

Pokemon has different natures that affects their overall attitude, Mine just happens to be.....mischievous?

Susan_Tandog · Cómic
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19 Chs


"The stage of your pokemon's moves can be determined by this device" Sir Alan showed a rectangular looking object


"I'll distribute it tomorrow, The class will end here" Sir Alan pocketed the pokenav and leaves

"Hey do yo-" Marsh was about to ask me something but I cut him off

"Maybe next time sorry" With that I rushed out of class

I still have my revenge to fulfill after all

I went directly to the wild area but of course I was prepared!, I brought some repel and bug catching nets for the Sewaddle

Sneaking to the wild area again I make sure to keep myself well hidden

Now how to find that Sewaddle...?

I roamed aimlessly around the wild area for about 30 minutes

Thankfully I don't have to search and find the Sewaddle as I heard a familiar voice behind me


I turned my head back and saw the Sewaddle with it's sly appearance as it presented me with a silk shot

"Not this time, Purrloin scratch!" Summoning Purrloin I directly ordered it to slash at the silky thread

It proved effective as Purrloin's claws cuts through the silky thread with ease

Seeing as it's string shot was countered easily, Sewaddle changed it's colors quickly and tries to hide

But of course I didn't let it escape as I throw the net at it

"Sewaddle!!!" The Sewaddle struggles trying to get out of the net and even bites at it but failed greatly

It was called bug catching nets for a reason after all

"Now what I shall do with you..." I looked at Sewaddle with triumph

Maybe I should make it my pokemon?... It's a pity I don't have a pokeball though

As I was thinking about what to do with Sewaddle a rustle was heard besides me

What came to my sights was a purple feline with triangular patterns on its body and a scythe like tail

"Liepard~" I flinched at the voice and I felt incredulous fear

This was exactly the same feeling I felt when meeting my good for nothing father's Persian

The Liepard circled around me and looks straight at my eyes rather slyly

I-I wanted to run away but I can't seem to muster enough strength on my legs it's as if there's a pressure holding me still

And apparently I'm not the only one who's feeling the pressure as Purrloin besides me seemed like she wanted to collapse

"Lie" The Liepard moved it's gaze towards Purrloin with a mocking stare

It stayed like that for a while until she started to move slowly towards Purrloin, It stopped infront of her and the pressure increased

It raised it's paw and I could only watch as it slapped Purrloin to a tree

"Nyaa!!!" Purrloin screamed as it's body was slammed at the tree leaving a huge dent and at the same time fall unconscious

"Purrloin!!!" I shouted and rushed to Purrloin under Liepard's playful stare

It laughs for a bit but seeing as I didn't react to it's laughter the Liepard felt bored

The Liepard's then looks at me one last time and with a huff it leaves

How was that Liepard so strong!!!

Beads of sweat appeared on my head as I thought about that Liepard but I quickly shook my head and focused all my attention to Purrloin

Thankfully Purrloin was only unconscious and it didn't seem like she suffered any major injuries

I carried Purrloin in my hands and I notice the almost forgotten Sewaddle

It's state was quite bad as Sewaddle looked like it would collapse any second

I sighed, I was blinded by revenge and did something so stupid

I released Sewaddle from the net and hides him in a tree

After that I quickly left the wild area fearing that Liepard would came back to kill me

"What happened to you...?" Unexpectedly I bumped into Marsh who looked at me worriedly after seeing my haggard face

"No-nothing" I lied and rushed to the dorms leaving behind a confused Marsh

Today I almost died