
pokemon: Naruto Journey

In Sasuke retrieval mission, Zetsu captured Naruto after he was knocked out after he fought Sasuke. When the Akatsuki started extracting the Kyubi from him, the Yondaime saved Naruto, giving him a new chance in life in a new world. What kind of adventure awaits Naruto in this new world? 

Mohamed_Arshi · Cómic
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5 Chs

Hoenn Region

A week has passed since Naruto, Gengar, and Vulpix left the forest, and now they find themselves lost in the sea while riding on Gyarados back. "Damn you, Lance. You told me to go north from the forest and I would arrive at Pallet Town in no time, but now we find ourselves lost in the middle of the sea," Naruto yelled in frustration as he looked up at the sky. "It is all your fault. Next time I see you, I will punch you in the face as hard as I can.". Naruto said as he continued yelling at the sky.

Gengar and Vulpix sweatdropped when they saw Naruto yelling like a madman. Gengar looked at Vulpix with his usual wicked grin, nodding at him while pointing at Naruto with his finger. Vulpix smirked mischievously at Gengar's nod, then Vulpix unleashed a flamethrower onto Naruto's face. "AAAAAAAHHHHH, what the hell, Vulpix?

Gengar and Vulpix laughed at Naruto's reaction after Vulpix used a flamethrower on Naruto's face. Naruto's eyebrows twitched when he saw Vulpix and Gengar laughing. "GEN, GEN, GEN, GEN," "VUL, VUL, VUL," 

"Yeah, laugh, you two." Naruto looked annoyed at Gengar and Vulpix, but he couldn't help but smile at them.

Naruto then asked Gengar, "Hey Gengar, can you fly and see if there is any land near by?" Gengar nodded with his usual wicked smile and flew to the sky. After a few moments, it came back, "Gen, GEN, GENGAR, GEN.".

When Naruto and Vulpix heard what Gengar just said, they gave a big smile, and Naruto said, to Gyarados, "Full speed ahead, Gyarados. If there is land, it means there is a town nearby. Let's go.".

"GRRRRRAAAAAOOOOOOO!" Gyarados roared, and quickly it swam in full speed, following Gengar.


After ten minutes, Naruto arrived at his destination along with Gengar and Vulpix. He hopped off Gyarados back and waved his hand at it when he landed on the ground. "Thanks for the left; Gyarados, take care of yourself until we meet again.". 

"GRRRRAAAAAOOOO!" Gyarados roared, then it dove underwater. Naruto, Gengar, and Vulpix smiled when they saw Gyarados dive under the water.

Naruto looked around, and he saw himself in a forest. "Well guys, I think we better start exploring this forest and check for the closest town, but first, I am really hungry. Gengar, can you collect some berries for us to eat? "GEN, GENGAR." Gengar nodded and flew in the air to start collecting berries for them to eat.

After Gengar collected the berries, the trio sat on the ground and started eating the berries that Gengar had collected.

Naruto saw many pokemon in the forest, but they looked different from the ones he saw before.

Some pokemon looked like brown racoons, some were red worms, and some looked like grey wolf cubs. All around him were pokemon he had never seen before, and he was very amazed at what he was seeing.

While the trio was eating the berries, Naruto felt someone was staring at him. He couldn't feel any malicious intent from the one staring at him. He chuckled and said laudly, "You can come out; don't worry, I don't bite.".

Vulpix and Gengar looked at Naruto in confusion when they heard what he just said, and Naruto just turned his head and looked at a tree a few yards away from where they were sitting.

Quickly, Vulpix moved and stood in front of Naruto, ready for any surprise attack. Gengar, too, stood next to Vulpix, observing the tree that Naruto was gazing at.

Naruto raised his hand, preventing Vulpix and Gengar from attacking the one who was hiding behind the tree. Vulpix and Gengar nodded at Naruto, then sat next to him. Naruto smiled and said kindly to the one who was hiding behind the tree, "I promise we will not hurt you. If you can help us, I'm willing to give you some berries. We are new here.".

From behind a tree trunk, a small humanoid pokemon came out. The pokemon had a white body, thin arms, and legs that widened towards its feet. There is a wispy extension trailing off the back of its feet, creating the overall impression of a nightgown or oversized dress. Green hair, resembling a bowl cut, covers most of its face, occasionally revealing a pair of pinkish-red eyes. There are two flat, red horns on top of its head: a large one towards the front and a smaller one at the back.

"RALTS," the pokemon said in a low voice. Naruto smiled at the pokemon and said to it, "You are one cute little pokemon, aren't you? Here, eat up," he garbed one berry from the pile of berries that Gengar collected and laid the berry in front of the pokemon.

The pokemon blushed when it heard what Naruto just said. It looked cautiously at Naruto, Gengar, and Vulpix, but Naruto kept smiling kindly at the pokemon. The pokemon then grabbed the berry and started eating it. The pokemon squealed joyfully as it ate the berry "RAAALTS.".

Naruto kept looking at the pokemon in amusement as it squealed joyfully while it continued eating the berry that he gave it. Naruto then gave the pokemon more berries for her to eat, and the pokemon squealed in joy again. "RAAAALTS."

Naruto then asked the pokemon "I never seen your species before, what kind of pokemon are you little one?" The pokemon looked at Naruto then started answering him "RALTS, RALTS, RALTS, RALTS".

"Oh, so your species are called Ralts, and you are common in this forest. How interesting to be honest with you, little one! It is the first time for me to see your species, and I must say you are the cutest pokemon I have ever seen." Ralts blushed at Naruto's compliment, and it gave Naruto a big smile.

After they ate the berries, Naruto asked Ralts, "Ralts, I want to ask you if there is a town nearby. and if so, can you tell us where it is?"

"RALTS, RALTS, RALTS, RALTS," Ralts said with a bright smile to the trio, and Naruto chuckled when he heard what Ralts said, "then we will be relying on you, Ralts." Ralts smiled joyfully at what Naruto said and began walking east. Naruto, Gengar, and Vulpix started following Ralts from behind.


After fifteen minutes of walking, they exited the forest outskirts and arrived in a small village. Naruto noticed a huge board above the village gate with "Littleroot Town" written on it. Naruto sweatdropped when he read what this town was called. 

"Who would name this town Littleroot? It is a ridiculous name," Naruto thought, then he shrugged. He bent on one knee, patted Ralts on the head, avoiding its horns while giving her a bright smile, and said to it, "Thank you so much for bringing us here, Ralts." Do you want us to take you back to the forest?"

Ralts didn't answer Naruto; instead, it jumped on Naruto's right shoulder and sat down comfortably on his shoulder, then said to him, "RALTS, RALTTS, RALTS, RALTS, RALTS.". When he heard what Ralts said, Naruto chuckled and shrugged. "Suit yourself; let's go and ask the people of this town where I can take the Pokemon Trainer examination, because I doubt we are close to Pallet Town."

After that, the group entered the town. He noticed that the town looked different from Konoha; it had a homey feel. He smiled at the homey feeling; he felt he saw many Pokemon following the town's people. Naruto smiled when he saw that" this place is so peaceful. I am glad I ended up in this world," he thought to himself.

As Naruto walked around Littleroot Town, he saw a middle-aged woman with dark blue long hair tied in a ponytail, onyx eyes, a fair complex, and a curvy body. The middle-aged woman was cleaning in front of her house, and there was a tiny green avian bird pokemon resting on her shoulder.

The tiny green avian bird pokemon has a nearly spherical body colored in accents of red, yellow, and black. It possesses brightly colored, yellow-and-red wings with thick black stripes. The wings are small and not fully grown.

Naruto decided to ask the middle-aged woman where he could sit for the Pokemon Trainer examination, so he walked to her and said, "Excuse me, mam." The middle-aged woman turned her head and smiled kindly at Naruto. "Yes, young man, I've never seen you here before. Are you new here?"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embracement. He is never used to people being kind to him. "Yes, I am new in this town, and I am sorry for disturbing you, mam, but I was wondering if you could help me. I would like to take the Pokemon Trainer examination, but I don't know where to go to take the exam.".

The middle-aged woman giggled at Naruto's embracement. She found it very cute and said, "Sure thing, dear,. You can take the Pokemon Trainer examination at my husband's lab. My son can take you to my husband's lab. It is about time for him to wake up and go receive his starter pokemon." She scowled when she mentioned her sleeping son.

Naruto sweatdropped when he saw her scowling expression and thought, "I don't know why, but I feel sorry for her son." Naruto quickly composed himself and thanked the middle-aged woman, "Thank you, mam, for your help. I really appreciate it." Naruto bowed slightly. Ralts, Gengar, and Vulpix follow suit. The middle-aged woman smiled at Naruto and said kindly to him, "Come inside, child; I will make you breakfast while we wait for my son Brendan to get ready and take you to my husband's lab."

Naruto shook his head towards the middle-aged woman and said, "I don't want to be a bother, mam." After saying these words, Naruto felt an aura surround the middle aged woman. When he, Gengar, Vulpix, and Ralts felt the aura, they started to sweat. "What did you say?" Naruto gulped when he heard the middle-aged woman's tone, along with the pokemon next to him: "breakfast sounds wonderful, mam.".

The middle-aged woman smiled brightly when she heard Naruto's answer: "Good boy, let's go inside." Naruto nodded absentmindedly, and he and his pokemon then entered the middle-aged woman's house.

The middle-aged woman then started preparing breakfast for Naruto, Brendan, and the pokemon while sending the tiny bird pokemon to wake up her son.

Suddenly Naruto jumped from the seat when he heard a painful scream that brought a shiver to his spine for some reason: "AAAAAAHHHHHHH, THAT HURT YOU STUPUID BIRD.".

When the middle-aged woman heard the painful scream, she just smirked, and when Naruto saw this smirk, he shivered. "Shikamaru told me mothers are too scary and troublesome; now I understand."

After fifteen minutes, the middle-aged woman finished preparing breakfast for herself, Naruto, Brendan, and the Pokemon.

Brendan looked annoyed as he came to the dining area while the tiny green bird pokemon rested on his shoulder. He noticed Naruto, and Naruto greeted him, "Hey, my name is Naruto Namikaze. Nice to meet you.".

Brendan smiled at Naruto. "Hi, my name is Brendon Birch. Nice to meet you, Naruto." Brendan was around Naruto age; he looked a year or two younger than Naruto; he had brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a white hat, a black and red headband, and a long-sleeved shirt with red and black stripes. Brendan noticed Gengar, Vulpix, and Ralts eating, and his eyes lit up. "Wow, a Gengar, that's so cool. I only saw Gengar in books and computers.".

Gengar gave Brendan his usual wide wicked smile and waved his hand to him, "GENGAR", Naruto chuckled when he heard what Brendan said: "Gengar is my partner; we've been together for eight years since it was a Gastly." Gengar nodded with his usual wicked smile, "GEN, GENGAR".

His mother interrupted Brendan as he was about to continue his conversation with Naruto, saying, "Eat quickly, Brendan, or you will be late to receive your starter pokemon, and I want you to take Naruto to your father's lab; he wants to take the pokemon trainer exam."

When Brendon heard what his mother said, he nodded his head, and then he and Naruto started eating the eggs and bacon that she cooked for breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, Naruto returned Gengar and Vulpix to their pokeballs, and Ralts jumped on Naruto's shoulder.

Brendon looked confused at Naruto and asked, "Why didn't you return Ralts into her pokeball too?" Naruto gave Brendon a friendly smile. "Because it is not my pokemon, it wants to tag along for the time being, and it is fine with me," Ralts nodded with a smile. "RALTS, RALTS."

Brendon chuckled at that, and both he and Naruto exited the house, and they started walking towards Brendan's father's lab.


When Naruto and Brendon arrived at the lab, they were greeted by Joshua, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a white lab coat. He is the professor's assistant.

Joshua had short brown hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion, and a slim physique. Joshua smiled when he saw Brendon. "Brendon, good to see you. Are you ready to receive your starter, and who is your friend?"

Brendon smiled when he saw Joshua. "You bet, Joshua; this is Naruto Namikaze. He wants to take the Pokemon Trainer Examination. Joshua, would you mind helping him, please?".

Joshua smiled kindly at Naruto. "Sure thing, you can sit anywhere you like, Naruto. I will just print out the exam for you and go call Professor Birch.". Naruto and Brendon nodded to Joshua as they took a seat. 

After five minutes, Joshua came back holding the exam paper along with a middle-aged man. When Brendon saw the other middle-aged man, his eyes lit up: "Father.".

The middle-aged man smirked when he saw Brendon: "Well, Brendon, are you ready to receive your starter son? Oh, and who is your friend, Brendon?".

Naruto looked at Professor Birch, a tall, fat man with fair skin, dark eyes, short and slightly wavy brown hair, and a squarish face with a beard. He wears a navy blue T-shirt under a white lab coat, khaki shorts with a black belt, and tan sandals on his feet."

Naruto bowed his head slightly, and Ralts followed his example. "Hello, sir, my name is Naruto Namikaze. I came today so that I could sit the Pokemon Trainer Examination."

Professor Birch studied Naruto carefully. He saw Ralts sitting on his shoulder and smirked, "Interesting that Ralts seems attached to him. For a Ralts to be this attached to someone, he must be a good kid. Well, let's test this kid and see.".

Professor Birch looked seriously at Naruto and said to him, "Kid, taking care of Pokemon and raising them is very hard work; it takes a lot of responsibility. Do you think you are ready for it?"

Naruto's eyes shone with determination, and he said, "I know it is hard work, but I will do my very best to not fail my Pokemon; they are my family. This is a promise of a lifetime."

After hearing what Naruto had said, Ralts smiled happily at him. Brendon, Joshua, and Professor Birch were taken aback by his answer. Professor Birch smiled softly after hearing Naruto's answer: "This kid will go far, no doubt about it. Things are going to be interesting in Hoenn.".

Professor Birch gave Naruto a big smile and said, "Congratulation, kid, you passed the first part of the Pokemon Trainer Examination." Naruto looked confused at Birch and asked, "Wait a second, I was told the exam is a written one."

Professor Birch nodded. "Yes, it is a written exam, but some professors add their own twist to it." Professor Oak in Kanto, for example, adds problem-solving scenarios to the exam to determine if the examinee is ready to receive a starter pokemon or not."

Naruto was shocked and said, "Wait a second, are you saying I am not in Kanto any more?" Joshua, Brendon, and Professor Birch looked at Naruto in surprise. Brendon then said to Naruto, "Dude, you are in Hoenn, buddy. Why do you think that you are in Kanto anyway?"

Naruto then sighed in defeat when Brendon confirmed to him that he was no longer in Kanto. He decided to explain to them how he ended up here. The trio listened carefully to Naruto, and they were surprised after Naruto told them how he ended up in Hoenn."

Professor Birch chuckled and said, "Well, you can start your pokemon journey in Hoenn if you like, and if you don't want to start in Hoenn, I don't mind booking you a ticket on a ship to go back to Kanto."

Naruto thought hard about what Professor Birch offered him, but he remembered seeing many pokemon he had never seen before. Then he smirked, "Nah, I will start my pokemon journey here. I saw many pokemon here that I had never seen before. Besides, I am already here. Why should I go back now? I will just go with the flow. I am sure I will find strong pokemon trainers to challenge here in Hoenn. I will return to Kanto later."

Brendon, Joshua, and Professor Birch smiled at Naruto's answer. Joshua gave Naruto the exam question paper and said to him, "There are 20 multiple-choice questions. You need to answer all these questions in thirty minutes." Naruto nodded, took a seat, and started answering the exam questions.

Professor Birch turned to his son and said, "Alright, Brendon, follow me; it is time you receive your starter." Brendon's eyes lit up and he followed his father.

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