
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Team Myth Strikes Again

Winter and I made it to a dock where a ship was headed to Sanction Garden. As we spoke with the captain, he told us we needed a special Sanctuary Pass to even get to Sanction Garden.

"Where are we even supposed to get a pass from? The Captain didn't even tell us how to get it." Winter sighed.

"I don't know, but I do know we need to get there. I can just sense Team Myth is at Sanction Garden." I said.

We went back to the main part of the city and began to think of ways we could get a Sanctuary Pass. We walked around until we were stopped by a trainer. I looked at him and noticed his appearance. He had short purple hair, red eyes, and a smug smile. He wore a purple and black jacket, a red shirt, dark purple colored pants with white and red shoes. Beside him was a Gengar.

"I noticed you were trying to head to Sanction Garden without one of these." He said then flashed two Sanctuary Passes.

Winter gasped. "Those are the passes we need!"

"I know and I'll give them to you under one...condition. You beat me and my Gengar in a Pokemon Battle. That is the only way you'll be able to get these tickets." The guy said.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked.

The person smirked and fixed his jacket. "The name's Grayson, hailing all the way from Johto. We have never known the taste of defeat since I got him from a trade. Ever since I saw your battle on the ship, I've been interested in you and your Pokemon. They aren't...normal persay."

I looked at Dewott, Victini, and Lilligant. They looked back at me then I smirked and looked back at Grayson. "Yeah, they aren't normal because they are strong. I accept your challenge because we actually have to be somewhere to stop something bad from happening."

Grayson laughed and stepped back then Gengar ran forward and let out a ghoulish laugh. "You sound confident in your uncertain victory. Let's see how good you really do against us."

"Ronin." I said and Dewott ran forward then his eyes shined.

"Whoa, a Pokemon Battle right here?" One woman said as she stopped to watch.

"This isn't uncommon, but I wonder what this is about." A man said.

Winter pulled out her phone and scanned Gengar.

[Pokemon: Gengar

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Type: Ghost/Poison

Ability: Cursed Body

Morale: High (Increased Offence)

Bond Link: 94%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Curse, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Power Shift, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Hyper Beam]

"Gengar! Power Shift and use Thunder Punch!" Grayson commanded.

Gengar let out a cry and his body shined red, shifting his Attack and Special Attack stats. He dashed toward Dewott and his arms conjured lightning energy. Dewott looked back at me and I nodded. Dewott nodded then dashed toward Gengar. He dodged the first punch then grabbed one of his shells then a purple energy blade formed on the shell. He slashed, but Gengar dodged it and uppercut Dewott. Dewott grunted and was sent flying in the air. Dewott began falling to the ground and Gengar dashed to Dewott.

"Ronin!" I bellowed.

Dewott grunted then opened his eyes and dodged the punch. Gengar looked surprised and groaned as Dewott kicked him away. Dewott landed on his feet and panted. Gengar turned around and dodged a Water Pulse then used Power Shift to switch his offensive stats again.

"Gengar! Sludge Bomb!" Grayson bellowed.

Gengar began to fire globs of sludge at Dewott. Dewott deflected the blobs of sludge then knocked one back at Gengar, hitting him and causing an explosion. Gengar laughed as he rushed from the smoke. Dewott dashed toward Gengar and hit him with a Night Slash. Gengar groaned as he was sent flying upwards.

"Dewott! Let's end this!" I bellowed.

Dewott used Aqua Jet to propel himself above Gengar then struck him with a spinning slice with his Razor Shell then flew down with a spinning Night Slash and Razor Shell.

"Gengar!" Grayson called out.

Gengar opened his eyes and released a purple life force from his body and it entered Dewott before Dewott slashed and struck Gengar with a powerful Night Slash and Razor Shell, causing Gengar to slam into the ground. Dewott landed on his feet and smirked then his heart thumped and his eyes widened. He fell to his knees and felt excruciating pain and groaned as a burst of purple energy shot from his back.

"Ronin?!" I said in shock.

"Ronin!" Winter cried out and hurried toward him. I grabbed her arm and stopped her. She looked at me then looked back at Ronin.

A slight dark aura flowed around Dewott as he stood up. He heard the laughs of Gengar and looked back seeing him hop around in triumph. He turned around and dashed toward Gengar and struck him with a ruthless Night Slash. Grayson, Winter, and I looked surprised. Gengar cried out as he slid backwards on his back.

Aria stood in the crowd and watched. She crossed her arms. "That's not a normal behavior for a Dewott..."

Gengar stood up and noticed Dewott walking toward him. He laughed and charged up a Hyper Beam. He fired a massive orange beam of energy at Dewott from his mouth then an explosion happened. Grayson grunted and covered his face, and Winter and I did the same.

The smoke cleared and Dewott was nowhere to be seen until his roar was heard from above. He came down with a powerful Night Slash and struck Gengar, blowing him away. Gengar crashed into Grayson, knocking him over. Dewott bellowed and his black and red aura surged around his body in triumph.

"I get it now...He unlocked his hidden power, but why is it...a Dark Type?" Aria asked herself.

Dewott calmed down and grunted as the Dark Type aura disappeared. He fell onto one knee and panted. I walked to Dewott and placed my hand on his head and rubbed his head. I looked at Grayson and watched him get up.

"Now what was that..? I knew your Pokemon weren't normal! No one should be able to defeat my Gengar and not in the most humiliating way either!" Grayson yelled. He tossed the Passes toward me. "Take them. Next time we meet we won't lose!"

I looked at the Sanctuary Passes and picked them up. I looked back at Dewott, who was obviously tired from the battle. I decided to let him rest and walked back over to Winter, handing her a pass. "We got what we need...we can finally head over to Sanction Garden."

She nodded and looked over at Dewott. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah, just tired. That last move took a lot out of him. I'm gonna let him rest." I said as I recalled Dewott in his Pokeball so he could rest. "Let's go."

She nodded and we made out way back to the dock where the captain was and showed him our passes. He let us on the ship and we set sail for Sanction Garden. As we rode there, I looked at Dewott's pokeball. Winter sat beside me and looked at the pokeball as well.

"It was strange. I've never seen him get like that before. The Dark Type Aura was very...weird." Winter said.

"It was strange, but it felt more like Hidden Power. But why is it a Dark Type?" I asked myself and closed my eyes then put the pokeball away. "We shouldn't worry too much about it, after all, he is still the same Ronin I know and love."

Winter nodded and looked out at the sea. "I wonder what Team Myth is planning exactly. It can't be anything good knowing them."

As we rode ahead, I noticed a ship riding next to us and stood up. The Captain noticed as well and grunted then avoided the Hyper Beams that were being shot at us. Winter looked surprised then groaned as one hit the ship.

"Mayday! Mayday! We've been hit!" The Captain yelled as he began to lose control of his ship.

"Atlas! What do we do?!" Winter squeaked.

"There's nothing you little nuances can do!" A man said as he looked at our ship. He was dressed in armor similar to an Aggron.

Axion laughed as she walked out onto the dock of her ship and her Dragapult hovered beside her. "You should've picked your fights more carefully...now you two must suffer with the rest of our targets. You two were so cute as well..~ Such a shame your beauty must go to waste! Now meet the newest member of Team Myth, Aaron!"

Aaron looked at us and send out his Aggron and he let our a roar. "If I were you, Captain, I would stop trying to get away. Death shall release you all soon."

"Victory, we have no choice but to fight this battle! Lily! Will you be able to hold your own?" I said and looked at Victini and Lilligant. They both let our determined cries.

"You had your chance to go out in the most painless way possible. Aggron! Sandstorm! Wipe them away!" Aaron bellowed.

Aggron began swinging his arms and whipped up powerful winds to create a powerful sandstorm. The storm was so powerful it began to pick up our ship and flung us away. Winter held onto me tightly and squealed loudly in terror.

"Hang on tightly to anything sturdy! We're heading for a crash landing!" The Captain yelled.

I held onto a pole and held Winter tightly as I recalled my Pokemon back into their Pokeballs. Winter did the same with Fennekin. We were sent crashing into an unknown island.


I slowly sat up and grunted softly then noticed I was still holding Winter in my arms. She grunted softly and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me then looked around. She noticed the captain had been crushed under his ship and her eyes widened. She felt sick to her stomach and covered her mouth. The Captain was dead.

"We're trapped on this island...where are we..?" Winter asked with a shaken voice.

I looked around and noticed a large tower and more buildings. Victini came out of their pokeball and looked around. I stood up slowly and helped Winter up. "We're on Sanction Garden. The island is larger than I assumed...and with the Captain dead...there is no way we can get back to New Locasa City.."

"Team Myth can't get away with this..." Winter said and held onto me.

We began to walk around and search around the island until we ran into a young woman wearing a Mimikyu cloak, holding a busted Mimikyu in her arms. She had a Banette, a Shuppet, a Misdreavus and a new Eeveelution beside her. The Eeveelution in question had a gray body, had a cracked Eevee skull like mask on her face, and her tail and ears were made from ghost shadow like energy.

Winter held her cracked phone to the Eeveelution.

[Pokemon: Phanteon

Nickname: Phantom

Gender: Female

Type: Ghost

Ability: Ghoulish Pull

Morale: Normal

Bond Link: 100%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Shadow Claw, Curse, Shadow Ball, Phantom Force, Last Resort, Shadow Sneak, Grudge]

[Ghoulish Pull: Phanteon Signature Ability; If this Pokemon faints, the Pokemon that causes it to faint will have their stamina drained and will faint as well.]

"Wow...It's been a long time since I've last had a visitor on this island.." The young woman said and looked at us with her soulless eyes.

"She's creeping me out..." Winter said and held onto me tighter.

"Do you wish to leave this island?" The young woman asked.

"We do." I said.

"Follow me. I will help you." She said and walked off to the largest tower on the island.

"Should we trust her..? She seems like the only one on this deserted island." Winter said.

"She's the only one who can help us at this point. We don't have much of a choice and Ronin doesn't know surf so we can really use him to leave." I said. "Let's tough it out.."

"O-O-Okay." She stuttered.

We began to follow the young woman, in hopes of her helping us escape this island.

To be continued....