
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · Fantasía
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13 Chs

The Journey Begins

The Pidgeys chirped as they soared along the clear blue skies. The cries of different Pokemon were heard across the atmosphere. The smell of new air had filled my nostrils and the sensation of taking my first step in Estral.

"Welcome to the Region of Estral! We are known as the largest region, even larger than the Kalos Region! Unlike other regions, we offer 72 Gym Badges for all trainers to collect across the region! We also offer Battle Towers, Pokemon World Tournaments, and our recently added Mythic Challenge!" A woman said on the screens of the bulletin boards. She was dressed up like a Sylveon then I noticed her shiny Sylveon jump up into her arms. "I think it's time I introduce myself! My name is Sylvia and this is my partner Sylveon!~ I am one of the Gym Leaders in the Kaeton Portion of Estral!~ I hope to see you all challenge my gym some day! Byyyee!~"

"Sylve!~" Sylvia's Sylveon cried out in excitement.

I walked ahead, strolling my luggage with me. I came to Estral from Unova to persue a dream of mine of being the very best and Estral was the perfect region to proving my talents...well at the very least the perfect region to start my journey from.

"Where the heck am I..?" I asked then checked my map on my phone. The map wasn't working and I sighed softly. "Of course...Unrecognized Area. I really have to register this region?"

I looked up and scratched the back of my head. "Looks like I'm wandering around until I eventually find a lead."

I traversed the area until I found a sign that told the City's name I was on. I heard my phone beep and looked at it.

"Silverwood City." I said to myself. I looked around then looked back at my map. "There's a Trainer Registration Center nearby. Alright...let's go check it out."

I put my phone away and hurried to the Trainer Registration Center. Once I made it, I walked inside and noticed an array of new trainers waiting to get their Registration to take the test to become a Pokemon Trainer. I walked around the lobby and noticed a few people. Some of them were dressed like their favorite Pokemon. Some had really cool outfits. Some were even children no younger than ten.

"Huh. Hilbert and Hilda were 14 when they first started...then again they let kindergartners battle with pokemon." I said to myself. "Can't believe 4 years has passed since I've last seen them. Time does fly by."

I felt someone tap my shoulder then turned my head to look at them. It was a girl who looked around my age, which was 18 by the way. She had bright blue eyes, long messy white hair, and wore a bandana on her head. She wore a black and white top with a skirt of the same color scheme. Her shirt was tucked into her skirt and she wore a black and baby blue jacket over her shirt. She had on long socks and baby blue and white shoes.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice you talking to yourself so I decided to come over to introduce myself!~" The girl said with a bright smile.

"Was I talking to myself that loudly?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Well taken I was standing by you, I kinda heard you." She giggled and held out her hand. "My name is Winter Osaka."

I looked at her hand then shook it. "Name's Atlas Lionhart."

"Are you new to Estral?" Winter asked as she let go of my hand.

"Yeah. I come from the Unova Region." I answered, letting go of her hand.

"Whoa! For real!? That's pretty freaking far from here! What's it like?" Winter asked as she looked at me with interest.

"Well, it's pretty big. Two of my friends are from there. They are known as Pokemon Trainer Legends. They have some of the strongest Pokemon there and are the originators of the World Tournaments that are being hosted here. They have a bunch of attractions there as well especially a town called Undella Town." I answered.

"I really wanna see what it's like now! I'm born and raised in Estral so this is all I've ever known up to this point. I want to start my journey and become the strongest!" Winter said with excitement.

I nodded and looked ahead then noticed a woman walking forward through the automatic doors. She had short pink hair, hazel eyes, and a confident smile on her face. She wore a white button up shirt, a blue tie, a gray vest over her shirt, a magenta colored skirt, black leggings, gray boots and a white lab coat. Based off her appearance, she had to be the Pokemon Professor.

"Welcome one, welcome all Trainers! Everyone who is gathered here today is either wanting to become a Pokemon Trainer or wanting to know more about being a Pokemon Trainer. This is a huge step in your lives and I am pleased to announce that today your dreams will come true, but before we get into that allow me to introduce myself!" The woman fixed her glasses that rested on the top of her head and smiled. She pulled a PokeBall out of her pocket and pressed the white button on it then it grew into it's original size. "My name is Professor Rosewood, Pokemon Professor for the Kaeton Portion of Estral and the Head of the Pokemon Academy."

She tossed the PokeBall in the air and a Pokemon emerged from its ball. It was a Growlithe. It barked and captured the hearts of some of the people in the center.

"This is a Pokemon. Specifically, it is a Growlithe. Pokemon are special and mysterious creatures us Trainers catch and bond with. Most of us battle with said Pokemon to test the strength and the bond between trainer and Mon." Professor Rosewood said then called her Pokemon go back inside its ball. "If any of you wish to start your journey, please follow me. The rest may feel free to explore the center and learn more if you aren't ready."

"This is it, Atlas! We will finally be able to choose our first pokemon! We should hurry before all the good choices are taken!" Winter said.

I nodded and we hurried with the group that went with Professor Rosewood to the other room where we will be able to pick our first pokemon. We entered the room and I noticed a Pokemon battlefield in the middle of the room. Professor Rosewood stopped walking and turned towards us and placed her hands in her pockets.

"We are here! This is where you all will choose your very own Starter Pokemon! There are 27 to choose from coming from Kanto all the way to Paldea. If you don't like the selection, we have a machine that can give you a random pokemon excluding Legendaries, Mythicals, and Fully Evolved Pokemon. Once you all have chosen the pokemon you desire, meet back here for the next part of the Registration." Professor Rosewood said.

"I'll meet back with you once I pick out my pokemon." Winter smiled and hurried off.

I walked ahead and looked at the assortment of Pokemon, but I already knew the pokemon I wanted. I walked straight towards the Unova area and crouched down in front of the Oshawott. The Oshawott looked at me with a smile and tilted his head.

"I choose you." I smiled and held my hand out. Oshawott seemed happy that I chose it and happily accepted my offer. Just like that Oshawott became my partner.

I stood up and walked back over to Professor Rosewood, confirming that Oshawott would be my starter. She nodded and handed me a Pokedex and a few Pokeballs.

I noticed another guy had already chosen his starter as well. It was a Treecko. The guy had black and white hair, orange eyes, and a serious look on his face. He wore a red shirt, black pants, and red shoes. He wore a black jacket with a cotton collar on the hood with dog tags around his neck.

"Hm, I just thought of a good idea. Atlas, Hideo. You two should have a Pokemon battle!" Professor Rosewood said.

"A Pokemon battle? Already?" I asked.

"This would be a learning experience for the both of you and it will be a chance for you two to connect with your Pokemon." Professor Rosewood said.

"I'm up for the challenge. He will be the first stepping stool for my quest to be the strongest." Hideo said.

I looked at Hideo and looked at Oshawott. Oshawott looked back up at me with determination and smiled. I nodded and looked back Hideo. "We accept the challenge."

We headed into the battlefield and stood on the opposite sides of each other. Winter watched as she held her Fenniken in her arms. Professor Rosewood acted as the referee and smiled.

"Oshawott let's do this together!" I said and watched Oshawott run ahead to the battlefield.

"Let's end this quickly Treecko." Hideo said and sent his Treecko out on the battlefield.

"The battle between Trainer Atlas and Trainer Hideo will begin! This battle will end once either side has no pokemon left to battle with! Trainers are you ready?" Professor Rosewood asked. She looked at both of us and noticed we nodded. "Alright...Begin!"

"Alright Oshawott! Let's get this battle started with a Tackle!" I bellowed.

Oshawott cried out and dashed to Treecko.

"Dodge it and use Leer!" Hideo commanded.

Treecko dodged the attack and jumped back then gave my Oshawott an intimidating leer with its sharp eyes. Oshawott grunted and his Defenses were lowered.

"Now follow it up with a Pound!" Hideo called out.

Treecko dashed to my Oshawott and tried to attack it with its tail, but my Oshawott dodged it. Oshawott slammed into Treecko with a direct tackle. Treecko groaned as he rolled backwards then recovered.

"Treecko are you alright?" Hideo asked.

"Tree...cko!" Treecko spoke and stood up ready to battle again.

"Good! Rush it with a barrage of Pound attacks!" Hideo commanded.

"Oshawott, block it using your scalchop!" I commanded.

Treecko dashed toward Oshawott and began to try and deliver blows using his tail. Oshawott did his best to block his attacks with his shell. Treecko bellowed and knocked Oshawott's shell to the side then delivered a powerful blow with his tail. Oshawott groaned in pain as he was blown away, taking a critical hit. Oshawott rolled on his side and tried standing up.

"Oshawott! Are you alright?" I asked.

Oshawott stood up and looked at Treecko. He pat his belly to grab his shell, but noticed it was missing. He looked surprised and looked around frantically to find it.

"Oshawott! It's to your left! Use Tail Whip then rush to get your shell back!" I said.

Oshawott turned around and cutely wagged his tail at Treecko, catching him off guard, making him lower his Defenses. He then ran over to grab his shell off the ground.

"Throw the scalchop at Treecko!" I yelled.

"Huh?" Hideo reacted in surprise.

"He wants Oshawott to throw his shell?" Winter asked surprised.

Professor Rosewood smirked and watched. "What is he planning..?"

Oshawott bellowed and threw his shell at Treecko. Treecko deflected the shell with his tail then noticed Oshawott running towards him.

"Dodge his attacks!" Hideo yelled.

Treecko began to dodge Oshawott then groaned as he was hit by Oshawott's shell. Treecko held his head and looked up then cried out as he was blown away by Oshawott's tackle. Treecko landed on his back and was down for the count.

"Treecko is unable to battle so the winner is Atlas!" Professor Rosewood said.

"Yes! We did it Oshawott!" I said excitedly and caught Oshawott as he jumped into my arms.

"He won! That was an amazing battle!" Winter smiled and giggled.

"He obviously has some form of battle experience. Nonetheless that was enjoyable to watch." Professor Rosewood smiled.

"Treecko return!" Hideo said and turned away then walked off.

I watched Hideo as he left without saying anything to me. I looked at Professor Rosewood and she looked back at me.

"There is a Nurse who can heal your pokemon left of this room. You should check it out and get your pokemon healed." She said then walked off to check on the other trainers.

I nodded and walked off. Winter followed me and decided to come with me to the Healing Facility. With my first win under my belt, I felt more ready than ever to pursue my goal.