

These past three years had been reptitive, for a lack of a better word. But a good kind of repetitive, with all the progress Moy, Meta, and him had made. Starting off with himself, he had defintly made the least progress out of the three, even if it was still a lot. He was only human after all, compared to the unlimited potential of pokemon.

The easist thing to qualify in his progress is how much gravity he was under. At fifteen years old he had 15 times the gravity on him. Rather ironic, but the quick growth compared to his younger years is due to his rapidly growing body. With all of the extra gravity on him he was well outside of normal human norms at this point.

His other physical progress being his scythe skills were also coming along amazingly. At this point he had been training in scythes since he was four years old and had put in well over 10,000 hours into the art. This didn't mean he mastered it like the old saying said it would, but instead meant he pretty much knew everything about it perfectly, and just had to experience it in combat.

Something Scyther was happy to give him. At this point in time their sparring sessions had definitly ramped up, although Scyther was clearly holding back on him, not even having used his moves. Not that he was complaining about that, if Scyther had, he isn't sure he would survive a single one, let alone a whole sparring session.

And that was with him using psychic energy to strengthen his body all around. In these years he had made plenty of progress in his psychic abilities. First off being his techniques. He had mastered the enhancing of his strength, defenses, and healing, and was currently working on farther improving his already ridiculous reaction time, from his incredibly pure psychic energy.

Of course the reason he was able to master three of those abilities in three years was due to the massive bonus Moy had given him to learning those abilites, something that wouldn't apply to what he looking to teach himself next, enhancing his senses. Of course those weren't the only things he had learned during this time, Sabrina had been teaching him about how to feel/"see" his surroundings. The classic cultivator's divine sense.

It would only be a few more weeks before he mastered that, then he was to move on to learning teleportation with Sabrina, something he was greatly excited for, considering it was the first use of psychic energy he had ever seen. All these mastering techniques were just the real side show when it came to increasing his energy though.

At this point he had just recently broken through to the solid stage of the second cycle, and the benefits brought by it were immense. It was more of the same with better reaaction time, memorazation, and enhanced sense but to a very drastic degree. This was of course due to how pure his energy had become after all these years of compressing.

Usually as cycles increase the purple of a psychics energy gets deeper and richer to represent there past cycles purity, but when he breaks through to the next cycle he already expects his energy to be midnight black, and he is curious what will happen in the cycle after that.

Still that would be a long ways away considering thats already the fourth cycle, somewhere only a few psychic in history had even reached, and this planets history was very, very long.

Still, even if his progress was amazing, Moy and Meta's is much more so. Starting off with Moy, although nothing big had yet to happen, it was about to. During this time Moy had finished remastering all her moves and training her resistances. But that didn't take too long with her talent. Instead during this whole time she had been simply increasing her strength. And due to that she was already almost at the peak quasi elite four, and would probaly be ready to evolve in a couple of weeks.

That means in a few months time he would have an elite four rank pokemon. Which was completly ridiculous. Of course the elite four didn't actually only have elite four rank pokemon, they usually had a few or even mostly quasi champions. This was due to the rankings names being set when the elite four was in general weaker than it was nowadays. Still, an elite four class pokemon was what most semi talented trainers would peak at when they were around 50 or 60 years of age and then retire. The fact that he would match the average somewhat talented person in this world at the age of fifteen is mind boggling.

It was often the fact that talented trainers ended up with pokemon that didn't match their talent when younger. This is why it would take them so long to reach elite four class strength, as they first trained their orginal pokemon to the max and then get better talented pokemon, with the money they make from tournaments or resource gathering.

Of course Moy wasn't the only pokemon who had made progress, Meta certainly also had a giant leap in strength. Even bigger if you consider the fact that she has already evolved. Not that that was suprising considering she was advanced rank three years ago, but now she had recently broken through to master rank.

The biggest difference between her and other Crustle's at first glance were the claws. Meta kept the crab like claws she had as a Dwebble instead of Crustle's normal pincers. She not only kept those but she also had an extra pair of legs, giving her eight in total. This was great because it hwlped increase her slow speed, even if only minorly.

Those weren't the only benefits her increased rank had given her. Meta was absolutetly gigantic. As a master rank Crustle she already covered a total of nine square feet of ground, with about a three by three foot body plan. Not only that her block of rock towered over her reaching a wooping 10 feet, giving almost 90 feet cubed of material.

It was absolutly ridiculous how big she was espically considering the biggest Mantor ever recorded only covered 20 square feet, and it was at quasi champion level. Goes to show how much talent and hard work can improve strength.

Of course you couldn't ignore the overall increase of strength Meta got when she evolved, espically in the attack and defense areas. Although, Meta was mainly going to be a tank in the future, she may have high attack but that only came into effect for foes who got close enough to her, as a Crustle she only had high physical defense, and her special defense will only increase as she became a Mantor.

It's sort of like what will happen to Moy when she evolves into Reuniclus, massivly increasing her total health so she can last longer in the much more up close and personal fights she will be getting into as a Reuniclus.

In fact Meta wasn't really fit to be an attacker at all with her extremly slow movement speed. In the future the plan is, that she would defend any back line damage and support from physical attackers who got too close.

Sadly as Meta grew she could no longer sleep with Moy and him, which had led to her being sad at first. Eventually Moy and him had taken up to sleeping on the top of her shell, which made her much more happy to be included even if they were still almost ten feet away from her head. He was lucky his parents had a big enough house that Meta could still fit in his room, if only barely. They would probaly have to start sleeping outside soon if they wanted to include Meta.

One of the few changes over these years was the fact that Moy and Meta got hobbies. Although Moy enjoyed training, it wasn't her passion as she did it more to get stronger than training itself, and she would still get burned out every once in a while. Due to this he introduced her to something he knew she would love, that being anime. He wasn't really into it, even on his old world, never mind the very generic ones on this world, but Moy loved it. She didn't watch too often, busy with training, but it was a treat to cheer her up every once in a while.

Meta on the other hand didn't get burned out as often as Moy, considering she trained more because he told her to than anything else. But whenever she was feeling tired every once in a while she had started to collect rocks which she would look at. Very... boring, but its what she liked so he wouldn't complain. Plus, it was much more something that happened on the road considering it didn't take time to just pick up a rock if she liked it.

He of course didn't have any hobbies. He was a training maniac through and through, as long as you counted studying as training, which he did. In fact it would be better said that training is his hobbie. Healthy? Probaly not, but he was enjoying himself and its not like anyone was stopping him.

These past three years had been a great time of growth for all three of them and before he knew it, it was time for Moy to evolve.

As they gathered and Moy got ready for her evolution he spoke up. "Ready, Moy? This evolution is gonna be a big difference compared to your last one so don't be suprised about any changes. Don't worry though, I know you won't have any problems."

After him Meta also spoke up in her dull voice as usual. "Mm, good luck Moy, I know you can do it."

"Don't worry guys! Moy knows she can do it to! Here Moy goes!" At least Moy got a little better about speaking in third person.

And just like all the other evolutions, he witnessed Moy lit up in a bright white light and soon a seven foot tall Reuniclus appeared where their once was a six foot tall Dousion. Only as he looked close her soon noticed Moy didn't look like a normal Reuniclus. The body type and everything was the same but instead of the normal homologous green blob their was thin lines running through it, espically in the arms almost like fake muscles.

As he was thinking Moy came rushing up to him and wrapped him in a huge hug using her new arms. He soon noticed the hug was crushing, which was weird considering Moy wasn't enhancing her strength, even if Moy is much stronger than normal Reuniclus due to her talent, a hug from her shouldn't hurt so much.

Through a grimacing mouth he spoke, "Moy, Moy! Lighten up please your hurting me."

Immedietly she let go of him and with an imaginary pout on her face asked, "Sorry, daddy. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Moy, more importantly how are you?"

Immedietly she brightened up, "Moy is awesome! Moy feels so much stronger, Moy is sure she can beat that nasty Leavanny now!"

Moy had recently been having trouble defeating Peter's Leavanny. At this point Moy and him were fighting against some of Peter's main team since Peter only had a couple quasi champion rank pokemon, being a quasi champion trainer. Finding that out had certainly been a shock.

Due to this Moy was fighting against a fully evolved peak elite four rank as a second stage quasi elite four. Although talent can make up for a lot it still wasn't possible for Moy to overcome the huge gap between quasi and full elite four, a full evolution, and a type disadvantage. Hopefully as Moy got used to her new strength she would be able to overcome this gap before breaking through.

With a smile on his face he responded "I'm sure you will Moy, why don't you take a rest and tommorow we will start getting you training in some punching moves. But before that remember what we talked about before?"

"Oh thats right here we go daddy!" As she said that she quickly seperated part of the gel from he body and handed it over to him. A reuniclus' gel could be eaten to speed up the energy gathering of a psychic but only by its psychic partner, and only once shortly after evolution. Otherwise it would have no effect. He was really looking foward to how much Moy's gel would increase his energy gathering speed considering how talented she was.

He quickly swallowed it whole and felt nothing at first but looking into his mind he quickly saw the enregy gathering quicker, plus with a quick test it was easier to hold down his energy, meaning he could do it for longer.

With a fond smile on his face he said "Alright Moy thanks a lot, lets gets some sleep."

"Okay Daddy! The faster Moy gets to sleep the faster she can learn punches! Come my loyal steed Meta, and let us lay upon thou back!"

It seems Moy was still as childish as ever, even after her evolution. Still true to his word the next day they went out to practice Moy's punching moves. Due to gaining arms in her new evolution she would be training new punching moves over the next few months while also regathering and condensing her strength, preparing to break through to the elite four level.

As he was guiding Moy through the basics of hammer arm he quickly realized what the new lines running through her body were. He was right in the fact that they quite literally fake muscle giving her even more strength to her non enhanced body, which will only pack more of a punch once she is enhanced.

He also soon realized something else, Moy was learning the move increadibly fast, not that suprising considering her talent, and the move being particulary suitable for the Reuniclus line, but Moy had already grown pretty proficent in it much faster than even those factors would imply.

He asked Moy to come over, and he had her quickly convert her energy into fighting type energy, without doing anything with it. As he expected she put 1X the enregy in but got 1.5X the energy out. This is what happened when you convert energy of a type the pokemon has. Moy had gained the fighting type.

He suspected this was due to her violet talent giving such a drastic change to her. Pokemon with divergent typings usually have them at birth and don't develop them later. Although it isn't unheard of for pokemon to develop types early. For example his moms Ninetales had devolped the psychic typing when it evolved from a Vulpix, something that Ninetales usually only gains when it evolves into Manytales.

This was great news to Moy due to the great physical attack of the fighting type and she was very happy about it. After all if it made her better at punching things how could she not be happy. Plus the fake muscle allowed for even more efficent strength enhancing, making Moy even happier.

Before he knew it a few months had passed and Moy had learned all the new moves that she could. She hadn't made a brakthrough yet, considering she hadn't fully comprhended her truth, but they were hoping that it would happen in the battle against Peter's Leavanny today.

They made their way down to the field and soon met with Petter there, and he spoke up in his jovial tone as he saw them approaching.

"My boy! Come to challenge me again! You sure have come far since you were a little kid, but don't think you will be besting me just yet! Come on out Leavanny, show them what we are made of!"

As Peter through out his pokeball out came a beutifull Leavanny, with grace and elegance. Moy also made her way onto the field and they both took stances. As they did so it sas clear Leavanny had a minor decrease in strength. This was the mastery aura pokemon gain from mastering moves. It wasn't a lot, but for example Leavanny' special defense was lowered by 2%, among other things. Leavanny probaly also had a few mastered move but it seemed as if Reuniclus negated them through the masteries that increased her power instead.

"Come on Moy! Show them how strong you are now! Laser Focus into Fire Punch!"

"Leavanny, use Agility than X-Scissor!"

Normally agility would be a good way to ensure Leavanny could close in without getting hit by Reuniclus' massive arms, but he had played enough with Peter to know how he battled, which wasn't super great for experience, but it was something he ignored when he just wanted to learn. Which wasn't now, now he wanted to win. Due to this he used laser focus which was a good counter for agility allowing Moy to easily see Leavanny as she moved towards her.

At that point the battle was almost anti climatic, Moy got one good punch in and although Levanny wasn't completly knocked out, it was clear there was no purpose in continuing. Of course, damaging Leavanny so much with just one punch was very impressive, and probaly wouldn't have happened if Moy hadn't gotten the fighting type, and the increased energy to strength efficancy if the fake muscles.

"Moy did it daddy! Moy did it! Praise me, praise me!" He could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Good job Moy I knew you could do it, any ideas for your truth now?"

"Moy has it! Moy just needs to sit down, and Moy is sure she will break through in no time!"

"Great Moy! Peter we are off see you tommorow!"

As Peter watched Moy and Daniel walk away he couldn't help but mutter under his breath "What a monster."

Moy and him quickly returned to his room along with Meta and waited as Moy sat there with her eyes closed, before they knew it she started radiating a different type of strength and she quickly opened her eyes growing another foot and seeming to have more lines run through her.

"Haha Moy did it! Moy is now invincible! All shall tremble before me! ... except daddy.. and Meta, Moy gueses..., Nonetheless all shall tremble before the great Moy!"

Wuth a stern voice he called out to Moy, "Moy calm down, you are no where near invincible, is everything ok? What type of truth did you comprhend?"

With a sad voice Moy said "Sorry daddy, Moy is all good." Brightining up she continued, "Moy comprhended the most powerfull truth of all "The Fist is King", as long as Moy strikes hers foes hard enough, long enough, and enough enough, they shall all fall before her!"

With a deadpan face he responded, "That would be what you comprehend, isn't it. Sigh, well, why don't we all take a break today and celebrate and resume training tommorow. Sound good girls?"

"Sounds good daddy!"

"If that is what you wish father."