
Jhoto - Blackthorn City

Ash, "Croconaw double team now!"

Claire, "Agility, get rid of the fakes."

Dratini rushed through the false copies eliminating most of them till he reached the last three. Dratini tackled the one in front of him and Croconaw only to realise that was the real deal and Croconaw had caught him.

Ash, "Ice beam."

Claire, "Break away quickly."

It was a little late, Croconaw used ice beam and Dratini was frozen to Croconaw's limbs unable to move.

Claire, "Fire spin."

Croconaw growled as the ice started to melt and his palm heated up dropping Dratini. The little dragon had escaped and was panting hard.

Claire, "Thunder wave let's end this."

Ash, "Hail!"

Dratini gathered his energy to create a powerful thunder wave to take down the secondary evolution. Croconaw growled and focused on creating powerful hail to rain down on his opponent. Both attacks clashed in a bright display of hail and thunder reminding the spectators of the thunder filled hailstorms during early winter. When the attacks subsided both Pokemon were out cold from the heavy output of energy and being hit by the opponent's attack.

Referee, "Croconaw and Dratini are unable to battle. This match is a draw. Since Ash has a victory with Meganium the battle for the Rising badge ends in his favour."

Ash, "We won, barely! I expected it to be tough too. We won!"

Claire, "Return Dratini. You did a great job."

Ash, "Return Croconaw, you were awesome. I will give you a treat later."

Claire, "Congratulations Ash, I the Gym leader of Blackthorn City proudly present to you the Rising badge. Well done."

Ash accepted the badge, "Thank you! We did, we got the Rising badge."

Phantump and Banette appeared cheering along with the crowd who were even more excited now about the upcoming Ace level matches. But Claire called for a break first seeing it was always lunch time but they would be picking up the matches after lunch was done. The two of them sent their Pokemon to be healed first at the healing chambers situated close to the Gym. Brock was looking very much at home in the healing chambers, Ash was pretty sure he wanted his own personalized healing chambers at this point. Not like Ash blamed him, Blackthorn City's healing chambers were one of the best in both regions.

Ash, "Brock looks like he is in heaven."

Gou, "Understatement."

Claire chuckled, "Well we do have one of the largest and best healing chambers. Though it does not seem to lessen the responsibilities of the healers."

Casey, "I think the fact Blackthorn City has some of the best Pokemon centers and healing chambers just invigorates trainers and Pokemon to battle more."

Max laughed, "Probably, I think they are too excited about the upcoming match to bother battling today."

Brock, "Not really. Just before you guys, three trainers came by to heal their Pokemon."

Ash laughed, "Ah! Never mind then."

Claire, "Come on! Let's go get some food to eat. We still have another match."

Ash, "Right!"

The lunch was a calm affair with a lot of questions and answers about Aura users and what missions they did with the clan. Tyson was happy to tell them about some of the really old missions for the Kanto and Jhoto royalties. Many of the other trainers were also listening in on the stories fascinated by the history between the two regions. Yes, Kanto and Jhoto had border disputes from time to time but aside from that both regions more or less got along. However just as they finished lunch a loud alarm went through the City.

Ash, "Is that the fire alarm?"

Claire, "Yes it is. What is happening?"

An announcement came, "The forest near the sacred Dragonite temple has caught fire. I repeat the forest neat the sacred Dragonite temple has caught fire."

Gou paled, "Please, don't let it be like the fire in Vermilion City."

Casey, "One way to find out."

The group along with the trainers rushed towards the Dragonite temple only to see a very furious Dragonite battling a Salamance and Hunter J. Ash was sure that woman was Hunter J, she fit the description though she looked much older and cruel. Claire and Tyson however were seething with fury on seeing what happened to one of their most treasured sacred grounds. The caretaker Mr Kaburagi was on the ground hurt and was bleeding from his side.

Kayeta, "Grandpa! Oh no! Grandpa, are you okay?"

Tyson, "Kids get your grandpa out of here."

Claire, "Why are you in Jhoto Hunter J?"

Hunter J, "Isn't it obvious? I'm here for the Dragonites, plus... "

Ash bristled when the hunter looked at him, "I don't think so."

Hunter J, "That Tyrantrum is mine."

Ash, "Wigglytuff! Deal with the arrogant dragon, dazzling gleam."

Hunter J, "Houndooms, go deal with that irritating fairy. Salamance bring that Dragonite down."

Ash, "Snorlax hyper beam."

Claire, "Altaria moonblast on Salamance, Dragonite twister."

Tyson, "Everyone with me. Help me rescue the Pokemon."

Gou looked at Ash and Claire then saw the grunt sneaking up on them, "Oh no! I don't think so. Cinderace, Inteleon, Machamp, let's go."

Casey, "Come on everyone, we are getting the Pokemon away from here. Ash, Claire and Gou will watch each other's backs."

Max, "Right Breloom let's go. We can try to sneak around as I'm still not of age yet."

Breloom nodded though she was a little worried about getting Max involved with hunters again. She still remembers the burns, scrapes and scars from the last time, she did not want to see more scars. Breloom gritted her teeth, she would do better and protect Max properly this time. Casey was following Tyson's lead as he fought with the other hunters who had followed Hunter J to Jhoto.

Hunter J, "Ugh! So annoying! Dragon rage Salamance, burn this place to the groun.. Gahhhh!"

Claire tackled her, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Max winced, 'Oh this is bad.'

Ash was furious and worried, "Lucario, team work with Lord Dragonite over there. We have to end this now or the City will be in danger."

Lucario, -Way ahead of you Meema. I'm burrowing Annihilape too.-

Annihilape, "Ann."

Hunter J's eyes gleamed on seeing the ghost fighter, 'First I have to get rid of this bitch.'

Claire punched Hunter J, "Who do you think you are to attack the sacred ground?"

Hunter J spat kicking the blue haired woman off, "Sacred grounds? What a joke! There is no such thing as sacred grounds. Only sentimental fools believe in such useless things."

Lance narrowed his eyes as he arrived, "You do understand you will not walk away alive from here. Not after desecrating and insulting our clan and our pride."

Ash, "Lance."

Lance, "Go help Lucario and Annihilape, both of you. This woman is ours to deal with."

Gou nodded, "We understand. Come on Cinderace, Inteleon, Machamp, we have an enemy dragon to deal with."

Cinderace, "Cin."

Inteleon nodded, "On."

Machamp, "Champ."

Ash, "Lucario, Wigglytuff, Annihilape, team up. Annihilape inside Lucario's shadow. Lucario and Wigglytuff with Lord Dragonite get closer to Salamance."

The Dragonite in charge of protecting the sacred grounds eyed the young Aura user and nodded at the Aura Pokemon. Lucario took that as permission to jump on top of Dragonite as the large dragon flew closer to Salamance. Salamance attacked Dragonite using heat wave but Dragonite countered it with chilling water. Lucario used that chance to hit Salamance with Flash cannon while Wigglytuff used draining kiss. The double attack had caused Salamance pain as he roared in anger at his opponents.

Lucario, -Most enemy Pokemon we fight are usually mind controlled. This one however had no such excuse.-

Salad hissed, "Manccccccce, salamance."

Lucario bit back, -Other Pokemon are not below you. You claim I'm just a slave? Then what about you? Would she care if you died here? I know my Meema would be heart broken for a long time if anyone of us died.-

Salamance huffed in disgust, "Salamance."

Annihilape appeared behind Salamance with Phantump and Banette. The three ghost Pokemon had heard enough insults being thrown at Ash. The three ghost looked at Salamance with angry eyes and then cursed him together. The triple curse made it almost impossible for the dragon type to move.

Ash, "Tyrantrum, I need your voice."

Tyrantrum looked around, "Rrrrrnnnn."

Ash, "Listen to me. You are an Alpha, not just any Dragon. If you want to your roar and your voice can bring others to heel."

Tyrantrum looked around at the destruction and nodded, "TYRANNNNNNTRUMMMMMM!"

Ash covered his ears mumbling, "Woah! Alpha Pokemon are something else."

Everyone froze and looked at Tyrantrum who was standing tall among the destruction and flames. Salamance looked at Tyrantrum, Ash was not sure if it was fear or something else, either way this was a good chance to end this suicide fight. Wigglytuff nodded and started to sing directing her move at the enemy with the help of a little Aura manipulation. The humans watched with awe as half the fighting Pokemon fell asleep and Lord Dragonite used rain dance to put out the fire.

Hunter J gritted her teeth, "I should have known it would not be easy. Alakazam!"

Lance, "The barrier quick. Do not let her escape."

Ash watched as Hunter J left with a broken arm and leg, "She will be back, won't she?"

Tyrantrum growled curling around him protectively, "Rannnnn."

Ash pat his scales as he looked around, "She really deserves death."

Gou, "Ash, are you alright?"

Ash, "I'm fine physically but also really angry at what happened."

A guard came running, "The temple! They stole from the temple."

Lance, "What did they steal?"

The guard, "The fang is missing."


Meowth, "Calm yourselves!"

Ash, "Meowth, Lokoko too, where did you go earlier?"

Lokoko, -I have been practicing on making my future sight stronger.-

Ash, "Did you see the attack?"

Lokoko, -No, unfortunately I did not. But I did see myself and Meowth here replace the fang with a fake one. In the beginning, I was very confused why but now I think I understand.-

Claire let our a relieved sigh, "Thank you, we owe you."

Meowth, "You owe us nothing kit. In fact consider this thanks for always watching out for our kits."

Lance, "Still, you would not even want to imagine what would happen if the fang was lost. It is very rich in Aura, especially Dragon type Aura."

Ash, "And if they figured out how to access it they could use it for malicious reasons."

Before they could say anything else a sad and mournful cry was heard. Tyrantrum looked at the Lord of the sacred land and got up to sit next to him in silent support. Lucario then approached Ash and mumbled he should call for Venasaur, the area was a mess and they would require a controlled frenzy plant or a weakened leaf storm to help heal it. Ash nodded in agreement and left to get Venasaur after telling the others of the plan.

Lance nodded in appreciation and ordered for those who are hurt to be taken for healing and those who were not hurt to help restore the sacred ground. Casey, Gou and Max readily volunteered to help along with other trainers and their Pokemon. Ash returned after a while with Venasaur and explained what happened which prompted the grass type to look Ash over first then focus on the area. Venasaur frowned looking around, he would require both Lucario and Tyrantrum's help to do this as dragon aura was really strong here.

Tyrantrum readily agreed and with Lucario's help focused on guiding the Aura that was present in the garden to heal. This however would take some time and Ash had no doubts the battle would have to be held the next day instead. Casey was muttering dark things under her breath about poachers and hunters and how they were doing nothing but cause grief in her life. Kayeta who was next to her overheard her and asked how many times had she dealt with them. Casey mentioned she had stopped counting after the fifth time so she was not sure anymore.

Lance, "Ash, a word with you."

Ash, "Sure. What is it?"

Lance, "I was wondering if you could allow Venasaur to stay here till the place is completely healed?"

Ash, "I think you should ask Venasaur that. I have no doubt he will agree though."

Lance nodded, "Alright, it's just I have seen healing before but not this potent."

Ash laughed, "Just be glad he has not entered father mode."

[A. N.: Hope you all are doing okay.

Take care my lovely readers and supporters.]