
EPISODE 153: Best Wishes Zhery!

"The public must know about the champion's loss," Melody uttered softly as tears fell off her eyes while holding Beatrice's lifeless body. Zhery hugged her mother one last time before being cremated.

Her mother's ashes will be placed on a small golden jar, and all her Pokemons will be transferred to her daughter. For one final moment, Draco sent out all Beatrice's Pokemon. They sobbed and moaned for their trainer, especially Alakazam, Beatrice's first Pokemon.

"We have to do something about the Chaos Regime, or else more lives will be at stake," Thalia warned.

"The Pokemon Police Department falls on your hands since you are the champion after all," Alice uttered solemnly as she wailed for Beatrice's death.

"We have to find and avenge Beatrice! Those filthy grunts must be thought a lesson, I suggest that we find their headquarters immediately. This is getting out of hand!" Groyle beamed and infuriated.

Aulmurus city, a place where medieval styles can be found. Large towers, castles, and houses are protected by a strong and sturdy wall. A circular wall ranging about 9 to 15 meters tall. Soldiers, or in this case, knigts, surround and patrol the walls.

Aulmurus city is what's left from King Fredhart's great kingdom. The people here use Pokemons to ride on instead of cars and vehicles. Even if Aulmurus city is a medieval city, this city is also bountiful with technology. The citizens adapted to modern technology, thus they are updated with everything that's happening around the world.

Thalia, the princess of the city is heavily guarded by her knights, unless she commands her knights to take a break. No matter where she goes, Thalia is always followed by royal knights. Her father is the king of the city while her mother is the queen.

On a small wooden bench, coated with dark paint, lies Camellia, stressed out from the people blaming her for the loss of others. The faults of her father falls to her hand, every wrong deed, the daughter is always to be blamed. I sat beside her, in hopes of comforting her.

"Camellia, I know that Zhery is angry at you-"

"Angry at me!? Zhery hates me after what my father did. Once the whole region knows about the champion's loss, everybody will hunt my father, and the world will hate me for being the daughter of the most evil person on Earth." Camellia uttered solemnly while crying gravely.

"I wish that I had normal parents, and not ambitious ones who dream to be Gods and Goddesses," Camellia added.

"My father once told me, one's birth is irrelevant. it is what we do with the gift of life which determines who we are. Not your father, not your mother, and not me. Your father used his life for evil, about you? No matter what the world says, it's your life, it's your choice on whether you're going to listen to them, or decline all their thoughts about you.

Even if you are the daughter of the most evil person on Earth, you can still prove to the world that you're different from your father, that you're not one of them. Let's go back to the Pokemon Center."

"If I return to the Pokemon Center, Zhery would ignore me. The Elite Four will infuriate at me, and Thalia will order her men to arrest me. I am the closest person to the fallen king, I even fear that I might betray you again."

"Do not fear, for fear is the path to the dark. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering. Mewtwo told me those words. It may seem idiotic, but it really happened to me."

"Alright... let's go back to the Pokemon Center," Camellia uttered solemnly as she wiped off her tears from her eyes.

Camellia felt worried about how Zhery will react when she sees her. The Elite Four, and Thalia are now confused if whether they should reveal the truth to the public, or make some other death excuses.

Camellia and I walked inside the Beatrice's room. The Elite Four, Thalia, and Zhery were sobbing gravely as Nurse Joy typed in the death certificate of the deceased champion.

"M... Melody, may I wish to ask a favor from you," Camellia uttered softly.

"What is it Camellia?"

"Please don't tell the public that it was my father's fault for the death of the former champion. Please." Camellia begged.

"Camellia, I know that deep inside, you still love your father, but still.... a murderer is still a murderer," Thalia uttered.

"Please... Keep the public out of this miss." Camellia begged solemnly.

"You know what Melody? I think Camellia has a point. If the public knew that Arville killed the champion, the whole region will panic." Draco interrupted.

"Alright... We'll say that the champion died due to a heart disease, but... if we find your father and his remote island, we will arrest him." Melody bargained.

"I...It's fine by me..." Camellia uttered with slight hesitation but still agreed to the deal.

"Lie in public!? People should know why my mother died!" Zhery stood up and infuriated. She glared at Camellia with her feisty eyes.

"Zhery, it was her father who killed your mother not her! You don't have to be angry." I consoled.

"Angry!? How would you feel if your mother was killed by the father of your friend!?" Zhery clenched her fist as she infuriated.

"Zhery, I'm sorry, for everything, even if my father was the one who did it, I deserve to apologize to you because I am his daughter," Camellia uttered solemnly.

"I don't want your apology! I want your father's head." Zhery raged as vengeance filled her blood.

"Zhery! You're going too far." Glade uttered softly while trying to calm Zhery.

"Going too far!? What about Arville, the man who killed the champion, isn't that going too far as well!?" Zhery raged.

"From now on, I am no longer friends with you Camellia! I am no longer friends with the daughter of the man who killed my mother." Zhery infuriated. Camellia started to kneel and beg for forgiveness. Zhery tried to control herself, but she pushed Camellia away from her.

"From here on out, the search for team Chaos remains a secret. A secret mission that only we know. Speak nothing of this!" Melody uttered softly.

Nurse Joy entered the room, and told all of us that it was time for the champion to be cremated. Her body will be burned and her ashes will be saved and be placed on a jar. The jar will be placed in the hall of fame, where all the jars of the deceased champions are located.

"Kalem... Glade, I am no longer going to continue my journey with you." Zhery uttered softly as tears fell off from her eyes.

"Zhery, but why!? Don't you want to become a Pokemon Doctor one day?" Glade questioned and tried to change Zhery's mind.

"I have many things to do. I have to prepare for my mother's funeral, I have to fix her stuff, and give them away perhaps. I also have to um... concentrate on the mission my mother gave me. I have to find my father." Zhery uttered softly as tears fell off from her eyes.

"Then, we'll help you. We'll help you arrange the funeral, we'll help you with the things you need to do." I offered and begged Zhery to come with us.

"No... We all have our own paths, I don't want you to be distracted, I may have thorns on me, but I cannot stray from the path I chose. This is my decision, and I will not change my mind."

"...Don't worry, I will go to Mt.Alympus to cheer for you in the Pokemon League. For now, we part ways from here on now." Zhery added as she wiped off her tears.

"Zhery... good luck on finding your father. If this is what you want, then go with it. We'll meet again when the time is right." Glade uttered softly as tears began to flow off her eyes.

Nurse Joy pushed Beatrice and her death bed towards the cremation room. No one was allowed to enter except for Nurse Joy and Audino. "I guess, we're three left," Camellia uttered softly as she stood up from the floor.

"Zhery, a helicopter is about to arrive. Do you wish to come with us to your mother's house?" Melody questioned.

"Yes Ms.Melody, I will come and join you. Mother's things must be organized once in a while." Zhery uttered softly.

"It looks like the helicopter is already nearby. We have to go now, and proceed to Beatrice's house." Draco uttered while scanning the location of their helicopter using his Rotom-phone.

"The cremation will be done tomorrow. I'll be addressing the public tomorrow as well." Melody explained as she came forth to me.

"Kalem... I'll be waiting for you in the Pokemon League. Win the league and challenge me." Melody knelt and instructed. She smiled at me and rubbed my hair.

"Of course Ms.Melody. You can count on me." I uttered softly and smiled back.

"Always remember Mewtwo's instructions. Whatever Mewtwo told you, you should follow." Melody uttered and stood up.

"Come on Zhery, we have to go now. The helicopter is waiting for us." Groyle called as the new champion and the remaining elites walked out of the room.

"Goodbye Kalem and Glade. Thank you for being my friend. Good luck on your journeys, and best wishes." Zhery uttered softly.

"Same to you Zhery. When we meet again, I want to battle you!" I beamed with determination.

"Hee...hee... Funny as always. Alright Kalem, I accept your challenge!" Zhery giggled and left the room.

From that day on, Zhery came with the new champion and the elites. She decided to take her own path seriously. Her dream to become a Pokemon Doctor still continues, with a side quest given by her mother. Only time will tell when we'll meet Zhery again, as the journey continues...