
Team Cultured Folks


As time passes, the meteorite in which the egg lay was moving toward Earth. The egg could've hatched any moment now, but it had deemed arriving at the center of the storm as its priority. In its egg state, the meteorite that has been sealing its aura won't break. It breaking would ruin his plans of setting the two Pokemons straight.

Despite his typing and power, Eternatus would rather prefer everything move smoothly. He's after all, far from invincible, there's bound to be a method to defeat him and Arceus would surely find it if given enough time.

"Mew," Adam mutters as he sat on the meteor in deep contemplation.

Eternatus similar to Arceus was born in his peak condition (Level 100). There are many things similar to the two, with their perfect usage of Origin being the most noticed. However, the biggest difference between the two is energy.

The amount of energy Eternatus generates can usher this world to a hold new era of power and that's without including the overwhelming Origin energy it carries.

Just based on energy levels alone, Eternatus should be able to defeat the Pokemon Universe on its own. It's clear to say, Eternatus was never made for Pokemons to challenge.

However, energy levels are far from enough.

Dialga and Palkia are good examples. Their energy levels are beyond what most can handle, yet they lose to Pokemons like Calyrex and Kyurem.

Their utilization of energy can't compare with Calyrex or Kyurem despite their already powerful usage of it. With Eternatus lack of experience, it won't be surprising if he's taken advantage of and defeated.

However, before they could find his weakness and defeat him, many humans and Pokemons will die and this isn't something Adam did like to see.

Being a watcher of humanity is the one role Adam is happy to do.


Location - Hidden Basement in ???'s house, Celadon City

Sitting down beside a large table was a group of men. The room walls were plastered with pictures of many feminine Pokemons, there were even a few questionable pictures of a Ralts.

Unlike most pictures, two pictures clearly highlighted what they loved, with two exotic picture frames revealing a Ralts in a magical costume and another of Mega Diancie about to use Diamond Storm.


"Why are you fool so blind!" The middle-aged man shouts. "Ignoring the Goddess and the princess, Gothorita is the best Pokemon ever!"





"I pity you fools who keep chasing Pokemons. Don't you see the beauty in feisty kids!" The sailor shouts.

"SHUT UP!" They all shouted. Their president had taken a part none of these councilmen approve of. Pokemons first, humans second.

A shadow shot out from under the table and the figure of a young man appears behind the president. Almost instantly upon his arrival, he had already taped the sailor's mouth and chained him to the chair.

"Mmmh," The president struggled a little too late.

"Good job, Zoro," The middle-aged man praised him.

"Thank you, master," Zoro said. "I'm starting to like Pancham," Saying that he quickly hid in the shadows.

"The f*ck!?" He shouts astounded. "Fine, it's still better than taking a fancy to feisty kids,"

"It looks like we have gotten sidetracked," one man said.

"Indeed we have," Another said sipping some tea.

"So let's stop being personal and be more realistic about who's the best waifu once excluding Leona and Diancie,"

"Alright, we'll automatically kick out our personal picks and I, codename GothatD, will start with Leavanny," the middle-aged man codename, GothatD started. "A tall yoga team Pokemon, just imagine the amount of position one can have with her,"

"Black Jynx from Kanto is also nice," codename MILF said. "The black skin makes it feel more human-like and its love for you gives off a motherly vibe. I did love for one to pamper me to its heart content,"

"Skarmory, it shows a tough front but it's really just a big softy," codename TsunLover declares.


"Didn't we just say Leona can't be used," MILF reminded.

"Did you just compare a Ralts to Leona?" codename Loli growled.

"Leona has been the biggest help to our rise in power, you can't compare her to other Ralts," codename ThighsSaveLives answered.

"Like I was saying, Ralts..."

"Did somebody, just say Ralts?"

"Now who's it!" Turning around to face the door angrily was Loli, staring in shock at the freakish pale human standing there.

"It's me, Mike. A guy who's going to kill you if you don't give the answers I need," Mike says aggressively.

"State your business," the newly made Vice President said.

"Oh, and who are you?" Mike asks humorously.

"Daniel, an Ace Trainer from Kanto," he explained.

"Daniel? Daniel, Daniel, Dickniel. That's your name from hereon," Just from Mike's toxic face alone, one could tell he did kill him on the spot if he doesn't accept this as his name.

"Dickniel it's," He shrugs.

"Good, now tell me everything you know about Leona,"


Mike's POV.



It makes no sense for me to kill her. Not when she's already suffering enough with these people chasing her skirt eagerly.

Her trainer is Erika and the most me-like thing she had done so far was crushing some bones and being helpless in the face of kids.

However, this version of me has been living a little too happily. A few days of trolling should help her understand that this isn't a playground.

But for now, Daniel. You're simping for this timeline's me, so come and intefere with my trolling. Bring everyone you can and let me crush them, a painful torturous death MUST be prepared for you.

After all, I'm unlikely to get to do that in my timeline thanks to Risa.

"My turnsss," Medusa hisses, currently pretending to be a necklace.

"How about this, help me troll Leona and killed Daniel and we can go wherever you want for the rest of our time here?"

"Dealsss," Medusa said.

Now let's see if the fish took the bait.


So first up, Mike's Instincts quickly let him know that the human was Daniel and then during their conversation showed many thoughts of killing Leona to see if he would attack on the spot.

Seeing as he didn't, Mike believe this timeline version of Daniel is garbage compared to this timeline.

Well, you'll find out just how accurate his thinking was in the next few chapters.