
Chapter 19 :Finishing what's left

Kenta pov

Well daisy left 3 days after I arrived because of the finals of the hoenn contest happening. I completely supported and showered her with head pats, Hugs. There was that one time I had to spank her because she tried to pet dragonair without my permission. She seemed to particularly enjoy the last one. So to make sure she did not feel to sad while leaving, I may or may not of spanked her without any clothes.

I would be lying if I didn't like doing that . Mostly I do that to see her expression and Her embarrassment .Daisy is a pedo , I Even made her acknowledge that with her guilt.Oh ! how that women would entrain me while she is there

Anyways I got an invitation from the pokemon school. It was the bitchy girl from the anime.Pardon my informal language , I think according to my memory her name is giselle or something .I ignored the names of useless people who are no use to me . I responded to her that I would be there in 2 weeks. Hmm,.Charmeleon was always competitive with Dratini but when Dratini evolved, was left behind. He was training so hard that he learnt dragon claw.

I have noticed a theory and proved it in the meantime of my break .

Dragonair is now able to use continuous twenty seconds of dragon dances. It had the ability shed skin and with a it's hardened almost cocoon like skin, it was obvious why.I poisoned Dragonair using Beedrill to check whether it has marvel scale or shed skin . Despite having marvel scale I prefer shed skin . Staus aliments are readily . I have proved that you can also inflict multiple aliments on a single pokemon .

To The townsfolk, I was the next legendary trainer like professor oak,Red and blue. The kids also loved me, I was like an older brother.Yes red and blue exist here too .

Pikachu had improved its battle instincts and reaction time by using an improvised version of Godspeed, that I taught it. It would activate on instinct when it sensed danger.Well it is due to Agilty and Electricity .Did you know that electricity flows throw a wire with a speed of light .

That's why your electric appliances Like tube light and tv operate very fast compared to normal velocity .

I Knew this information From my system . The system does it's wonder like Wikipedia . The system answered few of my questions .I used the system knowledge and tried to apply it on practise .Afterall no matter how much you know . It's useless if you don't practise . It's sad that many asian parents in my old world don't know that .

Even my own parents , forced me to study all day . I was sleep-deprived and restless. Wanted some affection from people . I hope no one goes through what I have went .

There are two purposes to practise the system data .One to check whether it's trustworthy or not .If it's trustworthy my pokemon will improve .If it's not then i have another faulty person or a potential enemy inside my head .

There are many people who harm us unknowing and unconsciously .People act mostly by their unconscious state .That's why majority of people are hypocrites .

those who can understand their own unconscious self , can truly be themselves .Even i am not perfect in that .Due to my amensia condition . I know i am in a clinche condition .But sometimes life is like a clinche mystery show .Know one knows what will happen .

About Aura . I don't know much about it .The system is useless about it .I Don't whether it knows about it and doesn't answer purposely or it really don't know

I sat on pidgeotto after preparing for departure to the pokemon academy for teaching kids a lesson .How clinche .I ,once again begun talking to my inner voice who i has no idea who it might me .

<I think it mostly tricking you into not learning . Since the goddess is the one who gave you system .I don't trust the system if i were you >The voice in my head replied

True but it is useful for strengthening my pokemon in journey. I will check whether it is speaking truth or false according to the practice i will make to the theory .

<Your loss >The voice in my head replied.

Don't leave me hanging there .You are making me feel bad

<In a journey of a man .Only a man can judge themselves .Outsiders only criticise or give advice to him.But in the end it's the man who will achieve what he want .>The voice said

It doesn't matter how i achieve it but i should achieve it right . And only myself can decide what path i take right .

<Precisely >The voice said ended our conversation .

Pidgeotto landed after some time flying in air .

I am in front of mt moon .with pidgeotto Who let her head down in shame and disappointment in herself

"[Sorry m-master , I am not strong enough to travel any further . Please , punish me as you wish ]"Pidgeotto replied.

"[I am actually feeling sorry for someone in my life for first time and it rhymed really well ]"Pikachu replied trying to brighten our conversation .

"No , you did what you could . We will train later ."I said and withdrew pidgeotto .

I think she will be grateful and express her tsundere love for me .But i Neither have patience nor time for that .

I trekked through mt moon very quickly . I think i made this place creepy place due to certain people missing here last week .Which is due to a certain individual and i finally reached ceruealn town after a long day.

I stayed there for the night and the left for the school the very next day. I had mentioned that I would be there, tomorrow. Today my goal is to see if this A.J. is actually any good. I mean I employ very harsh training methods myself but I always shower them with love and care afterwards. I don't wanna judge based on the series.

When I was walking I saw a weird colosseum/gym hybrid. I knew that ash came when A.J. had 98 Wins and 0 losses. I can use this as a measure of time between me and the original ash. I saw a door and knocked on it. I saw a weird square faced person with green Ssj trunks hairstyle

."Hello are you A.J. I heard you are supposed to be strong, so I wanna challenge you."I said to him

"haha sorry I just bet my 100th opponent yesterday."He replied

"can we do a mock battle"I asked him

"Sorry ,but i have to leave . i can't do that ."He said

"We can test our limits ."

"Fine them ."He said

"Go sandslash" .He said revealing a strong sandslash

"Go pidgeoto " i commanded him

"Pidgeotto sand attack "I commanded him

"Sandslash use sand attack " He said

Unfortuantley for him due to keen eye .It doesn't have any effect .Aj don't know have much experience with stronger trainers .Since cerulean town people are weak .Giselle and shitty sisters explains a lot in the area .

"Why it's not working . "He replied in confusion

I see .He is just any gen 1 Player who is not aware of pokemon abilities or is that he don't know pidgeotto ability .Or it could be a honest mistake which could cost him a battle .Even one wrong move can make you victor or loser in a pokemon battle .When both of them are similar level .

Pidgeotto needs to dominate ground types . since my pokemon has weakness for them .

"Pidgeotto use Fly " I said .

Pidgeotto used fly elevating herself in the air . I am planning to make it aerial battle

"Gust " I replied to pidgeotto

Pidgeotto flapped her wings and created a tornado and threw at sandslash

"Sandslash use rollout "Aj Commanded sandslash

Of course it's the only move he could use .

"pidgeotto use agilty "I commanded her

Pidgeotto effortlessly doged sandslash .Of course flying types are agile and fast in aerial battles .If there is Limited are,It would be troublesome

"[It gives me the idea . When a certain fast pakisthan bowler is bowling from the boundary line but a certain wall would leave the ball like it wouldn't matter to him in a test cricket ]"Pikachu replied

How did he knew that . This is japan . I coindentally learnt that by my indian friends .

A/n : You are going offtopic there .

No matter what . Aj is unlucky here . If it was any other trainer here he could've won .But the battle is lost once pigeottto is in air .Sand slash without any sand storm and other moves Can't reach Pidgeotto . Sandslash can't use ground attacks here .

"Pidgeotto finish this hyper beam ."I commanded her

Pidgeotto summoned a large amount of energy and released a beam that is travelling to sandslash very fast

"Sandslash use dig " He replied

You mistimed the shot timing .Clean bowled.

Due to agility Pidgeotto hyper beam took out sandslash by surprise .

And it caused a explosion which faded away to reveal that sandslash has indeed fainted .

Who wouldn't faint by that beam with stab bonus and base attack power

"A very warm congratulations .You have proved to me that Even if i defeated 100 trainers . There is always exist a trainer that could defeat me " Aj told me

It gives me mean value theorem flashbacks . Oh how far My orginal parents pushed me into studying .Asian parents .

Aj left after his infamous speech .I think i will not meet him again

Ok, brainstorm. Since ash did come here and assuming that I did not cause or speed up any trainer beating up A.J., I am around a week to a day behind ash.

"Hmm I guess I will just go to the school early."I said to myself .

I looked at the Pokédex and called up the school to let them know that I am coming today and if that I'd fine. They said that I can come today, if I give them 3 hours from now.

I really need a hobby to do while walking. OOoh I know I can go to that pokemon reserve with bulbasaur and make it an official reserve for pokemon if I have oaks support. So I did that in mind. i called professor oak with my hand held phone

"Hello, yeah Professor oak, I found an pokemon reserve run by a young lady. I hope that with your support I can make it an official mini reserve."I said to him

"ok that's a good thing, i will send in the paperwork within a few hours, I was free anyways today"He told me

"thanks"I replied to him

I walked up to the reserve and saw an house, so I went to the door and knocked on it. A really nice girl opened the door.

"How may I help you?"She told me with a kind smile

"Hello, yeah I am a trainer from the league. I heard that there was an reserve here. I wanted to see if I can make it official."I told her

"Really"She said with joy in her eyes .

she looked really surprised maybe she doesn't get much recognization.Well she invited me In. Her intentions are really nice and pure. I checked with aura.

Yeah i learned aura reading by myself . I learned the basic principles of aura . It is different from hxh but still same .the aura principles are vastly different but still similar .

What i should say is that . Aura is really like hxh but in a way more potential and only humans who have 'reasons' can use them.It is more reason oriented

Ah the smt3 nocturne . I don't know it could actually help me . I completed the game in hardcore . It gave me courage to fail .

"Yeah The upsides are that"I said to her

"1 any medicines within reason will be paid for.

2 any capturing of pokemon inside will be illegal

3 Any thieves will be caught by the league

4 any pokemon with critical conditions can be sent to the pokemon center

While the downsides are

1 you will have to submit an official report of every pokemon and item used.

2 there may be a few trainers sent here to check up on the reserve periodically"I explained to her .

She agreed and within a few hours I had been introduced to a new pokemon in the reserve . It has been 2 hours with the walk there I should leave now. I said my goodbyes and left.

"Wait "She said stopping me

"What " I asked her

"Could you p-please spend some time here . I would like you to rest,After you did so much for me " She said.

I found a horses after that

Well , I wish to create a pardoy chapter with What if scenario

1.What if Kenta is a girl

And how different It would be .

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts