

Meeting the Lapras group was really nice and Ash's Lapras was really happy to race around with the younger ones. Lucario and Ash were talking with the leader using their Aura asking how they were doing and if they had faced any trouble because of the poachers again. The leader assured them they were safe and travelled using the routes that Ranger's frequented so they were safe. The same however could not be said for other Lapras colonies who were too stubborn for their own good. Before they left however Ash's Lapras wanted Ash to sing for his family, Ash agreed as it was not a hard request.

Ash, 'Um, let's see... How about Flower Belt? The one that was composed by Zhào Mènjiāo. Hmmm.... '

Lucario's ears perked up as Ash started to sing, 'Oh this must be from the previous world.'

Naomi, "Record it! Record it!"

Assistant, "Yes ma'am!"

Max, "I have not heard that song before."

Casey, "Me neither. It sounds really sweet and loving, doesn't it?"

Gou, "Ash loves to sing for his Pokemon a lot. I have no doubt Lapras requested for a song."

Brock nodded, "Look the Lapras are singing along. Huh! If I did not know any better I would think Ash made this song just for them."

Naomi, "I think it's beautiful. Just listen to that harmony."

The whole Lapras colony had joined Ash at the end of the song creating a very calm and beautiful atmosphere. Lapras thanked Ash before saying farewell to his family promising to join them as a Champion Pokemon. Ash also promised to train him to become as powerful as the Alphas of the old getting surprised looks from the older Lapras. Then the leader of Lapras smirked at Ash before the smirk disappeared and the group left. Naomi was in Lapras data heaven and gushing about the data she had collected from observing them. She thanked Ash over and over again for the data and told him he was welcome to visit the sanctuary anytime he wanted.

Ash, "Well that was an interesting event."

Brock drawled, "I'll say."

Gou, "It was pretty cool though."

Casey, "Yeah, makes me want to have a Lapras of my own but I don't have a license yet."

Max, "After you guys saved the Lapras from the poachers the rules around owning a Lapras became more strict."

Ash, "It would not be necessary if people were not assholes. But we don't always get what we want and here we are."

Brock, "I suppose so."

Casey, "You seem distracted, is everything alright?"

Brock, "Well, it's just our poke eggs. The ones we got before we met Miss Naomi."

Ash, "They are not responding."

Brock nodded worry very clear in his face, "I do not want to scare anyone so I have not said anything."

Casey, "Guys cheer up. Maybe it's just not the right time to hatch. Right?"

Gou, "Still there should be some response especially with all the excitement and power based battles."

Max, "I think we should ask Professor Elm to check on them. Just for reassurance."

Brock, "I agree. I don't feel any problems from it but you never know."

The rest of the month was spent travelling and training for their respective challenges and battles. During their travels more than once they had to deal with either poachers trying to poach Pokemon or a Hunter trying to steal their Pokemon. Ash had at one point even resorted to using his gun, a gift from Red and shot the poachers legs. This time it did not leave Ash feeling as bad as the last time so that was progress he decided. As a Champion he would have to be willing to do things others would not be able to do like pull the trigger or give the final penalty. Ash personally thought he was getting better at making those decisions though he did not like them.

Lucario, -I can see Professor Elm's lab.-

Abra nuzzled Ash's cheek, -Are you alright, Meema?-

Ash, "I am fine. I just do not understand humans sometimes."

Brock, "I think I can safely say, none of us understand cruel humans."

Casey huffed, "I do not even want to try understanding them."

Gou, "Same! They are a nuisance in my opinion."

Max, "Can you teach me how to use a gun?"

Ash, "Once you get a license made I will but till then... How about I teach you how to use a staff? It was the first weapon I learned though I must warn you. What I learned is not what most humans learned with the staff as it was Lucario that taught me."

Max, "Okay! I will take it."

The walked through the peaceful town that no longer had a tense and fearful atmosphere like the first time when they arrived here. The people looked happier and we're outside going about their daily lives enjoying the late afternoon almost evening breeze. Ash and the others had relaxed as well as they walked through the streets filled with vendors selling wares and reached the lab. Lucario pressed the bell and Leaf opened the door, her face visibly brightened up on seeing them all.

Leaf, "Guys! You are here."

Casey, "Leaf, you look much better."

Ash hugged her, "How have you been?"

Leaf hugged back, "I am better and thank you Casey. I certainly hope I look better now that Wigglytuff is doing well."

Brock, "It's good to see you smiling again."

Max, "Can we meet Wigglytuff?"

Leaf, "Of course, of course. She will be happy to see you guys."

Elm, "Oh, you all are finally here."

Ash, "We got the poke egg you wanted Professor."

Elm, "Wonderful! Thank you for bringing Totodile's egg here. I will have to hatch the little one and train them up for next year."

Max, "So, Cyndaquill and Chikorita eggs are already here?"

Elm nodded, "Yes, they are incubating. I will add this little one there as well."

Brock, "Professor, could you check our poke eggs as well?"

Ash, "We will be heading to MT Silver next but we need to make sure they are healthy."

Elm nodded, "Of course, of course. I will have a look."

Elm took the poke eggs after placing the poke egg for the starter alongside the other starter eggs. The Professor placed the poke eggs in a specialised container and started to scan them frowning at the results. The group was nervous when they saw the frown and worried if something was wrong after all. The Professor did some more checks taking the temperature, weights and color in to account and doing more research. Leaf appeared with a pot of tea, cups and an assortment of cookies on a plate for them. Casey got up to help her place the items on the table of the waiting room and they decided to chat while waiting.

Leaf was gripping her tea cup harshly, "So the rumours were true then. Hunter J really is in Jhoto."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, she wants Tyrantrum apparently."

Brock, "Most likely because she pissed off the Organization in Kalos so she turned to the one Ash has."

Max, "I do not like it."

Gou, "I think we should consider coming up with contingency plans. So far we have been lucky."

Casey, "But luck can only help up to a certain extent."

Ash, "I am planning on going to either Hoenn, Sinnoh or Kalos after the Conference. Right now I am talking with Lance about strengthening the security around the Kanto - Jhoto boundaries."

Meowth eyed him, "What have you planned so far?"

Ash, "You know the clan is very large and spread throughout the two regions?"

Lokoko perked up, -Oooh! Are you planning on using them to fight?-

Ash shook his head, "No most of them are civilians. I do not expect them to fight. I do however expect them to be aware of what is happening. Any rumors or sightings, it's a very rough plan I will admit but it has space for a lot of adjustment depending on the situation."

Max, "I think I understand. Anything can happen."

Elm was excited to find out Meowth could talk but calmed himself, "Ahem! I have not found anything wrong with the poke eggs. They are as healthy as they can be."

Brock, "But they are not responding either."

Elm, "Probably due to trauma."

Max, "Trauma?"

Elm, "Pokemon are more in tune with their surroundings than humans. Their instincts for danger are stronger than humans. I have no doubt they had sensed they were in danger and retreated deep inside."

Ash, "It's probably their Aura acting instinctively then. Pokemon are a lot more in tune with their Aura then humans."

Elm, "Do you think you could coax them?"

Ash, "Not at the level I am at. I could end up killing them."

Brock, "And Misty and I are at a much lower level than Ash is. So, out of the question."

Elm, "Hmm... Then the only other solution is to go to Mt Silver. The mountain have high level Pokemon no it should be safe to conclude it has high level wild Aura."

Ash nodded, "Yes, it should be."

Max, "So we stick to our original plan of training at Mt Silver?"

Brock, "Yes, which is good for us. We can hit three birds with one stone."

Gou nodded, "Return the eggs, train for the upcoming events and meet up with Riley."

Casey, "I had forgotten we would be meeting up with Riley. Will Simon be there too?"

Brock, "Yes, he said he would meet me there. We are going to focus on healing Pokemon."

Ash, "You know being a healer really suits you Brock."

Brock perked up, "You think so?"

Ash, "Your Aura always beans with happiness whenever you successfully help or heal Pokemon. It makes my Aura brighten up as well."

Gou, "That's pretty cool."

Elm, "I think we will be having a wonderful Doctor in the upcoming future."

Casey, "Well I already have dibs on bringing my Pokemon to Brock after becoming an Elite."

Max, "Me too after I become a Champion and then Gym leader."

Brock flushed at the praise, "Awww, you guys, stop!"

Ash grinned as Brock tried to hide his red face only for Leaf to jump in and tell him how he was already doing an awesome job taking care of her friend's Pokemon. He was already way ahead of his peers who were still stuck on the theory and had hardly started on practical application of what they learned. Professor Elm laughed as the gentle teasing continued and offered them rooms to stay the night as it was getting late. The Professor also wanted to test exposing the poke eggs to the Pokemon in the lab, he was hoping it will relax the unborn Pokemon. It was not a bad idea and they decided to stay instead of heading to the Pokemon center.

Ash was on call next morning, "So, that's our plan for the next month before the Grand Festival."

Red, "I see, I guess I will be seeing you at Mt Silver."

Ash, "Red, I am worried about Hunter J the most. She was pretty pissed off the last time we met. I do not want to lose anyone to her of all people."

Red, "I understand your fear. But do not worry, if she comes to Mt Silver. Well, the Ghost Pokemon will ensure she is incapable of teleportation."

Ash, "So she will be trapped there."

Red, "If she comes. You mentioned she had a few broken bones, correct?"

Ash, "Yes!"

Red, "Humans heal slower than Pokemon so we will not have to worry about dealing with her unless she is suicidal."

Ash, "Is it wrong that I want her dead?"

Red, "No, it is normal. She threatened you, she threatened your baby, she is the reason Blackthorn City is damaged and one of her hunter is the reason one of your friends almost died."

Ash, "I hate her. I hate her more than I hate Gonzalez."

Red, "And that is normal baby brother. Do not bottle your emotions."

Ash nodded, "I will see you soon."

Red nodded and went offline from the call leaving Ash contemplating his new feelings about the world he was in. Last life while Hunter J was an interesting character she was not important after Sinnoh. Now, as her target, he had grown a considerable amount of hate towards that woman. It was a new experience as he had never truly hated anyone in Pokemon before but now, he does. Tyrantrum nudged him gently and Ash hugged him promising him, no matter what happens he would protect him from Hunter J. Tyrantrum rumbled pleased by the affection but then narrowed his eyes at the mention of that blasted hunter. He would make sure she suffers his wrath for hurting his pack and friends.

You can find the song mentioned in this chapter in YouTube.

It's really sweet.

Ellora25creators' thoughts