle screamed in her head, before grabbing the traveling clothes she had prepared and sprinted to the bathroom. It consisted of a plain white t-shirt and black shorts over white tights. She also had her tennis shoes that had been recently bought and that white and red cap with the League's signature L on it that her mom had bought for her and Ash. Along with what she was wearing she had a backpack full of many sets of this clothing, along with some sweatshirts and coats for when it would become colder outside. Anabelle thanked whatever genius had decided to implement the storing technology from the Pokeball into everyday items, she couldn't even imagine having to drag everything with her. She quickly scrubbed herself clean and threw on her clothes and was out in record time. 'Not that it matters, I'll be adventuring in the wild soon anyways.' She thought.
Arriving downstairs, her mother, Delia, was at the stove cooking what looked to be some scrambled eggs, probably from a Chansey. At the table was her plate and a bottle of Miltank Milk. "Anna, I almost thought I would have to come in there and wake you up, you slept through almost all of your alarms." Anabelle heard Delia, her mother, say. She groaned embarrassedly at this, and just quickly started to scarf down the eggs that had been put on her plate.
"Oh, when were you going to wake Ash up? He's still up there sleeping." Annabelle said to her mother off-handedly. At this statement, Delia looked quite surprised.
"I had thought that Ash had already left. He was so excited yesterday and even went to bed earlier than usual. It seems I will have to go wake him up now. Have fun, Anna!" She heard her mom call to her as put her leftover dishes into their dishwasher, but before she stepped out the door she heard her mother call once again. "Oh! Make sure to call me at least once every two weeks! And remember you can always come home! And always make sure to change your un-" Annabelle was out before her mother could finish that last sentence, her face quite a bit red in embarrassment. But she still had a warm smile on her face, thinking about home.
Walking down the street to Professor Oak's house, Annabelle took in her surroundings one last time. As it would probably be a while until she was back. All of a sudden she heard what sounded like a stampede of Tauros from behind her, and looking back she could see Ash running full speed, a cloud of dust trailing behind him. As he flew past her, Annabelle giggled a bit at her brother's stupid antics. It didn't quite matter when they arrived, as they would still get a common pokemon like a Pidgey or Spearow, maybe a Nidoran if they were lucky. The only reason Annabelle was worried about not being there one time was that it was a bit rude, and she didn't want to leave a bad impression on Professor Oak, someone who had helped her and taught her quite a lot in the past couple of years.
As Annabelle finally arrived at the laboratory, she saw a crowd of people dispersing, and Ash standing sheepishly with a Pikachu in her arms. 'What a lucky guy.' Annabelle thought to herself, as she approached her brother, whose spiky hair looked a bit poofier than she remembered.
"You ready? Although looking at your clothing, I could say you could have done better in the preparation. I don't think I've seen many champions that wore their pajamas." Annabelle told her brother, who looked down and blushed at that, apparently not having noticed. And knowing Professor Oak's personality he had probably just been amused and not told Ash.
"Just you wait, Anna! Next time you see me I'll be in the Indigo League with the strongest Pokemon this world has ever seen. And then I'll beat Gary and you in a Pokemon battle!" Ash proudly declared. But Annabelle merely gave a blank stare, followed by the Pikachu who looked at their trainer like he was an idiot. Which Annabelle supposed was true, but he made up for that in spirit and determination.
Anabelle's blank gaze eventually bled off into a warm smile. "Alright, Ash, I'll hold you accountable for this dream. And remember if you ever need anything, Mom and I will always support you." She said, giving Ash a playfully punch on the shoulder.
"Thanks, Anna, and when your Big Brother becomes a Pokemon master, no one will ever think about crossing us!" Ash said boastfully.
"Just because you were born a couple of minutes earlier doesn't matter, we're twins, idiot," Annabelle muttered under her breath before a cat-like grin stretched across her face. "Although, I think I could see a Pokemon master who wore pajamas. Maybe they could call you 'The Sleeping Master,' and you could wear a blanket cape." Anabelle teased, making Ash turn his regular walk back home turn into a speedwalk, just begging to get the pajamas off of him and some real clothes on. Annabelle could have sworn she had also heard the Pikachu chuckle at its trainer's dismay, too.
Finally done with that, Annabelle turned towards the entrance of the laboratory and entered, to see Professor Oak standing at a table, a single Pokeball in his hand. Hearing the door creak open, Professor Oak turned and looked at Annabelle. "So you finally showed up, I almost thought you would come in pajamas, too. If what your brother wore was any clue." The old man said, amusement lacing his tone.
Annabelle merely grumbled about 'idiot brothers' before looking at the man. He was the same, plain face with short white hair and his signature white lab coat. But, like always, he seemed to give off a feeling of vast knowledge, yet also power. Annabelle knew the man was powerful, after all, she had seen his Dragonite and Charizard a few times, and it took a specific type of person to raise monsters like those. "I'm here to start my adventure!" Annabelle proclaimed, and the Professor gave her a look as she had just stated the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Though, I have a special Pokemon for you. It was given to me by an old... acquaintance. I can't say I've had much contact with him in these past years, but the person in question had sent me this Pokemon a couple of weeks ago and told me to give it to a person I believed had a lot of potentials." The Professor gripped the Pokeball, before throwing it up and letting the Pokemon inside be released. Annabelle's eyes hardly believed what appeared, and she wiped at them a couple of times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
"That's right, I'm sure you recognize it. A Larvitar, a strong Pokemon with huge potential. I decided to give this little guy to you as your starter, along with a Pokedex and some empty Pokeballs. I expect great things from you, Annabelle. Now, off you go. I have some important calls to make with a couple of other Professors from different regions. There has been a breakthrough in a special topic that isn't well known. If you can get a strong enough bond with your Larvitar and he becomes a Tyranitar, make sure to come to visit me and I can tell you." Professor Oak said, before handing her the Pokeball containing Larvitar, who was currently snuggled up in Annabelle's arms.
"Tar!" she heard Larvitar growl towards the Pokeball. Annabelle figured that he must not like to be confined, then, and decided that she would have him stay out of the Pokeball if he didn't need to be in it. He was quite heavy, but due to human evolution and living in tandem with Pokemon for so many years, Human's had become much stronger and more durable, as according to ancient times, humans had once been so weak that even an armored adult male could be easily taken down by any pokemon with even a little training. She also handed five empty Pokeballs and a Pokedex, which Annabelle stored in the items compartment of her backpack.
Pulling out the Pokedex after she had exited the lab, she turned it towards the Larvitar that she was struggling slightly to carry with a single hand. "Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokemon. Larvitar is known to be born deep underground, where they eat minerals and soil to strengthen themselves and evolve. This Larvitar is a male, and knows the moves Tackle, Leer, Rock Throw, and Bite." She heard the monotone voice of the Pokedex say. "Do you want a nickname?" She asked, glancing down at the cute creature. It merely looked at her, its slanted red eyes holding a contemplative gaze before the Larvitar hesitantly nodded its head. "Alright, then how about Canyon?" Annabelle asked the Larvitar, who happily nodded. "Then Canyon it is!" She exclaimed. "Larvitar!" Canyon happily echoed with his trainer.
Annabelle stopped, looking forwards she noticed that she had finally arrived at Route 1. 'The beginning of my dream, to raise the strongest Pokemon team and explore the mysteries of this world!' She thought in excitement. "You ready, Canyon?" She asked, and seeing the fearless nod of agreement, Annabelle steeped into the menacing tall grass, signaling the beginning of her very own Pokemon Journey.