
chapter-9.pewter city

Kenta pov

so anyway as I said in the previous chapter I have reached viridian city in one day , whoever has complaint can grab and lift leaf's skirt and I wouldn't care one bit

["why would they lift her skirt and why you don't care "]pikachu asked shocked

[" I would lift any girl's skirt anyday"]mankey grinned pervertedly

"why should I care about that I am not leaf's guardian , also that mankey you represent me? So stop the perverted behavior or I will have your practice session with pidgeotto

["man !, what the fuck , it kinda reminds me of a certain dragon that power ups when he touches boobs"]Pikachu exclaimed with fear

["pervert , don't you dare touch me"]pidgeotto disgusted at mankey

["you are not that better , you are like a certain noble who lost it whole race, gross , what's wrong with my teammates , they are just total weirdos "]Pikachu replied with sweat drop

["it's fate that let us become friends and the bonds between us continue to grow "]charmander tried to reassure the pikachu

["you are not making this any better buddy , I lost my motivation and patience to talk"]Pikachu sighed

"SILENCE" I shouted

every Pokemon of me , well even leaf who I completely forget while I was talking to Pokemon reacted to me

"ken what's wrong " leaf reacted to me

well I didn't punish her for being stupid so I spanked her ass with my hand. She reacted very quickly this time. Good reflexes , if you only react this well towards battles.

"e-eepp "leaf shocked at sudden touch

she then realized what actually happened and the next what happened surprised everyone in that area

"KYAAAAAAAH " leaf screamed embarrassed

Leaf ran at the pace that makes Usain Bolt give a run for his money. I didn't know she had a talent for running, how depressing,

"she actually didn't like the spank I gave her , daisy and other girls in pallet town liked that and they praised how good my hand is , she is so mean "I wondered and said to my Pokemon

["okay, who is gonna tell him "]Pikachu surprised by kenta asked others

["actually this kind of phenomenon occurs once in a blue moon , I can't answer such a difficult question"]charmander replied

[" I wish I was my master so much , if only I have the privilege to slap a women ass"]mankey cried

["don't worry master , it's her fault she didn't like it , she was too foolish to understand my master blessful hand " ] pidgeotto replied proudly

[" I cringed so hard by that , I can die ,why I am alive oh great arceus"] Pikachu prayed to God

"thank you pidgeotto , this is why you are my favorite bird" I said to pidgeotto patting her

["but I am the only bird"] pidgeotto asked shocked

["exactly....what I have been waiting to use this"]Pikachu replied to pidgeotto

" Sigh , let's go to the Pokemon center already" I replied to them as I put them in pokeballs

With that settled I started walking towards the Pokemon center , I healed the Pokemon and rested in a private room as I am too tired to battle right now , as I am a human after all

after sleeping for that night, I woke up early in the morning , I brushed my teeth and prepared for breakfast , I ate the breakfast together with Pokemon , we have grown so fond for Pokemon center breakfast

today is a training day for me ,so I will battle the gym leader tomorrow. After all, I wish to observe and investigate pewter city today and will prepare my Pokemon for tomorrow's battle . Sigh, here we go.

the pewter city is so vast , I visited the music. For 50 pokedollars , I have watched the kabuto and omanyte fossils , also the first spaceshift from Pokemon world. I wonder if there is a Pokemon in space.

Who am I kidding? There are theories that Pokemon are from space and other rumors, I won't go to conclusions until I personally figure everything out.

man what a pain ,

soon I have visited pewter city mart and purchased 10 super potions , where I did I got the money you ask , it's simple , many people dropped the money in the viridian forest I have noticed that compared to others , so I have gained it before anyone else did it

anyway as I am saying , pewter city is mostly known for hard rock stones, I met flint from a coincidence and he is selling me rocks , unfortunately I didn't find any evolution stones , I only find hard rocks , I should get some evolution stones in case they are needed , other than there is nothing noteworthy in pewter city

Enough of city watching. It's afternoon so I can go into the Viridian forest again to prepare Mankey and Charmander for tomorrow's gym ,

the plan is very simple , I will use Mankey low kick against onyx weight and it will depend on charmander metal claw .my other Pokemon are incapable of battling rock types , pidgeotto might win against rock types with roost and steel wing but sadly I don't have steel wing tm

what a drag , off to the viridian forest it is

as again we brutally invaded each and every Pokemon bug trainer and Pokemon and demolished them cruelly, charmander has evolved into charmeleon now , I miss my baby charmander very much but sadly nothing lasts forever

power is everything, power is beauty

so I demolished every bug as charmeleon used it's flamethrower to demolish every peasant ....ahem bugs and blasted them , I rebattlef samurai , spammed flamthrower and defeated his Pokemon In one hit

system show stats

chameleon -lv20

ability : blaze

moves :ember,scratch,fury swipes,slash,flamethrower, smokescreen,Dragon rage,metal claw,scary face


ability : guts

moves : low kick,karate chop,focus energy, leer,scratch,fury swipes

huh it was a pain to battle Mankey with bug types , I am too tired to battle gym leader , so once again I have rested in the pewter city Pokemon center

man pewter is something good compared to viridian ci5y , I wonder why

the answer to my question Is obvious , it's team rocket.

I am too tired to think anyway, so good night