
Go, go, Power Gyarados

Ash and Owari were staring down this 6 Gyarados threat, Owari released his Golbat as it flew up, and Muk just crawled out of Ash's sleeve and stood in front of them expanding to his original size.

Major laughed, "Witness the true power of my 'boosters' This is the result this is my perfection, and you have the honor of being the first test subject, you should be honored you'll be helping history to move forward!"

Then as he said that, he lowered his arms as all the Gyarados heads started charging something in their mouths, each of them shot a separate beam, red, light blue, yellow, purple, brown, and blue.

They shot a [Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Earth Power, and a Hydro Pump] respectively all aiming at the People and Pokemon in the center.

As the beams were shot and going towards them Ash whistled and Muk extended and covered them and extended his right arm to absorb the attacks.

When the bright light from the attacks stopped Muk was still there protecting them, although when he released himself to stop making a shield for them, his right arm was almost completely destroyed and there was also a piece of Ice preventing him from regenerating.

But he just cut off that piece of shoulder and re-grew it immediately, as the little sludge he lost stayed on the ground for now, but he still had control over it.

Major looked intrigued as they were all still alive so he smiled, "Well looks like this won't be as boring as I first thought, very well then let's play!"

As he said that the Gyarados started slithering forward and separating so that they wouldn't be able to attack them all at once.

Ash and Owari were back to back looking for any sort of opening they could take.

"Muk [Thunder Punch]!"

"Golbat use [Acrobatics]!"

Muk jumped to one side and Golbat flew to another as they both started charging their attacks, when suddenly the Gyarados shifted.

Gyarados-brown stretched and jumped in front of Muk's attack and Gyarados-yellow took the attack from Golbat.

As both of them took the attacks, Ash and Owari were surprised when the attack did almost nothing to them, it should have at least done more even with training you can't get to that level of resistance against a move like that.

As they took that 2 more Gyarados came by and [Crunched] them before throwing them back to the ground where 2 more were ready for them.

Major laughed, "Well how is it? In case you haven't caught on, these Gyarados weren't just given a few moves, no they have been completely transformed into different types, but I hope you don't think I'm planning on telling you that."

As Ash and Owari looked at their Pokemon they just got knocked down again they both grit their teeth, Owari returned Golbat as he spoke to Ash, "This is no good, we need to separate them or stop him from controlling them."

"Right, he has to be controlling them somehow, but we can't get to them, so let's cut them up for now, you take 3 I'll take the other."

Owari nodded as he grabbed 2 more Pokeballs from his belt, "I'll take care of brown, purple, and red,"

"Alright let's do this, but I'll leave you with a little gift then," Ash said as he pulled out 2 Pokballs as well.

They both threw out their Pokeballs as Ash sent out Meowth and Drowzee, and Owari sent out 2 Crobats.

Then as Ash said gift, Muk split his body in half creating 2 Muk and one stayed with him as the other went to support Owari.

Major smiled as his hand was inside his pocket, "Good, then let's let the fun begin," but what he didn't notice was something coming out of Ash's shadow and slowly approaching him.


Back upstairs the warehouse was starting to take a toll, the road was beginning to fall as a result of so many Pokemon battling, by an estimate about half of the raiders were out and not a threat but there was still another half, and the grunts were starting to get tired.

Meowth was running up and aiming to slash another Graveler on top of Growlie, but Machoke barbed both of them by the scruff of their backs.

Meowth was struggling to get out, "Hey what's da big idea, fight me like a man you overgrown stone!"

As Graveler was about to retaliate on that, suddenly he heard something, "Let go of my Growlie! Victreebel now!"

As the Graveler turned around he was greeted by a [Leaf Blade] to the face sending it falling over and knocked out as James caught Growlie before he fell leaving Meowth to fall on the ground.

"Thank goodness, are you ok Growlie," James said as Growlie nodded and gave a small bark.

Meowth pulled himself off the ground, "Gee, thanks Jimmy," he said sarcastically.

Jessie released Arbok and was having her slap through even more as she got close enough to James, "Hey you idiot, don't you have a Gyarados? Why don't you send that thing out!"

"Are you out of your mind, there is not enough space for that, if I bring him out then half of our guys will get caught in it. I need some space."

Jay yelled over, "Don't worry leave that to me! Moody, Rudey, Todd, prepare our ultimate attack!"

As he said that the 2 Meowth on the ground and the Meowth on his shoulder all jumped up to the air and clasped their arms together as they started spinning in the air.

They were shooting through the air like a Frisby and when they got to the center where all of the backup was coming front they stopped and each of them started charing their attacks that were being boosted by each other since they all used [Helping Hand]

They shot out a triple [Round] attack which made it triple making the base 60 move become 180 each.

As the attack landed on the ground it caused an explosion that sent multiple People and Pokemon flying everywhere leaving a nice open area in the center.

James smiled and pulled out his Pokeball, "Thanks man, I owe you one, so now Gyarados use [Waterfall]!"

Gyarados came out on the field and roared as he slammed his tail down creating a surge of water to come out around him causing multiple Pokemon and Raiders to get sweped off their feet and they took back the advantage.

With Enid she was starting to realize she might have taken more than she could chew, she said that but she didn't expect them to bring in 50 to fight her.

This was clearly one of those things where the protagonist enters an area that they aren't ready for, like in a video game.

But she also wasn't going to run, after all, what kind of protagonist turns their back on a fight this was just a chance for her to break her limits.

Although her Ursaring was only barely still up after taking a beating from 20 consecutive Pokemon she was barely still able to stand.

Enid considered returning her to the Pokeball, after all, she at least still had her Arbok, as she was thinking however the damaged roof broke more as pieces fell on the floor now giving a good look at the moon.

As the Moon was at its highest point they could see red light pouring into the room, because today was a lunar eclipse, or how it's better known as a Blood moon.

As the red light touched Ursaring, her eyes almost gained a new tint of red, as then she roared into the sky as the light shined more on her specifically.

Enid recognized that move, it was [Moonlight] something Ursaring couldn't learn, and then when she got the healing she looked at the Pokemon in front of her and let out a roar [Hyper Voice], doing more damage than they should considering Ursaring pitiful Special Attack.

But right now, Enid wasn't going to complain, this was clearly her power-up moment, "Alright let's see what else you can do! Let's try [Hyper Beam]!"

Ursaring roared as she shot a large bright beam across the field of enemies in front of her.

Aster was casually walking, it didn't even take more than a minute to take down Javelin as he casually walked to the door with Javelin tied in Vileplume's vines.

Javelin clenched his teeth, "Aster, what the hell are you doing, I thought we were business partners."

Aster stopped then looked back at Javelin, "You're right, unfortunately, some unforeseen circumstances came up, if I didn't take care of you I would lose my rank and we can't have that, but don't worry after this is over I'll keep this Project alive."

"All this for your Stupid rank," Javelin spit out, "Now I understand you only care about yourself, you don't care about those you hurt to get there,"

Aster clapped and smiled, "Gooood, now you understand, so I'll take my leave now, but don't worry you won't notice a thing," he said as he snapped.

Vileplume threw some spores into Javelin forcing him to fall asleep but not before seeing Aster casually walk through the door.

Aster took his sweet time, he didn't think D. and Owari could take down Major, even if he didn't know what Pokemon he had he knew that he probably only gave himself the very best of the experiments.

So he planned to wait for them to almost lose and then he would swoop in at the last moment to save them, thus he might potentially be able to recruit Owari and ensure D.'s complete loyalty.

As he kept walking he wondered how he would be able to use this place, he also needed to make sure that he took the scientists for himself and convinced Owari to give him the USB containing everything left from this place. 

But as long as he could play the hero none of that should be a problem, and if they find out about the scientists, he'll just say he wanted them to develop a cure, after all these fools are quite gullible.

As he got down he could hear the sounds of a battle, he peeked his head in and was intrigued but slightly frustrated.

He was intrigued because he could now see all their Pokemon in action and what they could truly do, Owari never gave him a report on his Pokemon, and D. told him that only his Muk fought but it seemed that that wasn't completely true.

But he was also kinda frustrated because it looked like they were holding their own against the Gyarados, but that didn't matter; it would only make it easier to swoop in and save them once they lost.

So he stayed there watching and collecting more information on them. Just waiting for the perfect moment to jump in.

Back to the fight Ash and Owari were holding their own, one thing interesting was that they all seemed to be willing to take attacks for each other with no hesitation, but also their heads and necks/bodies extended but they never saw their tails.

But that and Ash found out why, while he sent Gastly out he looked through his eyes and noticed something disturbing, this wasn't 6 separate Gyarados, this was a 6-headed Gyarados hydra.

But that gave Ash an Idea, "Owari, I've got a plan but you're going to have to trust me on this part,"

"Not like we have much of a choice, what is it?" Owari said as he had his 2 Crobat attacks the brown head.

Ash had Muk cover them as he whispered it just to make sure Major couldn't hear them.

Owari took a breath, "That is such a stupid, idiotic, and risky idea… let's do it,"

Ash nodded and called out, "Muk get back together! Meowth, [Agility]!"

"Crobats, do the same [Agility]!"

As Muk slid back over to Ash Meowth and the 2 Crobats started rushing across the center, the Crobats were flying around as 2 heads followed them each and Meowth was running along its body/neck jumping off the other when she was in danger.

As this was going on Ash looked at Muk then pulled out 6 Pokeballs and threw them out revealing 6 more Muk, "Muk unite as one!"

These Muk were all some of the Grimer that Muk separated from himself and Ash had them evolve creating more, and once he told them to reform his Muk all ran at each other and started getting absorbed back to the biggest Muk recovering his original size as the biggest Muk.

Major saw this and scoffed, "Not like I'll let you," then he reached into his pocket where a clicker he had was, but when he reached in it was gone, before he could react he suddenly felt his arms lock up.

Major looked around as Gastly appeared with the clicker in her mouth.

"Wh-you, release me and return that!" Major demanded.

"Jei jei!" Gastly laughed as she bit down destroying the clicker and making Major's face go pale.

Back to the fight as they were making more turns around and under the Gyarados they eventually got surrounded leaving them no place to run to, as the Gyarados were about to send their attacks at them suddenly they all started glowing purple and stopped.

Drowzee was still in this battle and was using [Psychic] to stop them, letting the 3 Pokemon get away, Meowth specifically grabbed onto one of the Crobat and flew away with them.

So Drowzee pulled them forward because in all the running it caused them to get tangled with each other so Drowzee just tightened it.

And with Muk, he finished absorbing the other 6 as was starting to slither around the Gyarados, but not before Ash made one last command, "Muk, copy Meowth!"

Now in the games Power of Alchemy copies an ability when a Pokemon faints, but here as long as Muk knows about what that ability is and trains then he can switch as much as he wants so.

[Power of Alchemy] → [Feline Prowess]

Muk got around and went to the back that the giant throne was covering and saw that there it was, the body of this Gyarados Hydra.

"Muk let's do this, give them all that energy you absorbed, [Thunder]!"

Muk raised his right arm as the collective power from all the attacks he blocked charged up and shot in one large and thick beam that connected with the body that was also submerged in water causing the Gyarados to all scream in pain as the throne collapsed.

Then in the trouble, the pile of the 6 Gyarados heads was knocked out on the ground, and Major was there looking shocked as Gastly still held on to him.

On the outside Aster was also shocked he didn't expect them to win, so he sighed and regretfully did something, he punched himself in the face marking his pristine face.

Then he came running, "I'm here, I was ambushed by more raiders wh-" he stopped looking at them faking a surprised expression.

He closed his mouth and clapped, "I'm surprised, very good work, I'll tell the Boss about this personally."

As he did this he instructed Vileplume to run in and [Sleep powder] as soon as possible to not reveal his secrets.

Owari was about to say something but his radio turned on as a grunt spoke through, "Owari sir. We have taken down all the hostiles, the upper part of the base is ours!"

Owari nodded and looked at Ash and Aster before talking back, "Very well then, this mission is complete."