
EPISODE 99: Go Go Gogoat!

"This is the Kanto news, just last night, the Indigo Plateau has been suddenly bombed coming from an anonymous source. Both the government and people are wondering, who could have done this and why?"

"The bell tower has been bombed with an unknown source of material. Officials are worried, that this might spark a new Pokemon war."

"The famous Mt.Chimney has been burned from an unknown bomb which was launched to multiple regions! Officials are wondering if this could be the work of the infamous team Aqua? Or could it be, the erupting team Magma?"

"The forest surrounding Lake Acuity has been burned down by an unknown bomb, people are wondering where this bomb came from, and what region was behind all these none sense. The Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and the other regions were also hit with the same bomb, who could be behind this? And why would they do it?"

"Welcome to the Unova news, DragonSpiral tower has been momentarily closed due to the bombardment coming from an unknown region. Officials say, that this event also happened in multiple regions."

"Kalos region News Report! The Tower Of mastery has been bombarded by an unknown source. Officials are questioning, who could have done this? Was team Flare behind all of these?"

"Wela volcano has been bombarded by an unknown source, people are suspecting that it could've have come from the Laurenburg region! Still, there are no proofs that support the given theory."

"Breaking News! The Giant's cap has been bombarded by an unknown source, other regions such as the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn were also bombarded by an unknown and advance weapon. People around the world are starting to panic, as officials anger with frustration. People are starting to blame other regions for this cause, could the next Pokemon War begin? What will happen now? The police department is searching for the criminals behind these events, could it be the work of Chairman Rose?"

Numerous news, containing the same information, a lot of landmarks were bombed by an unknown group or region. Even Officer Jenny doesn't know where these beam of lights came from last night, people are uncertain if team Chaos is behind all of this. Ties between the Kanto and Hoenn began to erupt as the Sinnoh and Johto began to argue.

Me and my friends saw the report earlier this morning, could things get even worse? Once a war starts, the people will repent to a God, that God would redeem their feeble minds but the question is, which God will it be? The ambitious or the superiors? Only time will tell.

"All I hear in the news are bad stuff, aren't there any good reports?" Glade queried with worry and fear as the eight regions began to argue, it may not be a war yet but... arguments can lead to wars.

"This must be the work of team Chaos! I'm sure of it, but why would they bomb all these innocent regions?" Zhery hunched and queried.

"There's not much evidence yet, we're still unsure if this is really the work of team Chaos," I uttered with worry while watching the news report.

"Kalem, I think it's best if we go to Fantasma City instead. For your fifth gym badge." Camellia uttered with worry as sweat droplets fell off her eyes.

"No, I need to go to the Cavern of the Deep. My parents are there, I have to find them!" I declined and beamed with determination.

"Don't you see what's happening around? The world is in a sudden shock. It's safer if we go to the city rather than the cavern. You're not even sure if your parents are still alive." Camellia suggested.

"Of course they are, and I'm aware of what's happening across the world. It's been months since I last saw my parents. Why are you scared of the Cavern anyways?" I queried.

"Scared!? I'm not scared, I'm just worried about our safety." Camellia uttered.

"Safety? Meaning... Do you know something that we don't know about the cavern? Is this right? Hmmm?" Zhery uttered and queried with suspiciousness towards Camellia.

"Me? I don't know why Kalem even believes his parents are alive. They're in the Silver-heart lab then suddenly they're in the cavern!?" Camellia uttered with a slightly higher tone than before.

"Of course they are alive, the rings say so!" I stood up and neglected what Camellia uttered.

"Hey, I thought the rings were a secret Kalem?" Glade recalled.

"Well somebody doesn't believe our parents are alive!" I explained with a higher tone than usual.

"Rings? What rings?" Zhery queried.

"There are golden rings which are showing these visions which tells us that our parents are still alive! Visions never lie!" I explained.

"Rings!? They sound fictional to me. You'll regret going to the cavern, I'm warning you Kalem!" Camellia warned.

"Aha! So you're hiding something from us are you? Why would you warn us in the first place?" I queried with suspiciousness towards Camellia.

"Gcck... I'm not hiding anything! I just find it a waste of time to go to the cavern. Trust me Kalem, in Science, the dead cannot be resurrected once they're officially dead!" Camellia uttered with a higher tone than usual.

"That's what Science says! I don't believe in Science, I believe in the visions! The visions are right and just." I explained.

"Visions do not have proof, but Science does! How could your parents teleport from the lab to the cavern if they're dead!?" Camellia argued.

"They're not dead! They're alive, I'm telling you the truth! You didn't witness what I and Glade saw, that's why you don't believe me!" I argued.

"Hey, stop arguing! We'll go to the cavern then to the city. That was the original plan anyway." Glade stopped the fight and uttered.

"There's no need to go to the cavern, what if your parents are not there? You'll regret going there." Camellia warned.

"If they're not there, then it's fine with me, at least I figured out the truth! If you don't want to come with us anymore then go to the city by yourself!" I suggested.

"Hmph! Fine, we'll go to the cavern, but if something goes wrong, it's your responsibility!" Camellia bargained.

"Fine by me!" I uttered with a higher tone than usual.

"Guys, look at this, the Kanto region and the Hoenn region joined forces!?" Glade uttered while looking at the news.

"Joined forces!? Two minutes ago, they were arguing, now they joined forces?" Zhery queried in surprise.

"That's not all, the Sinnoh has locked down its borders, meaning anyone from other regions can no longer access the region until further notice," Glade added.

"Great, people are over panicking by a terrorist bomb!" I teased.

"Oh you call that over panicking? Listen to this, the Kalos region started mass training, which means, they're training Pokemons for war." Glade added.

"Hopefully there will be no war, at least here in the Laurenburg region, we're safe!" Camellia uttered in relief.

"Of course we are, but I don't know why you're so afraid of the cavern!" I teased.

"I'm not afraid! I already told you that!" Camellia uttered with a slight increase of tone.

While we continued our walk towards the cavern, something grave was bothering Camellia's mind.

"There must be a way to force Kalem to go to Fantasma city instead of the cavern. Our lives will be endangered if we go to the cavern." Camellia thought deeply. Camellia went towards me while we were walking and tried to convince me again.

"Hey Kalem, I'm sorry for arguing with you awhile ago, but... we really need to go to the city rather than the cavern," Camellia uttered with a low tone.

"Why are you scared of the cavern? Are you scared of water or somethin', or are you scared of Zubats and Golbats?" I queried.

"Kalem just listen to me, it's safer to pass through the city rather than the cavern. You don't know what dangers lie in the cavern." Camellia warned.

"If there are dangers, then we'll surpass them. If you want, just go to the city by yourself." I uttered with slight frustration.

"Stop being stubborn and listen to me!" Camellia commanded with slight frustration when all of a sudden, a Pokemon covered with green leaves or fur came rolling down towards us. Its legs were gravely maimed. This Pokemon had two horns on its forehead, the Pokemon felt uncomfortable and uneasy.

Zhery quickly rushed towards the Pokemon and aided it quickly while I asked Irys what kind of Pokemon it was.

"That Pokemon is a GoGoat! GoGoat! The Mount Pokemon! A grass type! It can tell how its Trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in the grip on its horns. This empathic sense lets them run as if one being." Irys the Pokemon explained.

"What could have happened to this Pokemon, its legs are badly injured," Zhery uttered with worry while aiding the Pokemon.

<Go!Gogoat!>The Pokemon uttered with pain.

"It's going to be fine GoGoat, take it easy." Zhery comforted the poor Gogoat while aiding it.

"It must've stumble or something. Or maybe, poachers were trying to hunt GoGoat. GoGoat probably ran but its leg stumbled across a large rock." I hunched.

"Whatever it is, GoGoat's leg must be treated right away," Zhery uttered while aiding the poor Pokemon.

GoGoat's leg was swelling, but thanks to Zhery's remedy... it was able to stop swelling. GoGoat felt a bit better, but it couldn't stand back.

"Don't try to stand GoGoat, you have to rest for now or your wound will swell again." Zhery warned as GoGoat tried to stand.

<Go!GoGoat!>The Pokemon tried to stand but failed.

Camellia was so kind to cook food for GoGoat. We decided to stay for awhile while GoGoat's leg was healing. I felt suspicious about Camellia, why is she scared of the cavern in the first place?

<Go!GoGoat!>The Pokemon tried to stand again but failed.

"GoGoat, stop standing. Your wound will swell again. Please don't do this." Zhery warned.

Then, two chubby men came forth, one of them had a wooden stick again. They saw Zhery and GoGoat, which made them very furious.

"Hey! That's our GoGoat!" The two chubby man badgered towards Zhery.

"Wait, aren't you two the ones who tried to kill Treecko!?" Zhery stood up and got alerted.

"Yeah so what!? Leave this GoGoat alone, it belongs to us." The two chubby men infuriated.

"Kalem, Glade, Camellia, help!" Zhery called while trying to protect GoGoat.

The three of us heard Zhery's call so we rushed right away towards her. We saw the two chubby men trying to hit Zhery and GoGoat. Zhery was too scared to unleash one of her Pokemon.

"Hey! GoGoat and Zhery is our friend! Gardevoir, use Psychic and throw those two chubby men away!" I tossed the Pokeball high up into the air and unleashed one of my strongest Pokemon.

The two chubby men began to fly up to the sky as Gardevoir's Psychic tossed them away for the second time.

"Are you alright Zhery!?" Glade rushed towards her and queried with worry.

"Yeah... Those two chubby men never give up! They don't have a single Pokemon except for their stick." Zhery uttered with relief and teased the two chubby men.

GoGoat tried to stand up but failed again. Zhery decided to give GoGoat some Calcium. She took the bottle of Calcium and fed one piece to GoGoat.

"This will make your legs stronger. I know you're worried about your family, but you can't go yet. Your legs must rest." Zhery comforted the Pokemon.

We had no choice but to wait for GoGoat to stand. Even if we wait until evening, we can't just leave GoGoat alone.

"Hey Zhery! Aren't you going to sleep in your tent?" Camellia queried as the moon shined directly above us.

Zhery was with GoGoat and a small fire formed with twigs.

"No thanks Camellia, I'll be sleeping with GoGoat. GoGoat can't move to the camp so I'll stay with it for now." Zhery uttered with a sleepy voice.

Camellia went inside the tent and went to sleep. The Cavern of the Deep kept bothering her mind as she thought of ways to lead us to the city instead of the cavern.

Zhery was guarding GoGoat but her drowsiness defeated her, and she went to sleep.

Zhery woke up early in the morning but didn't see GoGoat around. She was getting worried about GoGoat until she felt something in her pocket.

"Huh? What's this?" Zhery began to wonder while looking at the object. It looked like a weird silver stone that even me, Glade, and Camellia couldn't figure out.

We guessed that GoGoat was able to stand in the middle of the night. As a gift, it gave Zhery a peculiar stone and returned to its family in the mountains. Even if the Pokemon wasn't able to say goodbye to us, at least its legs were feeling better.

As the journey continues...