
A fight between pokemon!

"You're insane…." Kenzo said, looking at the dead body of Crobat.

"Let's start over.." He tossed a pokeball and Seviper came out immediately locked on to its target.

"Serviper, use poison tail!" The man commanded.

Serviper without a second's hesitation started to secrete a poison ooze from its tail and swung it in Oshawott's direction.

"Oshawott! Use razor shell!"

Oshawott took the shell off of its stomach and a blade made out of pure water sprouted.

When the Tail was close to hitting Oshawott he used the razor shell to parry the attack catching the Serviper off guard and leaving an opportunity for the Oshawott to strike.

"Go for it, Oshawott!"

Oshawott went in for the attack with razor shell.

"Serviper, thunder fang!"

Serviper quickly coiled its body dodging the blow while bringing its head closer to Oshawott.

Hitting him with a thunderfang.

Sparks fly as Oshawott gets shocked repeatedly from the attack, Serviper refuses to let go and keeps biting into him harder and harder.

"Hahahahaha, critical hit!" The man laughed from pure joy.

"Oshawott!!" Kenzo tried to run after his friend but was stopped when the man shot the floor, almost hitting his feet.

"Now now…don't cheat, this is a fight between pokemon."

Kenzo was stuck; he didn't know what to do. Quickly he turned in Prof. Adams' direction.

"Ma'am! Don't you have pokemon?? You have to help him!" Kenzo pleaded but Prof.Adams was hesitant to say.

"I don't have them on me..they're in the Admin area."

Just then one of the Team paradox grunts ran into the area where Kenzo was in a panic.

"Sir Reiku! Kids are entering the Silph co building and they're coming this way!"

"Then stop them." Reiku responded with a smile.

"Well..we would but, he's beating every single one of us-"

Before the grunt got to finish the sentence he was sent flying by a Shadowball.

Footsteps can be heard down the halls.

"There you are!" I said pointing at Reiku.

"Zorua, use Shadow ball!" I said without hesitation and Zorua did just that, shooting a ball of shadow energy at Reiku.

Though Reiku dodged the attack, the Shadow Ball ended up hitting Serviper instead, which made it let go of Oshawott.

"Your fight is with me now!" I said in a serious tone.

Reiku looked at me confused as if I just spoke a different language.

"Do I…know you?" He asked.

"Zorua Shadow ball!" I commanded again but once again he dodged the attack hitting Serviper again.

"Kid! Whatever your name is!" Kenzo shouted.

"Go to the admin area and bring back the pokeballs on Prof.Adams' desk!"

It took me a while to process…

"Prof.Adams is here??" I said excitedly.

"Just go!!"

"Oh right! Come on Zorua!"

I ran for the admin area and Zorua followed me.

"That won't do.." Reiku said before pulling out his gun aiming at me.

But the gun was soon sliced in half.


He turned to see who did it and saw Oshawott badly injured but still standing, he was holding the razor shell and it was flickering in size as if he was channeling the last of his energy into the attack.

"This is a fight between pokemon-'' Kenzo said with a determined smile, Oshawott stared at the Serviper with the same look on his face.

Reiku chuckled to himself before turning his full attention to Kenzo.

____ _

I was running for the admin area at full speed passing everyone that tried to stop me.

"Wait.." I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

"Where's the admin area-" I asked myself while looking around the building with Zorua.

"Uhh…I'll go this way-" I continued running.

"Water gun!" I heard someone say, A chill went down my spine and I slid on my knees since I had no time to stop.

I dodged the attack only by a hair and ended up sliding onto my side.

"Look who it is again…"

A familiar voice said before walking out into the light,

It was the girl from viridian forest!

"You…" I said getting up.

The girl had a Wartortle by her side ready to battle me and Zorua.

"What happened to your Blastoise?" I said in a snarky way.

"He was a rental." She said getting ready to issue her next command.

"This one is all mine~"

I also got into battle position and Zorua did the same.

___ _ _

Gengar dashed around the room at high speeds phasing through walls and the ceiling.

It was hard for Blue to keep track of it.

"Gengar, use shadowball." the man said.

Gengar didn't do anything for a while Blue looked all around the room hoping to spot him but there was no luck.

"Where is it…" Blue kept looking and out of nowhere Gengar appeared out of the ground and blasted Rhydon.

Rhydon looked like he was about to be knocked out but he pulled through for the battle.

"Gengar, use Shadow ball again."

Gengar lets out a sinister laugh before disappearing into the ground again.

At this point i kinda think she's stalking Ayuna.. -._-.

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts