
Jhoto - Mt Silver

Green was not having a great day, "Dodge that fire ball Blastoise."

Blastoise, "Blast."

Green, 'To think just last night I was having a girl's night with Misty, Chloe, Serena, Melo and Casey. Now, I have to deal with this bastard and bitch.'

Casey, :Green, where are you? It is time for your match.:

Green pressed her comm, "I can't take part as I am being attacked by malicious people at the moment. They fall under the category of drug users."

Casey, :What? And you are dealing with them alone? Where are you? Never mind, Gou is filling me in on what you are tackling right now.:

Green, "Sorry for the trouble."

Casey, :No, don't apologize. Do you want me to explain this to the organizers?:

Green ran from her point signalling her Togekiss to attack the duo while they were distracted by her, "Tell them I ran into a drug dealing ring and I am dealing with it. Also I will be forfeiting my match. My Pokemon are at their limit."

Casey, :I understand.:

Green, "Thank you Casey. Now then boys and girls, let's end this. Blastoise hydro pump the Houndoom to cool it down, Noctowl confusion on the Wigglytuff, Cleffable disarming voice to calm down the frantic Beedrill and Togekiss full powered moon blast."

The woman screeched, "Damn this little brat. How is she so strong? Barco, you still alive over there?"

Barco grunted, "My Pokemon are out cold, Bell."

Bell gritted her teeth, "I am so close right now. I will not let this brat stop me."

Green, "Give up already. I got your little chat on tape too already sent over mail to the G - men."

Bell, "Oh please! What do you know? My plans for the future was ruined by that brat, I will not forgive him."

Jessie walked out from her hiding place, "I think that is enough Jessibelle. You have been caught."

Jessibelle, "You! You are that bitch who stole my James from me. I will not let you go."

Jessie sighed, "You cannot steal people you stupid wench. James made his decision and you were not his choice. You were never his choice in the first place."

James appeared as well, "Indeed, I think you have caused us enough trouble."

Jessibelle gasped, "James, why did you choose her?"

James, "Is that truly your question?"

Green piped up, "Jessie does not go around abusing Pokemon like you do. Yes, feeding them dangerous drugs is abuse. That makes her a hundred times better than you already."

Jessie, "That's a really strong point there."

James nodded, "On top of that Jessie is a hard worker and if she wants something done she will give it her all. Unlike you who expects others to do her work."

Jessibelle, "But Jamie... "

James, "Do not call me that."

Jessibelle, "We were engaged since childhood."

James, "By our parents we were children who did not know any better. I thought you were interesting till I saw how you treated my Growlithe who is a proud Arcanine now."

Jessibelle, "I... "

James narrowed his eyes, "Did you truly think I would not find out? Take them away gents and lady."

The G - men had been quietly listening to the drama that was going on while recording the motivation for further investigation. They were wondering why the CEO of a very large empire was here instead of enjoying the battles like the others. As it turns out there were old grudges brewing, and one of his rival or rather ex decided to target the kid he had claimed as his. Green watched as the woman and man were taken away, she remembers the hot topic from last year when James finally returned home. He had also introduced his wife and son, it had caused quiet the stir among the rich social circles not to forget James claiming Ash as his other kid.

Green, 'Okay, stop right there Green. You know you hate politics. Stop there!'

James, "Little Green, I believe your friends are worried about you."

Green, "I will go and meet them. Are you ok?"

Jessie, "We will be alright dear. I was not expecting her to get involved in a drug ring though."

Green nodded, "Here, my number. If you find out anything please inform me."

James, "Of course kiddo. Thank you."

Ash, "Lucario, do you want to battle her Lucario?"

Lucario, -May I? I spy a mega evolution stone and key on them.-

Ash, "Of course you may. I would not deny you any battles you are interested in."

Lucario grinned, -Best Meema in the world.-

Ash grinned, "Shall we?"

Lucario jumped into the battle field, -Yes.-

Korrina's Lucario saw him and jumped in as well, "Rio."

Korrina, "ACK! Lucario? Oh!"

Referee, "I see both sides are ready to battle. Begin!"

Ash, "Sword dance."

Korrina, "Counter!"

Both Lucario's moved and started to fight hand to hand showing off the fact they were the first partners and leaders of their pack and family. Ash's Lucario was grinning as he fought with Korrina's Lucario dodging, getting hit, attacking and countering each others attacks. Korrina was cheering her Lucario on calling for work up while Ash called for a calm mind for his Lucario. Both fighters separated in order to use their respective moves from their trainers and then starting to clash again. Ash could tell Lucario was enjoying the battle rush and Korrina's Lucario as well was not backing down.

Ash, "Thunder punch."

Korrina, "Lucario!"

Korrina's Lucario shook himself from the effects of electricity, "Rio."

Korrina took out her key, "We are not going down easily, ready Lucario?"

Ash, "Oh?"

Korrina, "Respond to the bond that connects our hearts. Mega bond evolution!"

Ash, "How lovely! Lucario use aura cloak."

Korrina eyed the aura cloak, 'So, that is the infamous cloak that has every other Lucario trainer in a tizzy.'

Korrina's Lucario was standing proudly in his mega form, "Rio."

Lucario was grinning at him, -Shall we dance?-

Korrina's Lucario grinned, "Rio."

The fight started all over again between a mega evolved Lucario and a Lucario that had a form created through aura. Ash could see and feel the fight through their bond and the two worked together to avoid the attacks coming from mega Lucario. Korrina and Lucario however did not back down that easily and as a testament of their bond cane close to hitting them. Lucario thanks to his bond with Ash was able to see through both his and his trainer's eyes, it was a very surreal experience for both of them. But it was one that they proudly shared, the only other Pokemon in their pack who was close to doing it being Charizard.

Korrina, "Close combat."

Ash, "Drain punch now!"

Korrina, "Ah! Be careful Lucario."

Lucario however used the closeness to land a hit by feigning a punch which was blocked then using his other fist to make contact with his opponent. Korrina's Lucario grinned as he felt Lucario disrupt the mega bond aura between him and Korrina making him revert back to normal. Ash released a sigh of relief, as Lucario released his own form, he still had to focus on two more battles after this one. Both Pokemon then started to fight though this time their movements were slower after calming down from an energy rush earlier. Korrina noticed her Lucario was reaching his limit and decided to end this in one final move.

Korrina, "Lucario shadow ball. Make it your strongest."

Ash, "Dragon pulse."

Lucario, -Got it! Battling you was an honor brother.-

Korrina's Lucario grinned, "Rio."

Both Pokemon focused on their powerful attack and then released it making it collide and instead of exploding it pulsed. Then all of a sudden it exploded blowing the Pokemon as well the dust, rocks and sand creating a hole on the ground. The referee had to take shelter behind a pillar himself while Ash and Korrina blocked their faces from the blast and sand. When the dust settles both Lucario were down and the referee started the count down for them to get up. Unfortunately neither Pokemon got up, Ash knew Korrina's Lucario was strong but he was not expecting him to be strong enough to force his Lucario to become exhausted.

Ash, 'No wonder he was excited and grinning.'

Referee, "This match is a draw, choose your next Pokemon."

Ash rushed to Lucario, "Lucario, easy there."

Lucario, -I need more training Meema. To think a mega evolution was strong enough to challenge our own string bond.-

Ash, "Of course Lucario, anything you want but for now, rest. Thank you for the battle."

Korrina, "Hey buddy, you good?"

Lucario, "Rio."

Korrina, "Get some rest ok? I will give you a really delicious treat later on."

Lucario grinned, "Rio."

Serena, "So that is mega evolution."

Melody, "This is my first time seeing it."

Chloe, "I am impressed. I wonder if I can have a mega bond too."

Misty had a dreamy look, "I want to mega bond with my Pokemon. Can you imagine an evolution that is triggered by your strong bond with your Pokemon?"

Ash, "Not bad! Most of my opponents cannot stand against Lucario's cloak form."

Korrina laughed, "Same for my mega Lucario. Now then shall we continue?"

Ash, "Yes, let's go Miltank."

Korrina, "Let's go Furret."

Referee, "Begin, but please return to your boxes for safety."

Ash, "Ah! Sorry, sorry! I got too excited."

Korrina, "Sorry my bad. I'm going."

Gou, "Pffffffffft! They are enjoying their battles a lot if they forgot they were still in the battle field."

Lance, "That's a good oppon for you. You become so engrossed in the fight everything else does not matter."

Ash, "Roll out!"

Korrina, "Defense curl!"

The two Pokemon clashed but Ferret kept his defense curl while Miltank used roll out to attack the furry Pokemon. Ash then changed tactics and called out for ice beam on Furret while Korrina called for Furret to use agility to dodge the attack. Miltank then had an idea to use ice beam on the battle ground making it slippery for Furret to run around without slipping. Miltank had a devious look on her face as she then used zebra head butt on Furret knocking him out. Ash could only laugh awkwardly at his Miltank who was now smugly looking at her opponent.

Ash, 'No wonder she was so adamant on joining the battle roster, she practiced the ice mover really hard.'

Korrina, "That was fast."

Ash, "Do not let Miltank's innocent face fool you. She is very clever when it comes to battling."

Korrina, "I can see that."

Korrina muttered to herself, "Although I don't know who is more scary at this point the Noctowl from the first round or Miltank from the fifth round."

Referee blew a whistle, "Side red is leading the match. Side yellow has one last chance to change the tide. Choose your final Pokemon."

Korrina, "Let's go Gourgeist."

Ash, "Return Miltank. Do not pout, everyone gets a chance remember?"

Miltank nodded and returned reluctantly, "Mill mill."

Ash looked at his shadow, "I choose you Phantump."

Phantump appeared from his shadow, "Phaaa."

Korrina, "Oh sweet Xerneas, so adorable."

Phantump tilted his head, "Phaaan?"

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Will o wisp."

Korrina, "Shadow ball!"

Tomo, "Mom, Dad, finally. What took you so long?"

Jessie, "Sorry sweetie, mom and dad had to deal with a trouble maker."

Dad, "They wanted to hurt your older brother so mom and dad had to make sure they could not."

Tomo, "So big brother us safe now right?"

Jessie, "Yes, she is safe, that witch will not come near any of our kids as long as we are alive and kicking."

Tomo nodded, "Big brother and Lucario were so cool. I want to have a strong bond with my Growlithe as well when we grow up."

James, "Look, your big brother won."

Referee, "Since side red already have more victories, Ash from Kanto is the winner and is heading to the final round."

Ash, "What a doozy! Great job Phantump."

Phantump, "Phaaan!"

Korrina, "I lost but still so adorable."