
Pokemon Rejuvenation

Ray a 17 year boy from the Unova journeys to the Aevium region with his guardian Nancy, however on arrival they are ambushed and he is left on his own in a new place, she finds new friends and falls in love with a young girl, however tragedy strikes when the organization which tried to kill him targets the girl, will he be able to protect her? ADAPTATION OF A FANGAME OF THE SAME NAME BY JAN AND CO

Ibrex2000 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Arc 2 Redemption: Ray's test/ Tesla and Zumi

(Ray's test)- part 1

Gearan city gym

After his battle with Venam, Ray met up with Karrina the gang leader of Gearan city outside of the gym.

She was an orange haired girl about his age, her hair was tied into a single ponytail at the back.

She wore brownish green dress that went down to half of her plump looking thighs, she also wore high heels Making her look taller than Ray even though they were the same height.

"Venam said I should come over and give you my pass to go to route 2 however.... I only give this to people I trust so if you want it! You'll have to join my gang" Karrina.

"Alright then, how do I do that?!" Ray said fuming out hype.

"Hehehe, come with me" Karrina says as she walks to the northwestern part of the city with Ray behind.

Junction bridge

Crossing the old steel bridge the two saw a huge blue and sliver story building at the pier.

It looked like an old laboratory with broken window all Around.

"I've heard rumors of a mad scientist being here performing cruel experiments on Pokemon, if you want to join my gang stopping that will be your test!" Karrina points at him with her pink painted nails.

"That's cool and all but you're sure this rumor is tru..." Ray asked before being interrupted by a horrible laugh.

"Huehuehuehuehuehue!" The laugh was so loud and crazy it gave both Ray and Karrina chills.

"You hear that! That's not the laugh of a sane person! Let's go!!!" Karrina shouts and drags Ray to the door.

'slamm!!!' the door is opened with force by the two startling the Occupants within.

Ray recognizes the two individuals he saw them when he first got to Gearan labs, the girl with green hair(but now she was wearing black for some reason) and the purple haired man in a lab coat Wearing glasses.

"The hell!, Jenkel I thought you said this place was safe?!" The girl shouted, her voice was a lot deeper than Ray expected (she looked young but sounded older).

"Well.... emm" the scientist known as Jenkel muttered.

"Whatever peace out!-----" the girl steps on a green floor panel and teleports to a different area.

As she leaves the duo's attention shifts towards a big pink tapir Pokemon that appears to be sleeping while hooked up to a huge green machine with flowers around the bottom.

"What's that machine?! What are you doing to that Pokemon?" Karrina questions Jenkel.

"Huehuehuehuehuehue! You've seen too much, I'll have to deal with this.... Well I did want to test out this thing" Jenkel's sight turns to the tapir Pokemon.

"Alright get ready Ray! This is your entrance exam, disarm him and save that Musharna(tapir Pokemon) " Karrina annonced.

"I've got this! (Melia just a little longer now)" Ray said as he readied Piplup's pokeball.

"Huehuehue! We'll see about that! Musharna pulse evolution!" Jenkel shouts as he pushes a remote control.

"Mushraaaaaaa!" The tapir cries out in a strange way as pinkish green energy is flowing through it from the machine.

The Pokemon transforms, it's body turns light pink as green flower petals cover it's back like wings.

It starts to float like a balloon and from it's forehead a blue liquid like substance flows out like a never ending water hose, it's eyes also open up and give a blue glow.

"Pulse Musharna show them your power", "Muuuuuuuuuh" Jenkel says as the monsterous Musharna cries out.

"That..... similar to the Gyarad....." Ray remembers the beast he fought in the Rift not a pleasant memory however.

"Pip! Let's show this crazy guy how it's really done!", 'popppp!', "Pipluppp! "Ray sends out Piplup with a pop from his pokeball ready to fight.

"Mushrana use magical leaf", "Muuuuuuuuu!" Jenkel orders and pulse Pokemon sends out numerous flower petals at Piplup.

"Dodge it and get closer with Peck" Ray commands.

"Pi pi pi pip!" Piplup uses his beak like a dagger as he manages to dodge some petals and clear a straight path to mushrana.

"Pipluppp!", Mushrrrraa!" Piplup lands a solid hit on mushrana back making it scream and fall to the ground.

"Use psychic to defend yourself!" Jenkel yelled.

"Muuuusaas!" The pulse Pokemon uses the Blue energy stream on it's forehead to spin around making it look like a water wheel as it hits Piplup away.

"Piiiiii!" The penguin hit the ground hard but got back on his feet.

The trainers looked at each other and smiled "For a kid you aren't half bad", "For a crazy person you sure are composed" both Jenkel and Ray complimented the other.

"Both of them are weirdo 'tsk' " karrina hissed a comment as she continued to watch.

"let me give you a bit of info, by transforming Musharna into it's pulse form I added the fairy type as well so now it's a psychic and fairy type Pokemon, it's special attack is unmatched! Now Musharna use Mist!" Jenkel declared.

"muuuushraaaa!" The tapir released a pink mist that covered the entire laboratory in it's pinky haze.

(Mist? That's attack prevents loss of stats, I didn't know it's affects could be used like this, also is it similar to the corrosive field from before?) Ray thinks to himself.

"Now experience the true power of a fairy! Fairy wind!" Jenkel did a magical girl pose(like his holding a wand)

"Muuuu!" Musharna summoned multiple pink clouds from the mist that started to bombard Piplup.

"Pipppp!", "Oh no pip!" Ray cried out as his starter was hit endlessly by the powerful fairy attack amplified by the mist.

"How'd you like that boy! My ultimate technique, Misty Downpour a combination of mist and fairy wind" Jenkel declared with pride.

"That's a bloody cool name I've got to admit, however Pip and I aren't done (I've got a hunk about this mist)" Ray said to Jenkel still smiling.

"Muda Muda Muda!(useless) I'll show you that your puny starter can't match up to my beast of science! Musharna fairy wind full power!",

"Musuuuuuu!" Jenkel shouted striking another magical girl pose, while the pulse Pokemon released another flurry of clouds at Piplup.

"We won't give up Pip use bubbleeeeebeamm!" Ray made a finger gun which he pointed at Musharna with.

"Pippp lupppp lupppp lupppp!"  Piplup elongated his beak and fires a blue beam of concentrated bubbles however the Mist combined with the attack just like it did in the corrosive field turning the blue beam pink and adding extra power to it.

"Amazing" karrina was surprised by the action taken by Ray

The pink beam collided with the clouds clearing them like a bullet shot into water, before the tapir knew it the beam exploded in it's face knocking it out and it fell on top the pulse machine destroying it in the process 'boom'.

"No!!! Ruhhh ohh!.... She's gonna be really mad at me!" Jenkel yelled as he pulled at his purple hair, not only did his Pokemon lose but his machine was destroyed as well.

Ray looked at Piplup again he wasn't as damaged as he was in the fight against Gyarados "we've...... Gotten stronger" Ray tightened his fist and smiled, his training didn't go to waste "you we're amazing Pip good job", "pip lup!" Ray and his partner then smiled at each other.

The tapir Pokemon reverted back to it's normal form as it floated away from the destroyed machine, on it's face was the emotions of a scorned woman and it directed it's gaze towards karrina "Muuuushraaaa!!!!"

"Why is it pissed at me? Was it happy being attached to that machine?!" Karrina asked furiously.

"Of course! They shared a somewhat symbiotic relationship, it was never in any pain! It was like having a nice sensual massage huehuehuehue!" Jenkel laughed his ass off.

"Gross....." Ray comments as he sees the Musharna rub it's butt against a piece of the machine.

"So..... You aren't a mad scientist hurting Pokemon?" Karrina asked confused.

"I am a mad scientist but I'm not the kind that willingly hurts Pokemon that's stereotyping! But that's okay the battle has enlightened me, repairs will be done! Now would you two like drinks and potato chips?" Jenkel asked with a weird smile on his face.

"You sure are crazy but you're hospitality is in the right plac...." Ray was about to accept his offer before Karrina grabbed his black sweater scarf.

"No thanks we're good, let's go Ray" she says as he drags Ray out of the lab again.

Train station

"Apart from all the weirdness, you passed the test with flying colors! Welcome to gang" Karrina gives him a blue ticket with a lipstick mark on it.

"Yah! I just got the Karrina pass!", Pipluppp!" The dark skinned boy and his penguin pose again weirding Karrina out some more.

"Now just to get on a train to route 2" Ray reminded himself.

"Good luck with saving Melia, she's my friend too I hope for the best outcome" Karrina tells him.

"Hmph leave it to me" Ray puts a fist to his chest as he says this with vigour.

"And when you have free time visit me at my house" Karrina smiles.

"Wh... what?!" Ray blushes as he thinks he misheard that line.

"Yah I have a mission that might peak your interest" Karrina finishes.

"oh hehehe" Ray rubs the back of his head awkwardly.

"Good luck again Ray" Karrina waves him good bye as he boards the train.

"See you later boss!" Ray jokes as he enters the train car.

She continues to wave until Ray is out of sight ready for his new adventure in Aevium

Ray's test- End

(Tesla and Zumi)- part 2

East Gearan library

On the first floor of the library (E-room with lots of computers)  was a woman with long straight orange hair she wore a blue jacket on top of a pink t shirt, her black skirt reached to her knees and he had black sneakers on well.

She was currently in the process of getting new data for a particular Pokedex, as she clicked some codes into the desktop in front of her.

'Creak' the door opens revealing a woman with fiery red hair wearing a red and white dress "Zumi just the woman I was looking for" the woman says smiling.

"Ah Tesla it's been a while" the computer lady now known as Zumi says also smiling.

"How have you been, I hope the city isn't giving you too much trouble" Tesla asked worried.

"Well we did have a Team Xen infestation but our gym leader and the local gang handled it" Zumi says playing with her orange hair.

"Team Xen again, first with the sinking of the S.S Oceana now this, I hope Ray wasn't involved" Tesla says on a low tone.

"Ray you say? I talked to a trainer named Ray recently as well, his getting some Data for me as we speak" Zumi remembers.

"That boy, his presence here is definitely a sign of something" Tesla puts a finger on her chin.

"Also you came here for your daughter's new laptop right?" Zumi brings out a red and yellow laptop from her bag.

"Oh yes sorry I got side tracked" Tesla apologizes and takes the laptop.

"This Ray kid must be something else, I thought he was just a normal trainer, didn't know he caught the attention of an elite 8 member" Zumi becomes curious and asks Tesla.

"Well he reminds me of a young man I met in my youth, his name was Keta" Tesla begins to tell her story.


Gearan city many years ago

Tesla was visibly different, her hair dark orange and tied into a ponytail while she wore a white and black dress, she was in her late teens and she was chasing after a boy of the same age.

"Slow down Keta! you're too fast!" Tesla yells(her voice was a lot squeaker then)

"We can't afford to miss the train to goldenwood forest pick up the pase Tesla! " The light skinned boy yelled back.

He had long black hair tied with a red rubber band then stayed at his back, he wore a black jacket and purple jeans, he was very athletic as his muscles were toned, his face was so fresh even though he was running at full speed.

The two reached the train station but the train had began to move.

"Oh no you don't, hold on Tesla" Keta grabs Tesla's waist and jumped on a bench from there he uses the height to jump on top of the train car.

"Wahhh! Honestly sometimes you come off as superhuman!" Tesla shouts with a red face.

"Shhh let's be quiet so they don't know we're stealing a ride hehehe" Keta laughs

"Still you must have gone through a lot of stuff in those Kanto islands" Tesla adds.

"Kehehe, the training there was easy, you should have my brother" Keta laughs again.

"Brother.... I'd like to know my family as well some day" Tesla says sadly.

"If you need help finding them just give me a call, since I'm your friend Ain't I? Kehehehe" Keta says smiling at Tesla making her blush

"Oh you!" Tesla pouts at him.

"Hey look, we're here!" Keta points at the golden scenery in front of them.

"No matter how many times I come here it's always beautiful" Tesla comments with a smile.

"I wonder how much leaves I can sell today!" Keta's eyes transform into P shapes (pokken money).

"Read the mood dummy!!!", "Kehehehe!"  Tesla begins to punch his arm as he laughs.

(End of flashback)

"Wow he must have been your close friend" Zumi remarks.

"Yes we we're very close.... Seeing Ray brought back memories of Keta, I just hope Ray will always be able to keep smiling and laughing with his friends...." Tesla says in a sad tone.

Zumi refined from asking about Keta knowing that the answer she'll get wouldn't be a happy one.

With that done the main Arc 2 plot can continue tune in next time as Ray journey's to route 2!