
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

stromerthaha · Cómic
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128 Chs

Chapter 111: Wave of rewads!!!

Ash and gang left the safari zone area after ash enhanced his pokemon and got his lv88 Dragonite.

On their journey gang encountered various things on their way towards cinnabar island.

First ash and gang helped a rich family to reunite with their long lost son Timmy who was raisen by a group of kangaskhan after solving the problem ash got 3 ultraballs.

Next gang encountered a sick shellder to be transported to the nearby Pokemon center because of teleporter problem and with the help of nurse joy ash and gang got few bicycles and used the cross over beach to travel over while traveling few bike gang wannabe punks wanted to stop them ash have to clam Sabrina because she was few inches away turning the punks into voodu dolls ash used charizard to defeat the punks and helped the sick shellder after knowing it was a wild Pokemon ash asked nurse joy whether he could have shellder to which nurse joy happy transferred shellder to ash.

In this scenario ash not only got a new Pokemon but got a potential enhancher bronze which was quite suitable for newly added shellder ash likes both the strong cloyster and powerful psychic Pokemon slowbro and slowking.

After crossing the bridge ash and gang were interrupted by sudden rainfall the gang saw a mansion and met duplica who had a ditto who couldn't shapeshift ash and gang helped the ditto after parting ash checked the mission reward which was 3 high level rare candy.

Then ash was training his Pokemon's with his gang on a forest were his pikachu saved a small pikachu from a flowing river.

Then ash saw a colony of pikachu worshiped his pikachu as some kind off legendary being on their species because they could feel the electricity flowing all over pikachu's body after spending time with the colony of Pikachu misty who took a liking towards a female pikachu caught her first none water type pokemon.

After leaving the wild area the gang saw a eevee who was tied on a tree after a slight investigation gang came to stone town.

which was famous for evolution stones and found about who was eevee's owner his name was Mikey who was a younger brother of three eevee brothers after solving the problem of eevee's evolution telling the gang about newly discovered 3 more eevee evolutions ash and gang sliced the reverse evolution problem got a set of Medium grade evolution Stones from eevee Brothers.

Ash doesn't want these medium grade commodites sold them on their journey and got a reward of high grade evolution stones for helping Mikey about eevee's evolution problem.

Gang encountered a sleeping snorlax Which was blocking water supply of a town ash and Sabrina used their psychic powers to teleport the snorlax to a nearby mountain area ash doesn't want this snorlax he wants the swimming snorlax from grapefruit island.

After that the gang came to town Known as dark town with two unauthorized Pokemon gyms ash used his charizard to defeat the two gym worth of Pokemon's and charIzard's level which was 44 leveled up to 46 after a Pokemon inspector nurse joy came and banded the two unauthorized gyms for their nature and behavior.

Ash after leaving the dark town checked the mission reward which is a high quality electrivizer had a smirk this will help to get his own electrwire to his future team.

And the gang reached a carnival ash took misty and Sabrina to enjoy the carnival and saw a man who was performing magic tricks with his Pokemon's after a series of events ash used his charizard to defeat the horrad of exaacutor's and leveled up from 46-48.

After enjoying the carnival with Misty and Sabrina ash saw the reward of charizard defeating the exaacutors which was lucky egg.

Lucky egg will increase his chances to encounter shiny Pokemon.

After leaving the carnival ash and gang saw a girl struggling to evolve her paras into a parasect wanted their help Brock wanted to a Romeo for the girl but become a clown due to Sabrina and misty pummling him into the ground after solving the paras evolution problem ash got a high quality poison orb as reward which was quite suitable for gengar.

Before leaving the area ash sent his gengar after giving him the poison orb along with his new Pokemon Shellder to professor oak.

As the gang finally reached the busiest city in Kanto after celedon city known as neon city.


OK guys don't get upset this whole chapter is a filler chapter after safari zone to neon city.

Ash got a new water Pokemon shellder what should I evolve him into cloyster, slowbro or a slowking.

Finally misty got her first none water type Pokemon a female pikachu who followed Her just like how bunnarey did with Dawn.