
Pokemon: Rifts Descent A Chaotic World

A World at peace, but for how long? This story follows our OC Eric Stone, who passes under unfortunate circumstances only to be awakened in a much younger version of himself on a parallel Earth that is undergoing a slow change. as new energies take hold of the planet and the fabric of space is ripped apart, new creatures that hold great power step foot on our World. P.S. i started this on a alt account DaoistWriterSan but forgot to link the account so it got lost :( so here i am again. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon I am writing this purely for fun.

McTripp · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A Second Chance.

A dimmed ray of light broke through the curtains on the window, shining gently on the face of a cute sandy blonde haired young boy his light blue eyes flickered open as the light from the sunrise awakened him from his peaceful dreams. this boys name was Eric and today was his third birthday.

After the car crash with his mother, Eric had been reborn and seemingly sent back in time. he still had the same parents and the same house he had grown up in, but he didn't want to have the same outcome. and today was the day he had been waiting for. the day his father was meant to die, his third birthday.

Eric yawned and stretched in his comfortable little red racing car bed and when he was awake enough to move he bounced out of his bed and raced down the hall yelling out. "Mummy! potty!"

The hallway had an L shape with his room being on the bottom right side while his parents room was half way up the top side.

While rounding the corner of hallway the door to his parents room opened and Eric's mother stepped out. "Good morning sweetie, did you get a good sleep?" Amelia asked as she picked Eric up.

"Mhmm, but I had a bad dream about daddy so I wanna call him and warn him." Eric nodded vigorously, this was the best way Eric had come up with to warn his father about his impending doom, a dream. simple and clean, easy for a three year old to pull off right? yeah well he hoped so...

"Oh really? Well let's get you on that potty and cleaned up so we can have breakfast, then you can call daddy after you eat, hows that sweetie?"

Amelia said with a smile, getting the affirmative Eric stretched out his arms and hugged his mother in joy. "Thank you mummy."


"And that's what happened daddy, so don't come home the same way today."

_*Sigh* Okay Eric I promise to take a different route home today buddy I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world, and! I got you a present!_

"Okay daddy it's a promise then. just make sure that you do. Mummy almost burned the eggs just like in my dream but I warned her in time and saved them!"

_Hahaha did she now, well daddy's going to get some work done so I can make it home in time, Happy birthday buddy I'll see you soon._

"Mhmm bye daddy work hard and buy me a car next birthday."

_Wait, a car? haha your too little for that Eric._

" Yeah! I want a Bugatti!"

_*Cough Cough* Where did you even see something like that bud._

"It was in the magazine in the toilet, it looks cool I really want one daddy please!"

_(Muttering) Yeah you and me both kid._

_Okay buddy tell you what if can get a licence to drive it next year I'll buy one for you, Okay?-

"Really!? wow your the best daddy thank you."

_Really. Well daddy better get back to work so he can buy you that car. bye-bye_

"Okay daddy bye, come home safe I don't want you to meet grandma yet."


There was a slight pause and then the phone hung up.


Adens pov.

Aden left work half an hour later then he had originally planned, he had been deep in thought after his call with his son and didn't manage to get through his work load in time. the dream mentioned to him by his son was so vivid as well as the comment about his mother... they had never told Eric that his grandmother had passed away so that comment really sent a few chills down his spine.

Getting into the car and putting Eric gift on the passenger seat, Aden set a new route on his gps just like he had promised to his son. It would extend his travel by a few minutes but it was better then worrying his son. That, and a man had to keep his promises. This was how he was raised and it was also how he wanted to raise his son.

As Aden was driving home he decided to turn on the radio and listen to the afternoon news. "_The tragedy has caused massive congestion along Leach highway. From what we've gathered on the ground, The truck driver seems to have suffered a heart attack and lost control of the vehicle. First responders were unable to resuscitate him. The other victims of the accident have been rushed to Royal Perth Hospital two people are in critical condition and have been directly emitted to the intensive care ward. no other information on their status has been given at this time but we will bring you updates as soon as their situation has been made clear. our thoughts and prayers going out the family members of this great tragedy."

Aden turned off the radio, he was now breathing heavily. If he hadn't been late.. If he had taken the same route home.. Gods. would he had really died there? the thought almost petrified him and he needed to pull over to calm down. It was his normal routine to drive down Leach highway and onto Roe highway everyday as it was the fastest way home from work for him.

Aden silently thanked God, Buda and every other deity he could think of as he re-entered the road and continued home.

As he arrived home Aden parked his car in the driveway, he took a few moments to himself and composed and calmed his mind before grabbing the gift and stepping out of the car, as he approached the front door to his house and started to unlock it he heard his son from inside the house and a smile lit up his face. "Daddy's home!!!"

Yes, he was home.

End pov


Eric spent the morning playing with his mother after his call ended.

they sung and played on the keyboard, laughed at the silly animal videos. and Eric watched as his mother baked a cake and put icing on it. he naturally help his mother clean the bowls leading to his face being covered in chocolate cake mixture, and after a quick bath and some new clothes he was ready for his friends to come over.

not that he had friends yet, but the children and parents of his daycare were invited, so he couldn't be allowed to run around covered in chocolate now could he.. or could he? 'nah there was no way his mother would let him get away with it.' Eric thought with a mental shrug.

It didn't take long for the first few guests to arrive and the day proceeded much the same as the first time. Eric was anxious though he hid it well and continued to play and interact with the other kids until he heard the sound that he was all too familiar with, getting up and running to the door he cried out in joy. "Daddy's home!!!"

he had succeeded... he really had succeeded!

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