
Pokemon: Reborn As A Dragon Tamer

A man from our world dies. He then finds himself in the world of pokemon as the grandson of Drayden of all people. Follow his journey as he navigates this strange and yet also familiar world. Rising to become a master of dragons in the process. Note: This will not be a harem fic. This story will be MC/Elesa/Karen.

ArifuretaForever · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: Family

(Ezra: POV)

Sitting in a window seat I looked out of it.

My gaze focused on the clouds and the various flying-pokemon in the sky right next to us.

Since currently I am on a plane.

My destination the Unova region.

All so I can meet my family.

Specifically my grandfather on my mother's side.

Who as it turns out is Drayden of all people.


The mayor and gym leader of Opelucid city. As well as one of the most powerful dragon-type pokemon specialist in the entire world. A prominent character in the pokemon games, anime, and manga.

That man is my grandfather.

To say I am shocked would be an understatement.

I have no words to describe my situation right now.

Though I have to say disappointment is not one of them. Not by a longshot.

My overall goal is to become a master of dragons, and now here am I going to live with my grandfather who himself is a master of dragons.


No way.

This is definitely not.

As I began wondering what living with Drayden would be like I suddenly heard a flight attendant over the plane's speaker system.

"All passengers please buckle up, we are beginning our descent." She said.

When she did so I put on my seat belt and tried to get ready as best I could.

Since in a few moments I would be meeting a major pokemon character in the flesh for the very first time.

As well as the man who would be my new family from today onwards.


(3rd Person: POV)

Standing at the exit gate in Castelia International Airport, Drayden had his arms folded across chest.

A calm expression on his face.

But on the inside he was filled with nervousness.

Namely because he was about meet his grandson for the first time.

A grandson he didn't even know existed until two weeks ago.

Drayden was simply doing paperwork in his office at the gym, when suddenly he got a call.

It was a representative from the Unova Pokemon Association.

Who then informed him they had been contacted by a representative of the Hoenn Pokemon Association, regarding a matter related one of their gym leaders families.

After that the situation was explained to Drayden in its entirety.

Which made the man confused in all regards.

For as far as Drayden knew at the time he didn't have a grandson.

However once he saw the proof, Drayden could not deny it.

Which brought up several other questions in his mind.

But the one at the forefront for Drayden, was why his grandson had spent his life living in an orphanage instead of with his parents.

For Drayden only had one child.

A daughter by the name of Dalia.

Who he had a falling out with long ago.

Drayden has never been good with expressing his emotions.

So when his wife Daria passed, who was the emotional bridge between him and his daughter, it made their relationship awkward.

And things only went downhill from there.

Drayden wanted Dalia to take over for him as Opelucid City gym leader one day.

But she did not want to follow in her father's footsteps.

This led to the two of them having arguments, until eventually they had one big fight and Dalia walked out of Drayden's home and never contacted him again.

To say Drayden thought of that moment as the biggest regret of his entire life would be an understatement.

He pushed his own daughter and only child away.

After it happened Drayden hoped that one day his daughter would contact him and he could make amends with her.

Of course he could have tried to contact Dalia, but Drayden made up several excuses in my mind of why that would not be a good idea.

But deep in his heart Drayden knew why he didn't contact his daughter.

He was scared.

Scared of being rejected by her again.

So he decided to take a passive approach to the matter.

Which he now regrets.

Since after he learned of Ezras' existence Drayden used various contacts to learned why his grandson was not being taken care of by his daughter, or the father of her child.

In doing this Drayden learned that shortly after Ezra was born, his daughter and apparently her husband ended up lost at sea.

The three of them were on a boat from Kanto heading towards the Hoenn region, when they were caught up in a violent storm.

From what Drayden could piece together from the survivor reports his daughter and her husband had worked to get as many people off the ship as possible before it sunk.

However they ended up not being able to save themselves.

Drayden knew that things like this happened, but still.

He couldn't help but slightly feel it was his fault that he lost his daughter in such a manner.

If only the two of them had reconciled, then maybe she wouldn't have been on that boat in the first place and would still be alive.

As such scenarios passed through Drayden's mind, he suddenly noticed people walking out of the exit gate.

Until eventually he spotted the person he could come to the airport to collect.

His grandson.

Ezra Grimheart.

His eyes landing on the ten-year old Drayden couldn't help but marvel at the resemblance he had to his mother.

The boy also sported the white-hair the Albion has possessed for generations.

But the grey eyes Drayden knew belong to the boy's father.

A man from what he found out was a pokemon ranger of the Indigo region.

How Drayden would've like to meet the young man who captured his daughter heart.

But he is never going to.

So that is why he is going to make sure his grandson lives a full life.

And make sure that Ezra knows he will always be there for him.

Ezra walked up to Drayden and looked at him. "Hello." He said. "I am Ezra, and you are my grandfather, right?"

"Yes, that is correct. Nice to meet you Ezra. I am Drayden, and from today onwards we are family." Drayden spoke.

Hearing this Ezra put a small smile on his face.

Which Drayden mirrored.

The two of them then left the airport together.

Both of them glad deep in their hearts to have each other.

Even if neither of them spoke it out loud.