
Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

Waking up in the Pokémon world as a Ditto is like a wet dream come true... or a nightmare, depending on how you look at it. I'm not sure which is worse - being a slimy, shape-shifting blob or knowing that all raunchy-ass hentai Mangas were actually going to find some use. But here's the bright side, when life throws you some motherfucking lemons, you make some goddamn lemonade. When life gives you a slimy, shape-shifting body, you become the coolest motherfucker there ever was. This is going to be one hell of a ride and I ain't got any pennies in my pocket. ------- This is a wish-fulfillment fanfic, so I would implore you to not take things too deeply. Contains Sexual Content ------- Disclaimer: This Pokémon fanfic is a work of fan-made fiction, and I don't own jack shit. The Pokémon franchise belongs to Game Freak, Nintendo, and all those other clever folks who created this amazing universe. I'm just a rowdy degenerate messing around with their toys. Don't sue me, I'm broke. Also, expect some naughty language, dark themes, and general tomfoolery. You've been warned, so don't come crying to me when your precious Pikachu gets roflstomped. Now, sit back, relax, and let's get this wild ride started! Picture Scrapped From Web, Original Artist may inform me(via comment or review) if they wish it to be taken down

Night_Specter · Anime y Cómics
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87 Chs

Run Away

How is the new cover btw? I added the name if you didn't notice. 

Is this better or should I keep the original image?


I wobbled my wiggly Ditto body out of the door, leaving Delia and our cozy little scene behind.

Don't worry, folks, I wasn't kicked out after getting a good old-fashioned spanking. Nope, not yet, at least.

My excuse for leaving was that I needed some fresh air and wanted to take a walk around. Yeah, yeah, it was a load of crap.

What I really needed was a dose of the Pokémon universe's booties, and I wasn't going to get them by staying indoors.

As I made my way out, I couldn't help but think about Delia. Despite not letting me call her "Mommy" or her agreeing to call me "Hubby," it seemed like we had something cooking between us. The fact that she didn't mind more kissing after the spankings was a good sign, if you ask me.

I guess this place could be considered home... for now, at least. And yeah, I'm smiling. Can't help it – even my Ditto body can't resist a little joy every now and then.

As I walked away, my mind wandered to the kissing session earlier. Man, Delia was totally turned on when her body-double kissed her. I never knew people had fetishes like that... or should I say, self-cest? Masturbation? What would you call it when two identical bodies get all hot and bothered together?

Haaah! I took a breath of fresh air, leaving behind the heaviness in my non-existent heart.

Big and small booties! I, the great Ditto, is coming for you!

Even through my stay at Ash's home was short, merely a day (but it was fucking wild!), I learned quite a few things about this damn body.

I can mimic things without seeing them! I just need a robust reference.

I most likely won't be able to form a human form right away, but I can start with something smaller. 


Time to put learning into practise.

I closed my eyes (which I don't think really exist, cuz my whole body is practically a pink-bulbous mass, and don't ask me how I can see! Just call it Pokémon magic!) to concentrate.

I started recalling everything I could about how it felt when I was in Pidgey form. Grey feather...brown feather...hard beak...wings...no asshole...just a single cochelia... fuck!

When I opened my eyes again, I was no Pidgey but neither was I purely a Ditto.

My appendages had turned into rudimentary wings and my lips into beaks, but the rest of body was still pinkish slime. And feathers too – a whole lot of fucking feathers all over my body.

"PIDTOO PIDTOO..." It looked like even my vocal chords have gotten messed up.... Fucking Jesus.

At least give me a fucking talon for movement dude...

Good thing I didn't start with a bigger body...

I turn back into Ditto form.

Let's try that again... I close my eyes and focus on Pidgey form. This time, I really concentrate on those talons...



I opened my eyes slightly and let out a frustrated sigh...

This time was also a failure, making me into an even more deformed creature... but, you know, progress?

But, hey! I got two fucking talons! That's gotta count for something!

Let's fucking gooooo!

That day, the residents of Pallet Town reported a weird pink thing with feathers all over its body and face of a chicken running through the town. No one knew what the fuck that was, but it's said that many children couldn't sleep that night due to reported nightmares about a chicken slime...


"Pid-gee-OT!" I shriek as I soar through the skies, my newly transformed body finally free from that hideous Pidtoo form.

I owe it all to that curious Pidgeot who flew by, probably thinking I was some freakish, edible Pokémon or something. Who cares, though? I'm flying high, baby!

Now, I'm on the hunt for a certain orange-haired beauty, rumored to be fishing by the river. You know, the one and only Misty, the crush of every damn kid on the planet.

The odds are against me, considering how much time I wasted with Delia, but I can at least do a flyby and see if I get lucky. If not, I'll head to Pewter City and try my luck there.


"Ooot!?" The gust of wind nearly sends me tumbling out of the sky before I manage to regain control.

Yeah, flying's a real bitch, especially with these crappy weather conditions. Dark clouds all around, perfect for a beginner flyer like me to crash and burn.

"PIDGEOOOOT!" I scream as a blinding light engulfs me, followed by a paralyzing jolt and a shit-ton of pain.

Son of a...! A lightning bolt just came out of nowhere and smacked me right in the head! Fuck. Me.

My vision started to blur, and my senses began to shut down. I barely managed to release my grip on the Pidgeot transformation before my body crashed to the ground, hoping like hell that my squishy body absorbed enough of the impact to keep me from turning into splattered egg



I wake up on a soft bed, with a brown ceiling staring back at me. I feel like I just had a nice dream, i was also scored a hot milf... oh wait, it was real!

I shaked my head, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, and my fingers (or rather, lack thereof) leave a slimy trail on the bed sheets. 

"Ah, you're finally awake?" I hear an angel-like voice, and I turn my head to see a pink-haired woman, with the face that put models to shame, all in fluffy nurse attire – and it's none other than Nurse Motherfucking Joy!

Holy shit

"Dittooo?" I mutter under my breath, still trying to process the whole situation.

Nurse Joy approaches me and gently rubs my head, her touch sending shivers down my spine. I'm still too dazed to reply, pet me moree

It was one thing to see this angelic nurse in anime, but in reality, she looked so damn beautiful. Especially that smile, that damn smile! Looking at it is making me practically melt. I feel like a puddle of slime on her bed.

Wait, I am actually that...nvm.

"Are you okay little guy?" she asks, her voice as soothing as a gentle breeze. "A girl found you in the forest with your body charred... did you get struck by lightning?"

I just dazedly nod my head, still trying to process the chaos that's been unleashed upon me. Nurse Joy's expression turns sympathetic, and she coos, "Awww poor baby..."

Her words are like a warm hug on a cold winter night. I feel myself relaxing into her care, my slime-body melting under her gentle touch.

Wait, did she say a girl found me? Could it be... Misty?!

Not minding me, Nurse Joy continued, "I've got you all patched up, you should have no problem moving now!"

Wiggling my body a little, I find out that was true. Aside from a bit of rigidness, I don't feel much different from usual.

But from her description of charred bodies and the shock I had felt then, it seems the situation was a bit serious.

I look at her with a flat smile on my face and motion to come closer with my appendage. "Do you need something? Food?" she asks concerned, but leans down closer to the bed.

I raise my body a bit and plant a quick kiss on her cheek. Gotta show my appreciation for help!

Nurse Joy's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden kiss, but she giggles and blushes slightly.

"Oh, you're feeling better already!" she says, smiling warmly. "Well, if you're ready to get up and move around, I can help you with that."

I nod enthusiastically (well, as much as a Ditto can nod) and try to stand up, but Nurse Joy gently guides me back onto the bed.

"Not so fast, little guy," she says with a chuckle. "Let me just check your vitals again real quick."

I grumble slightly at being forced to stay in bed, but I know better than to resist Nurse Joy's expert care.

As she checks my vital signs, I can't help but leer at the beautiful face in front of me.

2nd of the 2 Milestone Chapters.

And boys, we are under 100 in power ranking!


Thanks for all the support. It really means a lot.

Now keep the comments coming if you want more!

Night_Spectercreators' thoughts