Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
Eevee stood face to face with the titan before it, her body clung to the floor, staring at the imposing Charizard that stood tall over it. Its mouth filled with flames ready to fire, letting the blast tear up the earth as it found its target, the cave floors and walls being destroyed from the mere force of it.
Eevee remained close to the ground, running under the blast and jumping up to the head of the beast.
"Eevee!" It cried, hoping to get through to the Charizard, but its plea fell on deaf ears, the Charizard swinging its head wildly until it was sent into a wall.
"Eevee!" It cried in pain, its huge black pupils turning hazy as its consciousness slowly fades. Footsteps approached it, shaking the cave it was in, the Charizard standing over it, readying its next attack.
"Charmeleon!" A cry was heard in the distance as the sound of a clash was heard, the attack sending Charizard staggering backward.
Both me and Charmeleon ran to the rescue, my hands balled into fists as I awaited it's next move.
"Khalid! Help Eevee."
"Got it!"
Khalid ran to it's aid, his hand resting behind it's head searching for a pulse as the chaos ensues, both Zorua and Kabutops stepping up and ready to battle.
"Alright you two! Zorua use copy cat! Kabutops use aquajet!"
And as commanded they did Zorua and Kabutops running side by side, surrounded in jets of water before taking to the skies.
"Charmeleon use Metal Claw!" I commanded my hand forming a fist as the battle commences. The charizard blasted fire into the air, in hopes of catching Zorua and Kabutops but it was useless, they were too fast, both of them hitting him on different sides of his face at the same time, causing his head to spin.
Charmeleon used the confusion to go in, attacking the beast with a gruesome Metal Claw.
"He's actually holding his own." Khalid commented, his hand still comforting the fallen Eevee.
Slowly it opened it's eyes to see what was happening, a look of panic forming as it saw.
"That's it just keep going like that!" I cheered, a grin forming as they attacked the Charizard, a yellow star flying past my face, inches away from cutting my nose.
"H-hey what the hell!?" I backed up in fear, stumbling onto the floor, looking to the side of me and saw Eevee standing right there, it's tail raised in aggression.
"What's your problem? We're trying to save you, you kno-" My words were cut off by Zorua's cry, her body being flung across the battle field.
Kabutops and Charmeleon were shaken by the sudden shift in power and in turn received their punishment for taking their eyes of their enemy.
I run towards my pokemon, my hands trembling over them in confusion as to what just happened, but the Charizard wasn't done, it's mouth opened in a raging roar as flame piled in it's mouth once more.
"Larion! Use protect!" Khalid screamed, his pokemon creating a forcefield to stop the on coming flames.
"Ayuna! We need to leave, return your pokemon, grab the Eevee and go!"
I nodded, my eyebrows furrowed as I returned my pokemon, grabbing the Eevee, refusing to let go despite it's protests. Khalid soon following me the minute I got out of range.
"And welcoming to the battlefield!!" A loud voice echoed through the room, Chloe sitting her hands cupped together as she awaited on her name. Her feet shook in impatience, a gentle hand resting on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, you got this." Mindy smiled reassuringly, causing all of her worries to drift away for a mere moment before she heard her name.
"Break a leg out there." Mindy commented lightly tapping her on the back.
"Not really the best phrase in this context-" Chloe muttered, stretching to hopefully dwell her nervousness as she walked outside. The waiting room she was once in soon turning into a massive hall with a light at the end of the tunnel. She took a deep breath, soon turning into a small run, slowly picking up speed as she got to the outside.
The light was almost blinding as it dawned on her, revealing her black contestant's uniform to the world, blu streaks running down her arm with the number 21st on it.
On the other side stood a boy around her age with white hair that almost covered his cyan eyes, a black patch in the middle of it. By his side a Houndour stood proud ready to battle.
A small smile formed on his face as he saw his competition, his hand turned into a fist in anticipation, waiting for the judge to call it so they can get started.
Chloe tossed out her pokeball, revealing Minnchino, an awkward smile on her face yet her eyes sparkled and yearned for this battle, the battle that would change her life.
The battle of a life time...