
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Cómic
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257 Chs

Mewtwo Strikes Back: Part 2

Everyone let out their Pokemon, no questions asked, looking at everyone there were a bunch of Pokemon, pretty much any strong Pokemon from Kanto and it was probably in the group, there were even some Johto Pokemon.

But Ash, Green, Gary, and Yellow didn't throw out all their Pokemon, they just watched everything.

Gary looked at them, "I can't be the only one who thinks this is sketchy right?"

"Oh absolutely this feels scuffed," Ash said with Pikachu nodding on his shoulder.

Yellow took a breath, "Oh thank goodness I was trying to be nice, this whole place is creepy."

"So do you think we should just keep our Pokemon to ourselves?" Green asked.

Ash shrugged, "Well I'm keeping Pikachu out, and the Abra in my Jacket is also staying,"

As Abra popped her head out, Gary slightly flinched, "I always forget she can just fit there, seriously how small is she?"

Abra stuck her tongue out at Gary and went back inside, "No idea, but also half of the time she is just gone, see," Ash said as he held his jacket open and Abra was gone.

"That is just weird, but anyway we we're in agreement right, we're not sending out everyone?" to which Ash and Green gave a nod, and Yellow followed only after that.

As they sat down, they started talking and looking at the other people who came with them, meanwhile, Ash went ahead and put all his Pokeballs into storage, for no particular reason.

Without anyone noticing, not even Ash, a scan moved through the entire building analyzing every Pokeball and Pokemon, 60 Pokemon not including Ash, Gary, Green, or Yellow's.

As people kept talking about how strong their Pokemon were and how they wanted to battle this so-called greatest trainer, suddenly the lights were cut, and a blue light was cut from the ceiling, and someone or something came down.

It was a Pokemon with a Black appearance covering its body with Orange parts and a new Orange Gem protruding from its chest, to everyone else this was an unknown Pokemon, but to the gang, they recognized this as Mewtwo.

Mewtwo had just entered the scene, and when he landed on the ground the lights came on and the 'servant' stood in front of him.

"Who are you supposed to be?" a boy in a blue vest said

"He's my Master, the strongest Pokémon trainer in the world, as well as the strongest Pokémon in the world, Mewtwo," the 'servant' who was actually a mind-controlled Joy said.

"This is ridiculous, a Pokémon can't be a Pokémon trainer!" said the boy in the blue vest.

"Shut up human, I decide my own rules," A voice said in all of their minds, it was Mewtwo.

"So what, if this is a game then I'm not playing!" the boy said

Mewtwo with a flick of his wrist grabbed the boy in Psychic energy and dunked him into the water next to all his Pokemon, 

The boy came out and took a deep breath after almost drowning, then he grit his teeth, "Get him Gyarados!"

Gyarados looked down and rushed out of the water and raised its mouth as an orange blast in its mouth as it shot a [Hyper Beam].

Mewtwo didn't even flinch or move his arms as he just looked at the beam and it turned around and launched back at Gyarados, it landed a direct shot and Gyarados was instantly knocked out.

"Gyarados no!" the boy said Panicking

Mewtwo shook his head, "That was trivial," then he looked at the Joy, "You have ceased to be useful to me,"

Then Mewtwo raised his hand as Joy seemed to regain her senses and took a couple of steps forward for Yellow ran up and caught her, only then did her hood come off revealing her pink hair. 

Everyone looked shocked to see the missing Joy, as Joy herself held her head, "Where am I?"

"You are on my island, I brought you here from the Pokémon Center, your knowledge about the physiology of Pokémon has been enormously useful to me, however, your services are no longer required," Mewtwo said bluntly.

"That's mean!" Yellow said

"You humans are a horrible creatures, if cruel and weak humans are allowed to govern this world this world then this world is doomed to failure,"

"Yeah, and who is supposed to lead the world, a Pokemon like you!" a boy in a red vest said.

"Pokemon are unfit as well after all they allowed them to rule in the first place, for some Pokemon their entire existence is to serve," Mewtwo said as the darkness in his eyes glowed.

Pikachu and Chuchu both jumped out and started yelling at Mewtwo, Pikachu in particular stuck out since Mewtwo still felt the pain coming from the new cristal he had, the exact place Pikachu struck him.

Mewtwo looked down, "It's a shame, I expected more from you, to think you are just as weak and pathetic as the rest of them," Mewtwo's eyes glowed as both Pikachu and Chuchu got covered in more Psychic energy.

"No," Yellow said as she saw this, "Please stop!"

But Mewtwo didn't pay attention to Yellow, even with her cheat, but just as Mewtwo was about to throw the two electric mice, a loud snap was heard through the hall.

As everyone including Mewtwo was confused a strange light blue ring appeared around Mewtwo's arms, Pikachu and Chuchu fell back to the ground, then everyone saw Ash holding his hand out.

Oh well, if I'm either dying or everyone's getting their mind wiped then might as well go all out, Ash thought as he spoke, "Did you think we're just letting that happen, after all, don't you remember we beat you before."

Mewtwo frowned, "That was when I was suppressed, you are no match for my power," he said as Mewtwo broke the ring.

Ash smiled, "I know, and maybe I can't stop you, but that doesn't mean we're stopping, I won't let you exterminate everything and everyone,"

"Yeah, Ash is right, we can stop you!" Yellow said standing up with Joy

"Same here!" Green said

"I can't be left out," Gary smiled

Then the crowd of other trainers gathered as well, 


"We won't let you,"

"We'll stop you,"

Mewtwo exhaled as the back doors of this island opened and the sky got raised revealing a battlefield, "No matter, I already have what I need, a quick test will do nicely,"

Then from the back an army of every Pokemon that every trainer had, even in Pokeballs, it was an army of Clones from what Mewtwo collected, though the only Ash Pokemon that were in the group was an Abra and Pikachu "This is my army, the clones shall be the ones to inherit the earth, I have collected data for all of your Pokemon."

But then he looked at Ash, "But what about you, I remember your Charizard, it was without a doubt your strongest servant, so why don't you have him!"

Green and Gary looked confused at that mention since they knew Ash came in here with all his Pokemon.

Ash just smiled and pulled out his Pokeball, "Oh you mean this? Did you really think I don't have a way to hide them from you," 

Ash threw out his Pokeball and released Charizard, the only Charizard here, which only made Mewtwo frown further, "Very well, I'll just have to take your Charizard's DNA by force,"

Mewtwo then raised his arm as all the Clone Pokemon started charging towards everyone, with all the trainers charging their Pokemon towards them to battle, Gary and Green released their Pokemon to clash with their clones but Yellow was way more reluctant.

Ash looked at his friends, "Guys can you guys take out your clones?"

Green smiled and brandished her new earring, "Who do you think we are, this will be easy."

"Yeah, not a problem," Gary agreed showing the Mega stone he fashioned as a necklace.

Ash nodded, "Alright, I'll stall Mewtwo and wait for you guys, and by the way deal with that Pikachu clone too,"

Yellow slightly flinched as she looked into the gaggle of Pokemon fighting, which included hers and Pikachu, so she slapped her cheeks and looked back at Ash, "Leave it to me!"

Ash smiled and nodded, as he, Charizard, and Pikachu approached Mewtwo who stood on the altar alone, 'I guess I need to clutch up this 1v1,' then he pressed the Mega stone on his wrist.

"Mega Evolve!"


Gary was facing down copies of his Blastoise, Arcanine, Golem, Scyther, Electabuzz, and Kangaskhan, meanwhile, on the other side he had the exact same roster as they started clashing.

Just from seeing the other battles going on around him, he could see that each Pokemon was at the same level, a perfect copy, but there was 1 difference, they were battling like wild Pokemon.

For most normal trainers that doesn't matter, when they just battle like it's an RPG game then it's roughly the same, but when the trainer is more creative then things turn.

Blastoise and Blastoisetwo were clashing while both being evenly matched, maybe Blastoisetwo could get a slight edge but that's where it ended as Gary raised his necklaces and pushed on it.

"Mega Evolve!"

Blastoise was enveloped in the same bright light that he became familiar with going Mega, Blastoisetwo still had its hands locked with Blastoise, so in response, Blastoise shot an ice beam freezing the clones' hands.

Gary smirked, "Now switch!"

His Pokemon understood as Blastoise switched to Golemtwo, Golem switched to Electabuzztwo, and Electabuzz to Blastoisetwo.

None of the clones could properly react in time as Golemtwo received a [Hydro Cannon], Electabuzztwo a [High Horsepower], and Blastoisetwo got a hug into a [Discharge].

Although none of them went down immediately they did get hurt and he trusted those 3 to take care of the rest as he turned to his other side with Arcanine, Scyther, and Kangaskhan.

He raised his fist and yelled out, "Kangaskhan use [Brick Break] on the ground!"

Kangaskhan followed as the ground beneath them shook and a dust cloud covered their battle, Kangaskhantwo waved the dust away as it decided to use a [Brick Break].

As Kangaskhantwo delivered the punch it was stopped, not by Kangaskhan, but by Scyther and his blades.

Meanwhile, while Scythertwo was confused as to the lock of partner it received a [Flare Blitz] to its side by Arcanine, and while Arcaninetwo saw this and was about to go help but was greeted by Kangaskhan stomping down and using [Earthquake] directly in its head.


Green was facing much of the same situation with her squad facing the Venusaur, Clefable, Nidoqueen, Wigglytuff, Ditto, and Gengar clones.

The battle was more or less the same with all her Pokemon except for Ditto, which Dittotwo was trying to battle Ditto by transforming…into Ditto. Meanwhile, Ditto transformed into Gary's Kangaskhan before quickly changing back.

With the rest, Green didn't have the option that Gary had where his team counters the other easily, so she needed to get a bit more creative as she pressed her earring.

"Mega Evolve!"

Venusaur's flower extended as it went Mega, the main disadvantage these things had was that they copied what the Pokemon were not what they could be.

Venusaurtwo didn't flinch at the change as it released a [Razor Leaf] but Venusaur blocked them with a basic Vine Whip.

Then to counter Green yelled out, "[Power whip]!"

Venusaurtwo expected the attack to come to it, so it braced itself, but nothing happened because the attack was aimed at Clefabletwo.

Clefabletwo got hit hard from the back, and as it got up to look at Venusaur it fell to one knee as if it had been poisoned, looking at the vines showed that they were dripping with purple liquid.

"Like it, I may have stolen it from Erika but I think she'll like how I changed it," Green smugly said.

Clefabletwo grunted as it could feel the poison damage, Venusaurtwo tried to send an attack at Venusaur but was stopped when a [Flamethrower] coming from Clefable shot it in the side.

Green smiled as her Pokemon were still holding the others behind her, "Let's do this Venusaur grab that fake Clefable and use [Power whip] on that Venusaur!"

Venusaur extended the same vine towards Clefabletwo and grabbed it and raised it into the air and slammed it down towards Venusaurtwo. Venusaurtwo saw this and extended vines in hopes of blocking it when suddenly Ditto transformed as Nidoqueen grabbed it and bound it from the back.

Ditto already beat Dittotwo and it came here under the secret orders of Green, as Clefabletwo approached Ditto turned back into goo and fled leaving Venusaurtwo to take the entire hit.

When they fell to the ground Clefable jumped in and shot another [Flamethrower] on both of them, as the flames erupted over them Clefabletwo was out but Venusaur was up but barely.


Abra and Abratwo were in extreme battle, and by that I mean they were discussing something extremely important.

"So I'm the Senior sister," Abra said

"No I'm the Senior," Abratwo said back

"Why, you're a clone I've been around longer so I'm your Senior!"

Abratwo scoffed, "There's only one way to settle this, I will battle you and cripple your mana core!"

"So you chose to court death, very well come forward," Abra said.

What followed next was the most epic battle of all time with explosions and death, but that didn't fit in our budget so instead they sat across from each other saying random and ridiculous attack names.


Although Yellow let her Pokemon out she wasn't as willing to fight against them, as Chuchu, Dody, Ratty, Gravvy, Kitty, and even the little Omny stood against their clones.

All of Yellow's Pokemon could feel her emotion so in response chose to not fight, but the clones didn't seem to want to do the same.

Even as they were being beaten and slapped around none of them fought back, and that left Pikachutwo without an opponent, and it chose to go against Yellow.

Yellow stood there looking at Pikachutwo, "We don't need to fight,"

Pikachutwo didn't care as it ran forward and sent a tackle to Yellow, Yellow took it and it did hurt but she stayed up and grabbed Pikachutwo in a hug, "Please, just listen, we don't need to, your a clone of Pikachu and Pikachu is my friend"

Pikachutwo flinched and as a response released a [Discharge] while in Yellow's arms, Yellow screamed in pain and her Pokemon looked worried but even still she didn't let go and her Pokemon didn't fight back.

When Pikachutwo opened its eyes it felt Yellow hug it harder, and looking up it saw Yellow a little extra crispy but still smiling and looking like she was holding back tears, "So your my friend too,"


You've been hit by a cliffhanger, and now you must wait for the next chapter... unless.

I might be able to be convinced to drop the last chapter of this ark tomorrow if I get some stones. Or you can be left with a cliffhanger, your choice.