
Epilogue Part 1, MISSINGNO

MISSINGNO, the Glitch Pokemon, the first ERROR. Later known as the Nameless Soul, Pseudo Outer Being, and Unregistered Soul. Most of these names were given to it by Progenitor Mew, with only Pseudo Outer Being being given by Arceus after Arceus attempt to kill MISSINGNO failed, but it still has another name.

Failure #562T.

Most of the history for this name isn't needed besides the fact that MISSINGNO is a failure. MISSINGNO, the fusion of millions of souls, good and bad, poor and rich, weak and strong, no matter who you are won't matter, nor would it matter if you were dead or alive when your soul was taken.

All stirred together to form a new entity. These abominations are highly emotional, irrational, and selfish. Everything they do would be for their benefit, and the for good of all things, don't have any relationship with them, that just makes them mentally retarded.

For example, a simple unintentional hang-up while chatting with such beings would lead to you hanging up on spears.

There was never a case of these abominations becoming good people even if they have memories of only good people in their lives. They all start with receiving what they believe to be called 'affection' before apparently losing it, before finally moving on the path of self-destruction.

MISSINGNO was a special case indeed, having spent millions of years without that dose of affection. Until a day came when a brave soul tried to communicate with it.

Unlike MISSINGNO who, since birth was chased around by Unowns before managing to escape only to get a short breath before the troll itself pops up and leaves behind Unowns to chase after it.

This soul not only got to live in peace despite also being an ERROR but also had people it managed to care for. HOW!? Just the thought some other ERROR got what it wanted while it still spent millions of years thirsting for this was painful, causing MISSINGNO to consider killing it.

You could say, MISSINGNO's thought speed is its biggest weakness as a second to it feels like months past. This led to debates about whether to kill someone or not stretch far off the topic and lead to the fact someone tried to communicate with it.

That's a first, Progenitor Mew only came over to harass it while everyone else has been hostile to it, even Arceus himself.

"How about this each time I ask you something glitch your body once for yes and twice for no, okay?" Beri ask.

Communication? It could do that. Glitching its body it silently squealed when he sense some happiness from Beri, no Mike, as this is his original name.

As for it learn this? Easy. Now that Mike's body has been glitched, it can glitch Mike's soul defenses so that it can see its memories. It's a bit more complicated than this, but glitching is the shortcut to life.

"Great so we can talk, are you a boy?" Mike said, unknowingly f*cking himself up.

'He understood, he understood, he understood. He recognized me, he understood me, he understands me, he loves me,'

The logic is as beautiful as its soul.

Now understanding that Mike 'loves' it, MISSINGNO shall do its very best to keep them 'together'.

'He can become a true ERROR like me, or we can fusion or even assimilate?'

As you can see, Mike was quite lucky that MISSINGNO ended up using the first option. Otherwise, the two would've either been one, destroying all his hope of reuniting with Risa, or die from being assimilated into MISSINGNO.

Glitch: Glitched Memories.

MISSINGNO at the end of the day, eventually became sort of a Pokemon, even if it's true glitching rules in hopes of getting accepted. Even gave itself its own unique type, Bird.

Glitch is the Uber ability of Chaos Manipulation and after getting messed with its own uniqueness (ERROR), has become one scary conceptual attack. It has even Glitched the concept of death, allowing it to survive the ambush of Arceus. This also helped it escape after being imprisoned by Necrozma.

Sadly, there are things worst than death so it still must escape from Unowns before it gets sealed away. And it strongly believes that Progenitor Mew has found a way to kill it.

Anyhow, Glitched Memories created an avatar of itself in someone's memories. This avatar can carry many of MISSINGNO straits such as its overly strong contagiousness. With time, Mike's physical body would become an ERROR before fusing with his soul, become a genuine ERROR and not this half-baked ERROR one can't tell isn't cooked right.

As Mike's already MISSINGNO's dearest, MISSINGNO would allow it to enjoy these next few years. Or so it planned, but it seems the memories it had seen from Mike had already left its brain making completely forget Mike would never love it.


Fast forward in progress.


Something it only realized now as it watched the pink evil creature resting on its love head.

'HOW DARE HER!' During this time it had constantly attempted to ERROR Mike's body but whatever that thing is has been resisting strongly.


Not once did it question the possibility Mike was never its own, much less whether he would like a Genderless creature. Luckily for it, the entity finally couldn't stop MISSINGNO any longer.

[Dear apologizes, the host doesn't belong to you]


The arrogant tone of that entity pissed, MISSINGNO off, but it did felt better after seeing how it failed to find MISSINGNO'S Glitched Memories.

Still, the entity has always been a step ahead of MISSINGNO as even now, it can't find any memories related to the entity, not even a clue on what it might be.

'Regardless, Mike dearest has come to see me. Let's let him be in his best condition,' MISSINGNO thought wanting to surprise him.

"A being that shouldn't exist but exists? So you're a mistake then?... No, the best explanation of what you are would be an abomination. Millions of souls fused together into one before being thrown into this world," Mike said.

'See! I told you he understood, he understood!' its shrieks of excitement were nothing more than disturbing when one imagined multiple people young and old shrieking like this.

"A piece of trash in denial, constantly moving forward to find its place, its home. Unaware that those souls aren't it, therefore this world is your home. No, I supposed you knew this already but knew this world will never accept you. So, you came to me, a being from another world hoping I did accept you... but,"

The momentary pause made MISSINGNO gulp nervously, not one bit angry of being called trash as to it, it can be whatever its dearest desires.

"You forced me to die and even tried to turn me into an ERROR for company! I'll never accompany trash like you!"

'Heh?' MISSINGNO felt there was a misunderstanding in there somewhere, it never forged him to die, this was something Mike would've willingly wanted to do for it anyway and he won't be dead for long either. Most importantly, why did he make sounding accompanying it for all of eternity sound like a bad thing?

Sadly, MISSINGNO had no time to think further as it was attacked. So for now it will just directly glitch a new body inside his memories for him to inhabit and glitch him out later. Might even glitch a few memories in case he was manipulated by someone to forget their love.

'Bet it was Risa,' MISSINGNO growled.



Location - ERROR Field aka Unexplored Continent, China.

(A/N: Good riddance)

It wasn't even a second after the avatar was destroyed, MISSINGNO appeared here and started a battlefield with Unowns. This was its biggest mistake as due to anger it got careless, leading to MISSINGNO being sealed in China.

However, anyone could tell, that seal will break sooner or later, even with Unowns constantly improving it.

'HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT. HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT. HE loves ME, HE LOVES ME NOT,' MISSINGNO chants completely ignoring Progenitor Mew who slipped into the seal before silently watching MISSINGNO.

"Mew," Mew giggles.

"NO He LOVES ME, HE SAID IT... He said that when?..." MISSINGNO's anger quickly became confusion. "He never said it..." MISSINGNO said silently.

"Mew," Mew giggles. It's always fun watching crazies. Luckily, Pokemon World has plenty.

"So then he tricked me! He toyed with my heart and discarded me when he had finished using me!"

"..." Mew looked at it with a baffled expression, wondering where she got this stuff.


Having seen MISSINGNO has completely lost it... no, it didn't have anything to lose in the first place. Regardless, not wanting to have anything to do with this abomination anymore, Mew teleported away.



Things to note about Abominations.

- Ridiculously high thought speed that usually can't keep up with the body, (Which doesn't make one smart)

- Self-centered, delusional, unstable, highly reactive emotions.

- A ridiculously powerful soul (Usually. Depends on the souls used)

I don't know why I bother to mention a whole species when I only going to have MISSINGNO.

Also, I didn't expect this to be so long and didn't feel like writing anymore. So, part 2 tomorrow.