
Chapter 17 : Vermillion Gym

Kenta pov

3 days later Dratini and Charmeleon are ready to evolve and pikachu simply has no limit.

I learned that final evolution pokemon have no power limits since they are fully grown. The only exceptions are stone-evolving pokemon. This is an evolutionary tactic(Darwinian).Scientists are just great Since a pokemon evolving through a stone may never find one, they have no built-in power limiter. A pokemon with no limiter grows a bit slower than an evolved pokemon with no limiter. This is why pikachu can be as strong as possible, that is why one charizard can defeat 100 other ones

but one Charmander can only defeat 4 other Charmander at max.

Today I am gonna make good on my promise. I am gonna beat surge. Instead of asking the receptionist, I simply walked around the other grunts and shouted

"Oi! Surge come out! I gotta beat you and make it back to mom and dad!"I told him

The people of the city were shocked. This eleven looking kid had challenged their gym leader so brazenly, he would get crushed. Some were sad or pitying but some were happy to see me get my arrogance shattered

"Oh it's you, James bring up the battle stage. Today will be a good fight. Let's not make it a long one. I challenge you one-on-one. My raichu vs your Dratinti."Surge said

The jaws that fell were plenty enough to make me chuckle.

" Only if we can spar against each other after this is done"I said hoping that I can test my limits

the townsfolk were ready to throw me into a mental hospital.

I had just challenged the lightning American to a fist to fistfight. This dude was known for being brutal. But my guts had told me to not look back and I wanted to know his strength.I may know more martial arts but his one martial art had been refined in the most effective forge. WAR

." I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." that quote applies here.

I have the technical and physical advantage but he had years of practice in the best way how.

"Sure why not"He said as he liked battles

. We made up our way to the battle stage.

"go raichu, be careful we have a good opponent"Surge said

Good, he is respecting me.I want that . Maybe he is respecting me for the way best the team rocket .

I guess it's time I don't have to hold back and hide my power , I hated the thought of it .

<Good , you are learning quick .Never stop this and know this . Never be weak in front of others no matter what >The voice commanded me

Sure that's my plan anyway .

"go Dratini,here is your promised challenge."I told her

"[Thanks for the meal master ]"Dratini replied with hungry eyes

Damn this is what they meant by pokemon resembling their trainers .My pokemon are behaving like me day by day.Now to the main point

"ooh this raichu is no joke, you have taken care of it well. It's center of gravity is perfect, it's fur coat is shiny but not brushed. The tail and skin are hardened and the electrical signals are flowing perfectly"I said explaining the obvious facts

"hah you have a keen eye, but enough of that let's go"Surge told with impatience

As I thought . Surge is a man who is more action and less planning . That is my major advantage here .Even ash used this strategy .

"Raichu thunderbolt."Surge replied

"Dratini dodge and dragon dance"Dratini barely dodge the thunderbolt. It was extremely impressive, it made me realize that the first two gyms are really a joke. This is the true level of gym leaders. This feeling of excitement that even though I may lose, I will be happy.

This is exactly what was missing in the fight against Brock.I knew my eyes were glowing but I didn't care, I looked straight at Surge and smiled like a complete battle maniac. My aura started pulsing, the lack of emotions that are usually stopping me from moving ahead with aura was no more.

"Dratini keep on going dodge if need be"

" raichu thunderbolt followed by quick attack"Surge commanded

. Dratini dodged the thunderbolt but was unable to move out of the quick attacks way.

"[Wait you overrated rat,take this ]"Dratini said while charging up dragon energy

the charged up dragon energy was released in a very impressive dragon tail. It was a direct hit on raichu.Raichu stood out of the dust barely conscious and then fainted. This is exactly what I meant when I said Brock was unbalanced. His defense was not on surges level. Surge specialized in speed and attacking but his pokemon was able to take a point blank full powered dragon tail and still stood awake for a few moments.

It might looked like a battle with less time taken but it really was the best battle I had . I won because of dratini and how she is strong and defeated him without much effort .I guess It really is worthy of being a egg pokemon level.Dragon types are the best types that they actually had to add fairy type .

The entire town who had witnessed the lieutenants first defeat in months, had their jaws broken. The ones who had lost were cheering for me and those who had witnessed my win, looked at me like I was a miracle. Dratini started growing and was enveloped in a bright light. It's height increased to 1.7 meters(1.4 meters is average). It's Tail grew Longer, the Body grew stronger and larger, and in Dratini's place stood a Dragonair. Yay! Finally a contender to Pidgeotto in height.

"[Hmph! I don't like this little bitch has almost same height as me ]"Pidgeotto showed off her arrogance

I quickly silenced them using dominance.

The pokemon while not the strongest was the biggest of our group. He constantly needed to be reminded of its strength to stop it from becoming a peacock.

"Dragonair" it ran over to me and lowered his head to 60 degrees.

By now the crowd was looking at me like a hawk and were trying to pry the secrets of the universe from my brain. Well any way they were super confused and wanted to know why the Dragonair had lowered its head.

I went ahead and gave it a head pat, then scratched it behind the ear and finished it with a belly rub.

"[You can do with me as you please , Master ]" Dragonair told me

"[I think we are getting young master vibes again but who cares it looks good ]"Pikachu is being pikachu .

Dragonair by the end had turned into putty. I actually took out my Pokédex and recorded their reaction. Hahaha. The pokemon that had raised so much chaos, destroyed half the field with one attack and defeated the raichu had turned into this piece of cute jelly.

"Here have the badge. You deserve it far more than anyone I have ever battled."Surge told me

"thanks but I want to fight Mano-e-Mano""I said in a weird tone

"I have been waiting for this since you told me that"Surge said in a excitement tone

"[Ah! Finally a battle between super saiyans or super powered monkeys .]"Pikachu stated obvious

"[Another reference I don't get but I get the idea that you are imaging me as a monkey prince ]"Pidgeotto said

"[Welp ! Busted . If you are a police you would catch all criminals ]"Pikachu stated .

he removed his glasses and got in a stance. I called back Pidgeotto,Dragonair and pikachu. I took out a quarter and tossed it in the air.Time seemed to slow down as I looked into surges eyes. I could see the coin rising higher and higher. I could feel all my blood pumping and my aura pulsating. I was overloading with excitement but the only thing on my face was a smile. The coin dropped and I charged.

Afterall , this is where a dictator will step up in his ranks

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