

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Cómic
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19 Chs


I groaned heavily having been woken up by the sun

Guessing by how the sun is already up and rising I might be very late to school however I don't care

I looked besides me and saw Purrloin isn't there...

"..." Just imagining that Liepard is the evolve form of Purrloin gave me chills, What if Purrloin would turn like Liepard when she evolve?

Sighing to myself I heard a knock in the door

"Open up it's me" Hearing Marsh's voice through the door I got up and opened it

"Why haven't you gone to class?" Marsh asked while handing me the pokenav I haven't gotten from Sir Alan

"...I felt sick" I lied and Marsh looks at me worriedly

Didn't know he could make a face like that

"Are you fine?, Did you get a cold or smt?" Marsh asked while I plainly said

"I'm fine" And closes the door

Was I rude...?

No I can't think about that right now I need to find Purrloin!, Waiting for a few minutes I could feel Marsh leaving and I finnaly got out

"Where could she be?" I muttered having decided to go to the training hall first

Arriving in I could see some few people training but no signs of Purrloin, Maybe in the classroom?

I headed to my classroom and saw she isn't here either


"Not here either..." Lots of people but again no Purrloin

I am not sure as where could she have gone

In the first place why did she ran away? Is she.... unsatisfied with me as a trainer?

I became depressed at the thought

Suddenly from the corner of my eyes I saw something purple exiting the cafeteria

"Purrloin!?" I rushed outside and looked for the purple thing but to my dismay it was just a purple cloth

I think I'm starting to go crazy

If she's not in the cafeteria or at the training hall where could she be?

Wait maybe in the wild area!?

Why would she go there! it is dangerous and deadly no wait what if that Liepard came back!!!

Feeling sweat forming on my head I rushed to the wild area unfortunately this time I was caught by some third years

"Stop, No first years allowed" They said blocking the entrance

"Let me in!" I shouted but they just ignored me

"My Purrloin might be there!" I exclaimed

"Can't do anything about that" They shrugged

At this time a bloody pokemon came out of the wild area

"A wild Pokemon!" They exclaimed but I could see that this bloody pokemon looks a bit like...

"Purrloin...!" I rushed out and hurriedly

grabbed Purrloin before they could do anything to her

"Let go if the wild Pokemon kid" One of the third years said

"It's my pokemon!" I said to them and checked on Purrloin

Her fur was a a mess and was covered by bloodstains but to my surprise most of the blood isn't from her


Name: None

Age: 10





Hidden ability:Prankster



Beginner: growl,scratch,,torment

Intermediate: yawn,attract,double team

Fusion moves:

Alluring voice

"Double team is intermediate while her potential improved...." I muttered looking at Purrloin

What happened to her?

Growing this strong overnight is highly difficult!

"You better check her up at the medicine hall" The third years said

Medicine hall?

"Oh right first years have no access to that"

"Come" They ordered and I followed them to a pokecenter looking building

"Lea heal this kid's pokemon" They pointed at me and I brought the bloody Purrloin to her

"What happened to this Purrloin!?" Lea exclaimed and an Chansey appeared taking Purrloin away

After a while they came back

"It looks like your Purrloin suffered a lot of injuries and have used up a lot of energy coupled with the fact her front leg has been broken" Lea said and I felt my face darken

Why did she go to the wild area...?

"You can go check up on her" Lea said seeing my expression

And I did just that as Lea lead me too a room with Purrloin laying in a bed

"Purrloin" I called out and Purrloin weakly looks at me

"I'll leave the two of you" Lea said