
Beating Brawly

A day had passed since Helena beat her first gym leader, and the group celebrated their first big goal together at Helena's mansion with a big feast at a nearby restaurant.

Even though Dune hadn't totally accustomed himself to his status as a pokemon, it still weirded him out to eat other pokemon, or maybe it was just the taste of the Magikarp meat.

´I don't know; when I was in Meteor Falls, the Zubats tasted better than this Magikarp. And Ralts food is better too; it's really weird. After celebrating, the group had to travel through Petalburg Woods, where Ralts finally evolved to a Kirly, and Buneary level catched up to the rest of the party.

Ralts was level 26 and had max speed and special attack EVs, and Buneary was level 28 and had learned [Baton Pass] and [Defense Curl]. Many things changed about the behavior of both Pokemon.

Now that Ralts had evolved into Kirlia, her body developed in strange ways. The small and fragile Ralts were replaced with a medium-sized pokemon with a big breast, but still dwarfed in comparison to Helena's tits. Buneary sometimes made fun of Kirlia by telling her Dune would never put his eyes on her because she didn't have that much "personality."

Kirlia could now communicate with Helena and other humans through telepathy. It seemed most psychic and humanoid pokemon, once they reached their final evolution, could communicate in one manner or another with humans. On the other hand, Kirlia had become even more serious and focused on her role as a servant, but sometimes acted weirdly around Helena, flushing whenever she saw Helena kneel to pick up something due to her clumsiness, or when Dune complimented her during battle, she would lose focus.

Buneary instead became more naughty, stealing Helena's panties and running off to show them to Kirlia, who would scoff at her before both pokemon would just stare at her master's panties in awe.

After two days of travel, the group had finally reached Route 104, where the house of Mr. Briney, an old friend of Donald, had been referred to. Donald told Helena he could allow her to travel on his boat whenever she wanted and that it was the only way to reach.

Mr. Briney was an old man with a vital spirit and quickly told Helena to get on his boat. During their travels, Mr. Briney told Helena that the daughter of a famous Pokemon professor had helped him recover his pet Wingull.

Mr. Briney did Helena the favor of shipping her towards Dewford Town, where they challenged the gym leader.

Dune this time had the quest of defeating the gym leader with only Ralts and Buneary, with his reward being Kirlia learning [Crush Grip], a move that did more damage the higher the foe's HP was.

And the strategy was really simple: Brawly, the gym leader, had a fighting-type monotype, so Kirlia would be the one doing most of the heavy work; his first pokemon was a scrafty, and Helena's first pokemon was Buneary. Helena first commanded her to use [Charm] to lower Scrappy's physical attack, and due to all her training, she naturally outspeeded him.

After that, Buneary used [Defense Curl] three times and then used [Baton Pass] with Kirla, who, with a simple [Draining Kiss], instantly defeated Scrappy.

From there, Kirly swept Brawly's entire team with ease; her defense was so high that no move could really damage her. Because of this, Kirlia evolved into her final form, Gardevoir.

It was a spectacle to see; she was half HP and fighting against a Lucario, her perfect counter due to his stab steel type moves, and access to [Bullet Punch] when Kirlia evolved into a Gardevoir.

A light involved Kirlia, and the next second, an explosion of pink and white light erupted, revealing the form of Gardevoir.

While Brawly and Helena only noticed how Gardevoir learned [Mystical Fire] and obliterated Lucario, I noticed something only a horny pokemon in a perpetual breeding season could.

Her massive breast, and Dune meant massive, Gardevoir's tit's were just slightly bigger than Helena's, and her circumference was 106 cm. Even with the long white dress she wore, it was difficult to contain her size.

After Helena beat Brawly, he rewarded her with his gym medal and a fighting stone. With still a lot of the day to enjoy, the group decided to travel to Slateport City. After saying their goodbyes to Mr. Briny, Helena decided to stay at the main hotel in the city, the "Devon Hotel," and rest for a bit.

After checking out, Helena released Buneary and Gardevoir from their pokeballs, and Dune just threw himself in bed. "Girls, you have free time; I'll just exist for a while."

Helena decided to read some of her old occult books; from all the sex she had with Dune, she negated her fascination with the paranormal. Buneary was too small to do anything, so she decided to just watch some videos on Helena's pokeNav.

And Lastly, Gardevoir's IQ had boosted so high that it was... boring. She decided to read some physics books, and after she was done with them, she'd go on to engineering books. 


(Sorry for short chapter, next chapter should be NSFW and 1500 words minimun, also, I promised to not do interventions but here i am again, pfff.

Anyway i need to ask this before i do something and you guys castrate my horny ass.

First, what is your opinion on Dune's Garchomp or Mega-Garchomp forms having 2 dicks.

Second, what is your opinion on non humanoid pokewaifus like Primarina, Latias, and Leavany)