
Chapter -27: A new ally

3rd POV

"So it would be nice if you give me the badge since you admitted your defeat, " Kenta asked Erika after she accepted her defeat.

" This is cheating " One of the members replied in demand

"There is no way princess Erika would lose " Another person demanded

All of the gym members and staff of Erika are accusing Kenta of cheating and they aren't accepting the fact that Erika is lost.

Kenta Predicted something like this would happen and he kept his pokemon outside for this .

He may complain to the pokemon league but they will somehow escape or will come back to him for revenge if he did.

Kenta can't leave any loose ends here.So in case they won't give him the gym badge he will destroy the entire gym with charmeleon's fire

Kenta tested the perfume Erika sells and tested it and found it has flammable liquid .

Kenta didn't understand why Erika wasn't prepared for the fireproof perfumes. Wasn't she worried that some fire-type may burn the gym?

And they have to be daring to store the perfumes in the gym.

It's a no-brainer even team rocket's lowest members can burn this gym . This is a burn that even 'burn heal' can't work.

He is confused as to why a gym leader is poorly organized like this

The women in the gym are coming to defend and to throw Kenta out of the gym.

Before they could do anything . Kenta commanded charmeleon

"Charmeleon starts the fireworks " Kenta commanded Charmeleon .

Charmeleon used a flamethrower and shook the women away and they were now personally scared to approach Kenta . They didn't expect Kenta to fight back against them .

"You are terrorizing the gym "One of the gym members accused it

"Charmeleon, how pitiful . ..You didn't even try to burn them at all " Kenta told the charmeleon

"You are too soft," Kenta told charmeleon

"[I don't want to kill these people unless they harm you master.So I scared them but if they try this again I won't hesitate to kill humans ]"Charmeleon replied without realizing people can't hear him

"[These people sound like feminists, All talk but no brain ]"Pikachu replied rolling his eyes

"[You are right, master. These people are like feminists ]" Pidgeotto replied

"[All they have to say is 'did you assume my gender?' and it would be a perfect comparison ]"Pikachu replied jokingly .

"[Enough about Feminists but can we move into the action .I am dying for my time to do something . I didn't get any time to shine. Don't ruin my chance now ]"Beedrill replied with adrenaline .

"How did you guys know what is feminists " Kenta replied to his pokemon.

The people at the gym gave Kenta odd looks and are confused about what he is speaking about and who is speaking to .Before they could speak a voice interrupted them .

"STOP EVERYONE ."Erika said with a loud voice after coming back to reality .

"Everyone let me just say that KENTA did INDEED win the battle as per league rules.So he defeated me in the gym battle fair and without breaking any rules.So he is indeed worthy of the rainbow badge . " Erika commanded the entire .

"But Princess Erika " One of the trainers tried to refute .

"Save the ranting for yourself . YOU GUYS ARE TAINTING THE REPUTATION OF THE GYM . You have to stop treating me like a goddess. I am a normal girl just like everyone else. Why can't you people see that you are ruining the reputation of the gym " Erika said losing her temper

"Not allowing trainers when they say they don't like perfumes when they insult me you guys will directly assault.For the god's sake I hate when my perfume is insulted by people but they still have the right to battle me as per league rules. Just don't give wrong impressions about me to people " Erika told her gym members

"I am a botanist and a gym leader . Not some arrogant young mistress ." Erika scowled at her gym members

"[Listen to her .Will you pidgeotto .I wonder who else acts like 'young mistress' type]" Pikachu told Pidgeotto

"[If you want to mock me .Say it to the face ]"Pidgeotto replied back to pikachu

"[He actually said that replied beedrill ]" Beedrill replied

"[Just shut up .Or I will have you for dinner.You filthy bug ]"Pidgeotto told beedrill while scared the shit out of him

"[Racists .This world is full of Racists ]" Beedrill declared.

"Oh! and I concede defeat. You are remarkably strong. I must confer you the RainbowBadge. "Erika said, giving Kenta the rainbow badge .

Erika and Kenta's hands shook for a moment and Kenta received the rainbow badge .While Erika smiled at him .

Erika Pov

He didn't show even a little excitement on his face .It's like he didn't even feel me as a good opponent .Is my battle with him that bad?

I guess it's my time to temporarily retire as a gym leader and give to someone else .I want to go around the world and improve my skills

After how he humiliated me in this battle .I don't think I have the confidence to run the gym for a while .

I got an idea .

Why not travel with Kenta .I may be able to know why he is such a strong trainer and I will be able to solve the mysteries around him.He might be the perfect companion to travel with .

And I also get the proof to prove to him that he is indeed the mysterious trainer .

I could just handle the responsibilities to another of my members. Although I am worried that they won't allow the trainer to battle if they criticize my perfume.

So I will just let Vileplume handle the responsibility of the gym . I will let him release spores on them if they don't behave well.

Kenta Pov

So another problem was solved .

Well I expected them to attack and not give me the badge .Erika isn't as bad as I thought but she is still not good compared to how she is in the games .

Well it's good she gave me badge or else there would be no celadon gym for a while

Well anyway I am trying to leave the gym while I was approached by Erika

"Wait ,Allow me to come with you " She came to me . With a light bag on her back .

"What? " I told her, surprised , what she meant by it .

"Hello. Lovely weather isn't it? It's so pleasant. ...Oh dear... I must have dozed off. My name is Erika. I am the Leader of Celadon Gym. I teach the art of flower arranging. My Pokémon are of the grass-type. "She told me the obvious answer

"What is this description " I asked her

"Oh! It's my introduction and I have the habit of dozing off once in a while .I maybe narcoleptic or simply being affected by the powders given off by the grass Pokémon"She exclaimed with a clumsy and teasing expression on her

I gave her a confused face .Demanding answers

"Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea that you are wondering about why I am here with you right "She replied

"The thing is that I am planning to come with you as your adventure companion .Will you accept me as a companion? "She asked me

"No " I replied to her with a single answer

"Why? " She said with a surprised face expecting me to accept her

"Erika, the thing I am about to do is a long and hard journey. A princess like you can't tolerate the journey I am about to take . And even your skills as a gym leader isn't sufficient enough to handle the pressure and shortcomings of my journey . "I bluntly told her

In other words, You have no reason to come after me. I am not on a friendly journey where I just make friends and chill with them . Who knows, who will be after me.

Erika is a sheltered princess. Won't be able to stay for long .Well I have warned her .

Well if I think too much . Having Erika is not that a bad deal for me.

If I accepted Erika's proposal.I will have one more gym leader's influence. And gym leaders control the entire town . Gym leaders are like mayors of a city/town.

The more I have an influence on them . The more I can benefit from them .

"Aww. Please, I want to come with you . I really don't know much about how the world works.And I will be comfortable if I travel with you . " She told me

She is now desperate for my approval. Very well Erika .

"Very well Erika .Don't go back crying if you can't handle it . if you can't accept the conditions and terms I am about to apply to you .You can't come with me . " I told her .

"Rule no 1 : I will tell you where we should go

Rule no 2: You should prepare your own sleeping bags.In the case of single sleeping bags. You should sleep on the ground.

Rule no 3 : We don't stay in the same town for too long.So be prepared to travel quickly.

Rule no 4: I am not your bodyguard or meat shield.So don't ask me for protection. You are a gym leader and you should be able to handle yourself . And I won't babysit you

Rule no 5 : Don't question my ways and my decisions. And first, off consult me before judging what I am about to do

"I told her all the rules she should follow

Surprisingly she accepted them without much fight.I think she wanted to improve herself

"Okay, I will accept the terms and conditions . And thank you for accepting me Sir Kenta " She replied, lifting her skirt and bowing her head a little.

Ah! Noble customs .And what is 'Sir kenta'

"What is 'sir kenta'? And why are you that accepting of my conditions " I casually asked her

"Well, I guess I should improve in the way I battle. So to do that I needed to adjust myself to prepare for the difficulties I can face in a journey . I will broaden my botany knowledge and my skills as a grass-type pokemon trainer. So I can be worthy of the gym . This time I will not be a sheltered princess anymore.I don't know how rigid I am until you have defeated me. "She declared her resolve to me.

"Thanks for showing me how flawed I am as a gym leader.Thanks for opening my eyes. You are a well-deserved man , and you have my respect which is enough for me to refer to you as 'Sir' "She replied to me with a genuine smile.

She still didn't give me the reason she picked me as a companion.But I didn't see such a genuine smile for a while

It's still something off about the way she is too friendly to me this quickly. Maybe it's my trust issues. But is she really coming with me for a journey?

What's her plot exactly?

Hope it doesn't turn out like one of those romantic comedies. I hate them.

The worst she can do is kill me in her sleep after all.

How is the chapter .

And no people don't accept friends and companions that quick if they did there is something wrong with them .

A relationship is good only if it's steady and slow .

Fast paced relationships don't last long .

So don't give me how it should be .

It will be as how it will be .

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts