

Transportation to Unova was a... problem. After the attack on Saffron he had done some research on what was far outside the walls, and it wasn't pretty. Plenty of high strength pokemon constantly moving about. An average person couldn't walk between two towns without encountering danger, not to mention between two cities.

Although cars were a thing here, they were mostly for city use only. Their were only a few roads out in the wilds and they were rarely used by civilians. In fact a lot of families wouldn't leave the city they were born in for generations due to the danger. He wasn't a civilian, and would be happy to use the roads, but Unova was on another continent. This left him two options ship and plane.

The ship was the safest way, but it was also the longest. This world was many times bigger than earth. How much he couldn't say, but a trip between continents would take months by ship, even with the better technology of this planet. Although ships often had places to release pokemon, him and his team wouldn't be able to do any training on the ship, which for a couple months was simply unacceptable.

So the only other oprion was to go by plane. The problem with that was their... unreliability. Pokemon who could fly were often very, very territorial. People weren't sure why they were so much more territorial than other pokemon on land but it pressented a big problem for anybody wishing to fly by plane.

Planes were routed to avoid the territory of strong flying pokemon, but even that wasn't always perfect. Due to this planes were made to fly fast, very fast. Due to the technology of this world it was possible to break through the sound barrier multiple times over and still provide a semi smooth ride to the passengers.

This also easily ate away at the distance making a months long cruise into just a 20 hour plane ride. Plus a lot of the flight was over water eliminating a lot, though not all, of the danger. With those factors it was clear he would take the plane to get to Unova.

He took a taxi to get to the airport, although calling it that was was generous. It was more a hanger with just a couple medium sized planes. With so few people flying here it nothing like the airports back on earth.

Luckily that meant getting onto the plane wasn't a hassle at all. He simply showed his ticket, and the security guard had him fill out some papers then let him on. Those papers he had to sign weren't anything major, just that he understood the risks of flying and agreed to not release any pokemon on the plan, all easy enough stuff.

Even if it was easy to get on, considering the buisness wasn't booming the plane was much more uncomfortable than what he was used to. The chairs may have had leg room, but they were also hard plastic, simply bolted onto the floor. There was no AC, and food and drink wouldn't be served. He even had a maximum weight limit of stuff he could bring abord.

This was all to save on weight incase they needed to go fast. For that same reason the plastic chair had full, hardcore harnesses, to keep you in your seat. Even if they had managed to somehow negate a lot of the g force caused by going so fast, it would still be easy to go flying out of your seat and hit your head against the wall.

As he was the first person on the plane it took a while for the others to trickle in. Not that their were a lot of them, only four total. As they all took their seats he observed the people around him. Their wasn't really anything to right home up, one was an old man who was clearly in the army, the other was what seemed to be a middle aged couple, and the last a pretty upper class lady.

He is sure they all had their own stories about why they would be flying, but luckily enough the seats were far enough apart that he wouldn't have to interact with them. He knows he should probaly get better with people, but he simply doesn't like most people and had been too busy to change that fact. He also doesn't really want to, even if it would probaly be usefull, it wasn't him.

Soon the pilot came on over the comms and told them to strap in. Before he knew it they had taken off. As they rose it only took a couple of seconds for them to leave the city. After that underneath them was simply a vast forest broken up by various mountains and lakes.

It was a couple hours into the trip and he had finished his meditation for the day. He had nothing else to do, with no internet connection, and not having brought a book due to the weight limit, he did the one thing he could do, sleep.

He woke up with a start, suddenly feeling his harness pulling against his chest. At first he came to the logical conclusion that they were being chased by something, he soon spread out his senses. As he did so, he noticed black smoke pouring out of the engine. They were falling, and fast.

He almost immediately came up with a plan, his enhanced brain kicking into overdrive. He would have to teleport out as soon as possible as he would have no idea when they would hit the ground. When a psychic teleports they can chose to carry there moumentum foward or stop dead in their tracks. He would obviously be chosing the second one to not go splat on the ground, even with all his enhancements he probaly wouldn't survive.

His teleportaion range was only about 6 miles, and he couldn't just teleport straight down, otherwise he would just end up being hit by the plane. Luckily, his range was big enough where there wasn't a tight window to teleport and avoid hitting the ground.

He would take the other passengers with him if he could, even if he didn't like them he wasn't heartless, but sadly just like how psychics couldn't mind read or control others if their core hadn't broken, neither could they teleport others.

He took one last look at the passengers and he could see the fear in their eyes. Even if they survived the crash they would be stuck in the wilderness with pokemon surrounding them. As he meet eyes with each of them he waited till he could see the ground quickly approaching and quickly teleported as far diagonally as he could.

Before he could even blink he felt himself standing on the ground looking none the worse for wear. He was lucky he didn't have the ability to teleport into things. Inwardly though, he was exhausted. Stopping so much momentum was very tiring even for him.

He looked up into the air and could see the plane coming down after him, black smoke trailing behind it. In what felt like an eternity, but was probaly seconds, the plane soon hit the ground and went up in a ball of fire.

Sighing, he made his way over there to check for unlikely survivors. As he neared the wreck he could smell the burning wood from the surrounding forest. The plane was small and it would have been simple for him to check over, if it wasn't a crumpled ball. No way anyone survived that. Sighing he walked away to get away from the mess and realease his pokemon. They didn't have to see that.

As he walked he was glad he had trained so hard throughout his life. If he hadn't he could have ended up like the others. Dying due to a single accident with no control over the incident.

Soon he made it a far enough to stop smelling the burning without any incident, most likely due to the fire and noise scaring off any nearby pokemon. He released his team from there pokeballs and had Cali fly out of him, her not having to stay in the pokeball. After they were all situated, though clearly confused, he spoke up.

"Hey girls, there was a little bit of an accident with plane. We are stuck out here for now, It may seem like a lot, but there isn't much to say at this point, we have plenty of food surrounding us, strength to protects ourselves, and it shouldn't be too hard to find water. All we can do is treck fowards and hope to find a nearby town. Any questions?"

The girls were all clearly shocked and still not fully understanding the situation, even Moy, and it was clear they didn't know how to respond, untill finally Alba spoke up.

"Were there any other survivors mom?"

With a sigh and grimace he replied "No Alba, I'm sorry, but I only survived thanks to my abilities, anyone else on the plane is dead."

With a pitiful look in her eyes Alba gloomly nodded and was queit again. Seeing nobody, not even Moy, was willing to speak up he could only continue to give instructions. He could only hope this dour atmosphere wouldn't last for long.

"Moy, Cali, and I will be on your back Alba, as long as you don't mind, Meta you can't fit up there yet, so you will walk alongside us for now. For now all we can do is walk in a direction and hope to come across some sign of civiliazation."

Everbody got into there positions with nary a word and they set off, quiet, yet hopefull it wouldn't take too long to get home. Oh how wrong they were.